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Indoor Air Quality Essays

Exploring Construction Methods and Materials for Residential House

Introduction Human comfort is a subjective and multidimensional concept that depends on various factors, such as thermal, visual, acoustic, and indoor air quality. Considering the fact that the various building types serve different purposes in different locations with different occupancies, the human comfort study has become an essential variable in designing a building in conformity ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2213

Balancing Comfort and Safety in a Residential Building

Introduction Imagine a home designed for human well-being, a residential building where comfort is a number one priority. Imagine bright rooms flooded with natural light, cozy climates matched to suit the time of year, and peacefulness, through and through, all situated within a dwelling where the well-being of its occupants is the top concern. Creating ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2514
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