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Indigenous People Essays

How Did TRC Call to Action of Settlement Treaty Groups To Adopt the Directive of the United Nations on the Indigenous People’s Rights Promote Reconciliation?

Canadian history is characterized by several legacies that influenced the lives of citizens in the country. The system of the Indian Residential School (IRS) stands out as one of the most disgraceful and detrimental legacies in the history of Canada (McKee & Forsyth, 2019). It was characterized by government-financed and church-run institutions that mistreated the ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2117

Education and Employment As Contemporary Issues Impacting Indigenous Australians

Aboriginal Australians have been subjected to many structural problems throughout history, including significant disparities in education and employment rates. Indigenous Australians frequently have lower levels of educational attainment and higher unemployment rates than non-Indigenous Australians, even though they make up more than 3 percent of Australia’s total population (He et al., 2021). According to Educate ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2183
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Native Health Care Disparities

Introduction There are several difficulties with the native health care service. One difficulty is the lack of access to care. There are not enough healthcare providers in native communities, and many native people live in rural areas where it is difficult to get to a doctor or a hospital. Another difficulty is the lack of ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1542

Police Discrimination Against Indigenous People in Canada

The extensive technological development has increased videos on phones and social media platforms; as a result, there is more attention on the issue of racial disparities in policing indigenous and other minorities. Despite that, police discrimination, such as excessive force, has not decreased. Aboriginals and black people have a higher chance of experiencing police violence ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1581

Health Inequalities Between Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Australian Children

Introduction This research aims to understand more about the health inequalities among non-Indigenous and Indigenous kids in Australia. Health challenges impacting Australian children include tobacco usage, child respiratory illnesses, ear health, and hearing loss. Our health and wellbeing are influenced by the living and working environments that compose our social environment. In general, the greater ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1456

Intersectional Theory and the Understanding of the Experiences of Women, Racial, and Indigenous Peoples Within Dominant Social Structures and Processes

Introduction According to Benzecry et al. (2017), sociological studies involve social interactions, events, and patterns. Sociologists aim to develop sociological theories in an attempt to explain why events and things occur or work as they do. According to studies, the purpose of a sociological theory is largely to explain social phenomena. In this regard, a ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 4075

Reflection on Indigenous People Within Canada

Treaty Understandings First and foremost, a treaty is an understanding or an agreement, whether verbal or written, between two or more parties that s legally binding under the subjects of international law. This paper will reflect on the treaty understandings within the indigenous people of Canada, a topic that has caused much debate over the ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1602

Australian Indigenous Education

Introduction The current education system in Australia faces constant comparison of its student attainment standards both nationally and globally with high levels of testing in that various comparable nations have initiated a significant component of the educational terrain. Subsequently, education is highlighted and exemplified as a vital constituent of eliminating socioeconomic marginalization. Nonetheless, the focus ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2369

State of Indigenous People in Canada

Introduction This research seeks to answer the following research question; For a particular group: what is the degree of poverty; how has this shifted over time; which members of the group are more likely to experience poverty and why; how effective are the current policies in decreasing poverty and what policies would be better. Therefore, ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3141

Slide Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People

Introduction Without bias, all people are entitled to basic human rights. Indigenous persons have kept suffering the impacts of failure of protection of their universal human rights by the Australian government, and they endure different kinds of racism in numerous parts of their lives. There are considerable discrepancies between the migrants’ and indigenous people’s experiences ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1358

Canada’s First People

Introduction Canada’s first people include the First Nations, Inuit, and Métis. They are known as the Aboriginal or Indigenous people. Aboriginal refers to people who lived in an area or a geographic location before individuals from various ethnic backgrounds arrived. They established social, historical, political, and economic traits unique to those of the prevailing communities wherein they reside through ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2196

Aboriginal Employment Strategy Redfern

Introduction Indigenous people are empowered by Aboriginal Employment Strategy (AES), a national recruitment and training agency, which provides work opportunities and helps job seekers thrive in their careers through mentorship, training, and specialized support. In addition to being a place of employment, AES is a place of learning (Aboriginal Employment Strategy, 2022). Local inhabitants, as ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1098

Overrepresentation of Indigenous People in Canada’s Criminal Justice System

Introduction In recent years, the overrepresentation of indigenous Canadians in Canada’s criminal justice system has received much attention. Since the 1980s, various commissions in the country have been addressing indigenous justice issues. Irrespective of the policy recommendations and research emerging from the inquiries of such commissions, organizations, and individuals, the problem continues to worsen. This ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1598
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