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Impact of Mass Media

The relationship between the mass media’s disordered behavior, particularly on violence based on TV, the internet, and video games, has brought up a debate that should be discussed. Over the last few years, cons, corner individuals, and scholars have seen the potential impact of media exposure on children’s curiosity as attempting to understand the relationship between media consumption and behavioral outcomes. One of the most critical aspects of this relationship is the influence of violence in mass media on the aggression of children in our societies. Some theories, such as social learning theory, say that most children learn behaviors by observing and imitating while others are practicing, as in mass media. The theory suggests that exposure to violence may lead to the imitation of behaviors in most children.

The impact of violence on TV has brought primary concern for the issue. This is where children spend most of their time on television, and they may be susceptible to the messages through violent events. The researchers finding have been mixed up, with some of the studies suggesting a relationship between exposure to violent TV and increased aggression, mostly in children. In contrast, others emphasize the importance of contributing factors like family environment and individual differences. Similarly, the rise of the internet has brought new challenges in understanding the relationship between mass media and behavioral disorders Scott et al.,2019). With the new platform, children are exposed to different information and entertainment happening globally, and most of the rising concern impacts the minds of young individuals.

The studies dealing with the relationship between video game violence and aggressive behavior have brought different results. Some of the researchers suggest that playing violent video games will lead to a short-term increase in aggression, as other studies argue that the long-term effects are minimal compared with the additional suggestion. The debate continues as the researchers try to establish a clear relationship between video game violence and natural aggression that is affecting young individuals worldwide.

Factors such as parental involvement, education and the family environment play a vital role in dealing with the impact of mass media on small children. The American Academy of Pediatrics has provided some guidelines to help parents deal with their children’s media consumption to support and help them Morrison et al., 2019). The guidelines suggest limiting screen time, choosing appropriate content that is more educative, and looking for time to discuss the messages from the media with the children. Parental involvement is considered a crucial mitigation factor as it gives the potential effects of mass media on children’s behavior.

Despite the debate that is going on worldwide, it is essential to recognize that not all children are exposed to violent media. The parenting style and the overall environment build an environment where a child may grow up and contribute to the importance of their behavioral outcomes that will help the child. However, media programs have brought ways to empower children and foster a more discerning approach to media messages.

In conclusion, the relationship between mass media and disorder behavior concerning violence on TV, the internet, and video games is a complex topic that should be dealt with. While the research has discovered the potential link between exposure to violence and media content and increased aggression, mostly in children th, the evidence is not concluded. The roles and other factors like parental involvement, family environment, and individual differences cannot be dealt with. So, it is the role of parents and educators to engage and make conversations about media and establish guidelines for the age of children exposed to mass media. Understanding mass media’s impact on behavior generally requires a comprehensive approach to dealing with it.


Scott, H., & Woods, H. C. (2019). Understanding links between social media use, sleep and mental health: recent progress and current challenges. Current sleep medicine reports5, 141-149.

Morrison, A. K., Glick, A., & Yin, H. S. (2019). Health literacy: implications for child health. Paediatrics in Review40(6), 263-277.


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