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Intelligence Gathering Essays

White Paper on Interagency Operations in DC That Led Up Pearl Harbor Attacks

Thesis Statement The failure of interagency coordination and communication efforts in Washington before the Pearl Harbor attack led to a situation where the military was under-informed and made that nation unprepared for the attacks. Therefore, people realize how vital collaboration is to ensure safety within any given locality or country. This deficiency stemmed from several ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3180

Comparing and Contrasting Human Intelligence Espionage and Technical Espionage

Introduction Espionage is an exercise that has been used for centuries by using governments, groups, and people to gain a bonus over their adversaries. It is the act of accumulating mystery records or intelligence without the understanding or consent of the goal. There are basic forms of espionage – Human Intelligence (HUMINT) and Technical Intelligence ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2192
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