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Intensive Care Unit Essays

Reduction of Hospital Acquired Pressure Injuries in the Intensive Care Unit

Introduction Financial management is one of the important aspects of any Healthcare Organization and, therefore, critical because it contributes to the quality and provision of patient care. The above health environment is quite hard and challenging when patients need the best care, but there are challenges such as budget constraints as well as rising costs, ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1793

ICU Challenges During COVID-19 Pandemic in Saudi Arabia

Introduction The Intensive Care Unit alludes to the therapy that is specifically given to the people who are unwell intensively and need clinical consideration on a daily. The ICU idea emerged from the staggering Copenhagen polio pandemic of 1952, which brought about many casualties encountering respiratory and bulbar disappointment. North of 300 patients required artificial ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1307
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