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India-Pakistan Conflict Essays

Advancing Peace and Stability in the India-Pakistan Conflict

Introduction The root of the longstanding conflict between India and Pakistan about Kashmir, a disputed region, lay in British–India’s turbulent 1947 partition. With the unrestrained haste of independence hither and demarcation on new borders, along religious lines immediately Kashmir’s predominantly Muslim part causing antagonistic birth became hot. After about 75 years, both countries still make ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1534

Territorial Disputes and Securitization: A Case Study of the India-Pakistan Conflict

Introduction In the complex and generally established India-Pakistan struggle, the securitization of regional disputes arises as a fundamental focal point through which to grasp the diverse elements at play. This paper contends that the securitization of regional questions between India and Pakistan has had a significant effect on provincial elements, military posing, and conciliatory relations. ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 4123
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