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Interpersonal Communication, Self-Concept, and Perception


Interpersonal Communication is the practice of transferring messages across individuals whose lifestyles cumulatively impact one another in distinctive patterns in response to cultural and social conventions and situations. There are numerous implications of interpersonal interaction for real-world individuals. Particularly in the business, there are fundamental ideas that underpin all interpersonal communications. Such guidelines help determine how well new hires communicate and interact with others. The interpersonal communication concepts that could benefit a new hire are covered in this piece of writing, along with an explanation of how each concept would affect the new hire’s connections, both personally and professionally. It will also go through some of the manners in which how an awareness of perceptions framework and self-concept can affect one another in interpersonal interactions.

The Three Principles

Interestingly, the fundamentals of interpersonal Communication are concepts associated with Communication. Interpersonal Communication is a tremendously vital attribute for a worker as it is one of the greatest criteria in work and is additionally a vital aspect for the equivalent aspect (Prediger & Harendza, 2021). One of the most prominent areas for improvement of the new hires will be their inability to communicate effectively. Listed below are the three guiding concepts that would help a new hire. Three things are true about interpersonal Communication: First, Interpersonal Communication is irreversible. Secondly, it is inevitable, and finally, it is Contextual.

Interpersonal Communication is Irreversible. Once someone speaks, they cannot take back or unsay anything they have said. Words have great power and can motivate or even cause harm. The person who speaks has complete control over it. The new hire should be aware that realizing this is the most effective approach to improve their abilities to communicate with others. Because of this, the worker will always see interpersonal Communication as a means of inspiring others and developing a good working rapport.

Interpersonal Communication is Inevitable. It is impossible to avoid Communication, particularly in work environments. No worker is ever able to flee from it. Such interpersonal communication concept eloquently illustrates the idea that Communication is a continuous process. Nonetheless, such an idea will instruct the new worker that the degree of communication quality is determined by the degree to which a sender may be comprehended by the recipient of a specific message (Petronio et al., 2021). Consequently, communicating in a language that is correct and easy to understand for the other individual is essential to improving one’s communication abilities.

Interpersonal Communication is contextual. Interpersonal communication emphasizes how different circumstances and interpersonal relationships affect the exchange of information (Petronio et al., 2021). In essence, this approach will educate the new staff that Communication must continuously be amenable and adaptable for adjustment and acclimatization.


The entirety of a composite, methodical, and nevertheless effective framework of learned beliefs, optimism, and valued consciousness that people have concerning themselves is known as their self-concept (Mattingly et al., 2020). Put differently, it is an assortment of convictions regarding an individual’s self-perception. It is typically combined with concepts like self-worth and self-awareness.


According to Koester et al. (2021), perception is the synchronization, identification, and interpretation of sensory cues in order to categorize and comprehend the stimuli or environment that are being delivered (Koester et al., (2021). Particularly, perception uses both the senses—mental and sensory—to understand our surroundings. It is an independent method of deciphering an event through the interpretation of information, translation of sensory input based on experiences, and construction of conceptual frameworks.

 Impact on Interpersonal Communication

Interpersonal Communication provides insight into a person’s mindset and conduct, which are influenced by their self-concept. For instance, a person’s motivational level and other life characteristics define their self-concept and affect how people view and value themselves (Petronio et al., 2021). Self-awareness and self-perception are revealed to other people via interpersonal Communication, and this knowledge can influence how other individuals react to any particular person.

However, perception affects interpersonal Communication since people react uniquely to changes depending on how they see them. In work environments, for instance, perception can be arbitrary in that numerous individuals may perceive universal concepts entirely differently based on various variables, such as culture. It could affect how workers do their duties, depending on how different taught concepts and information affect them. As a result, how someone communicates influences the way they think other people perceive them, which influences how they respond.


In summary, this piece has clarified and highlighted the ways in which interpersonal communication concepts affect interactions in the professional as well as personal arenas. The paper has established that the fundamentals of interpersonal Communication are “inevitable, contextual, and irreversible”. Importantly, staff members are constantly recognizing interpersonal interaction as a means of inspiring one another and developing a good working rapport. It has also been demonstrated that perspective and self-concept affect interaction between individuals. Interpersonal Communication is impacted by perception, for instance, since people respond uniquely to shifts in perception. However, during interpersonal conversation, an individual’s demeanour and conduct can be exposed as a reflection of their self-concept.


Koester, M., Bejarano, C. M., Davis, A. M., Brownson, R. C., Kerner, J., Sallis, J. F., … & Carlson, J. A. (2021). Implementation contextual factors related to community-based active travel to school interventions: a mixed methods interview study. Implementation science communications2(1), 94.

Mattingly, B. A., McIntyre, K. P., & Lewandowski, G. W. (Eds.). (2020). Interpersonal relationships and the self-concept. Springer.

Petronio, S., Child, J. T., & Hall, R. D. (2021). Communication privacy management theory: Significance for interpersonal Communication. In Engaging theories in interpersonal Communication (pp. 314-327). Routledge.

Prediger, S., & Harendza, S. (2021). Perspective matters: assessment of medical students’ Communication and interpersonal skills by simulated patients from the internal and external patient perspective. GMS Journal for Medical Education38(4).


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