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Improving Performance Through Change Management

Companies must adjust to external changes that occur. These changes are in the consumer’s best interests; the firm’s competitiveness in the market and the change in management system allow the company to respond to changes as they occur. Failure to adapt to these changes leads to a market disadvantage and a relative financial crisis. With successful management of change, employees become motivated, promoting positive teamwork. The company also maintains a continuous evolution state, allowing the workers to remain productive even with further change. Without an effective management system, the company’s transition process might be rocky. Change in management also increases employee morale and develops competent skills.

Employees and management both have a part in the implementation of change. While the personnel finishes the meticulous work, the management shows bravery by taking chances. The management used a lean management structure, allowing employees to be open and free with active engagement, resulting in increased participation. The employees also embraced the training, which equipped them with the skills needed to face the latest establishments in the external world. Managers were also responsible for enforcing the change by identifying the steps needed to make the change, allocating resources, recruiting the personnel, and measuring the success. The management team had to communicate appropriately for the change to be effective. The employees, on the other hand, had to be receptive.

Global used the form of interventions used by other change agents. They used the diagnostic step to identify the employee’s opinion on the working environment. They used the opinion survey questionnaire that the employees had to fill out and submit directly to the HR department. The changes these workers recommended were reported and put into consideration. The teamwork step was utilized by holding a joint meeting with the salespeople to identify the problem in sales personnel performance. The workers were motivated to participate in their discussions actively. Training employees with the help of external consultants enabled the employees to develop new beliefs and attitudes.

To encourage positive employee behavior, the management team must ensure they are satisfied with their jobs. Encouraging employee engagement and emotional connection makes them feel comfortable around the work environment. The management should also help with their issues and problems to avoid anxiety. Adopting changes that improve the work environment helps with the retention of jobs, improves relationships between workers and managers, progresses worker performance, and advances the quality of customer service. The employees should be receptive for effective change to occur. It is crucial to involve employees in the change process to cooperate (Aarathy et al., 2004). Interview the employees about their feelings on the changes deployed. Effective delegation between the management and employees gives the employees the feeling of involvement to share the responsibility for change. Communication channels should also be manipulated to ensure employees understand what is expected.

By analyzing the strengths and weaknesses, Murphy was able to identify areas he needed to focus on. His approach was appropriate since it wasn’t one-sided, and this gave him a chance to identify the right way to go. Benchmarking from leading banks enables both to capture skills that will enable achievement of objectives. The two banks have two different strategies; one focuses on raising funds at the lowest cost while the other understands customers and customized solutions. This way, he can identify the most suitable approach or even both. Rewarding employees enable the institution to keep the employees motivated. The employees strive to perform well to make better pay.

The employees are the tool that experiences the natural world and hence understand it better. Resistance to change can be justified, but change is inevitable. The external environment changes every day, and they need to adjust, despite their attitude about the lower-end clients. Insisting on the benefits of these changes enables them to respond to the change positively and urges them to meet the bank’s objectives. Training is appropriate for the bank to enhance employee response to change. The employees might have difficulty adjusting to the change, but these are the same changes that enable them to compete with their colleagues in other departments effectively. To achieve financial growth, the employees ought to be flexible and open to change. In addition, it is important that the workers react to the changes positively and not behave as if they are being forced to comply. Good attitude to change is key for growth in any business entity.

Compensation and rewards relative to good performance also motivate them. Offering the employees a sneak pic of the benefits’ outcomes to this change enables them to redefine their goals and increase productivity. A feedback outlet lets employees know how they are doing relative to their colleagues. It increases competition and, consequently, productivity. Offering personalized training enables the crew to personally understand the change and its benefits to both the institution and themselves. Making them aware of the future outcomes of any change in the entity motivates the workers adequately to maximize quality production of work. In addition, the leaders also have to possess positive attitude and create a good atmosphere that compels workers to be open to change.


Aarathy, M., Madhubala, B., & Sridevi, C. (2004). Improving Performance through Change Management. ICMR Centre for Management Research. https://file:///C:/Users/BIGMAN/Downloads/404-025-1%20(1)%20(1).pdf


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