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Identification as a Service (IDaaS)

Identity-as-a-service is a subscription model existing on the cloud, and it provides access services to customers using third-party providers. It also has functions and works over the internet, giving the providers access to on-premises. It has different functions and ensures that organizations can have more accessible and low-cost access management systems. Many tenants access the service on the platform, and it also uses the host delivery of services with the model brokers that formulate the identity management systems. The core aspects include provisioning, cloud applications, user authentication for access, and intelligence for identity monitoring and reporting.

Identity Management

It ensures that the organizations provide access to only the right people and the proper use of technology in the authentications and identifications. It also uses them to offer authorization for their activities, actions, and performance for work. The systems have access rights and confidential file management, and they also use some of the cyber security issues and threats in management and keeping the organization proceeds. It is essential in protecting against many emerging threats (Fisher et al., 2021). IDaas are essential in the wake of many cyber security threats, and they ensure better protection as digital threats increase. The secure identity platform is essential in getting the core activities among all the users and working with enterprise solutions. The general activities ensure that there is less time spent on repairs, having better updaters, and also improving system abilities.

The solution provided has automation, and they also offer sustainable protection with the growth in the companies where there is a need for work with clear responsibilities and an increased demand for better functions of such solutions. They have to adapt within the cyber security spaces. Some of its objectives include the delivery of access to services and efficient and cost-effective processes (Mears, 2018). They are better at streamlining the activities and getting better organizations of the platform with the empowering of business and also having the reduced workload and the help offered to the operations teams to get them to work effectively. They provide the services with access requests, aiming to streamline user access in organizations and formulate a better system that can define their access and have a better and more effective workload to function with.

It also offers protection against security threats where the system they use needs quick identifications and formulations of the correct and potential exposure, inappropriate access, policy violations, and unsecured data processes and activities. They offer more rights in using the solutions, the use of enterprises in getting the proper policy application, and the elimination of risks that may lead to the remediation of inappropriate use of enterprises (Ducatel, 2015). They also guide towards the meeting of the compliance and regulation needs and also the requirements with the privacy needs. They have to work on replacing the expansive application of the use of paper documentation and also have better auditable practices with secure certifications for access.

Examples of the software include single sign-on, which is a service offering authentication and access for multiple applications by using similar identity credentials. It is a solution that offers remedies to the identity problems. Multi-factor authentication also advances security and control for organizations with essential solutions and use in the new system frameworks and with no security sacrifices (Fisher et al., 2021). Identify management is also a service that ensures only the correct and authorized people have access to the system, and they can also gain access to such data and resources. They also have to focus on the correct responses. Provisioning also works in the role assignment within the system, where the profile deletes when the worker leaves the organization. It is also essential in applications with active directories. They can lead to many issues and complications, which cause the need to offer solutions.


Some of the top challenges include the need for more centralized views. Many of the companies are moving to have the on-site switch and offer that for data storage and led data decentralizations. It gives many such departments the freedom in the use of the data. The centralized use of the systems also means some have to plan activities and attributes and get the data to move from central systems and activities. They also need a user identification system (Mears, 2018). There are also challenges in user lifecycle management. In such cases, they are strategic plans used to get new users onboard and to have smooth access and use of many devices within the industry. Such challenges are within access request management with the limit in device access and the change of roles. Activities such as promotions require a change in access and the use of crucial stages in applications and standard employment processes.

They also keep the applications integrations, and they have the focus on centralization of the single-sign-on management. They need different building of integrations that may lead to a solution that helps the system. Some of the IT difficulties that face such activities also have the focus and the need to have change systems for expansion and the immediate servicing of activities (Ducatel, 2015). There are also challenges in compliance and visibility with the use of tools in third-party systems. There is importance in applications’ data access on the cloud, making it a better and more advanced system for use. It also offers the application within the employee auditing and has the application data for system application and control.

Company and Solutions

Many companies have adopted IDaas, and they offer different solutions. IBM offers access management to businesses. It is a solution that ensures there is accessible access provision, and it also uses the cost reduction method and systems. Microsoft Azure provides active directory services with convenient and secure solutions that offer support to applications and identity (Fisher et al., 2021). It has single-sign-on services with identification and also has limited allowances. Okta offers an edge over the competition with single-sign-on and access management. It also has many other services with authentication and lifecycle management.

VMware offers identity management with authentication and login services, and it also has critical use of services and mobile applications. They also have risk access and ensure better information is used on such systems. Oracle identity management as a cloud service is also an automated system with provisioning solutions. The activities are better for security automation, and they also use it in better organizations of their work and cloud journey. Google Cloud identities solution manages users with the central system. It ensures three is management across systems and also having the account domain on such activities and systems. They use the profiles to get central systems and locations with the reflections on cloud activities.


IDaas is a better adoption as the services and solutions can help in better and more effective business management. They ensure there is a reduction in costs by eliminating the need for equipment purchases, the specialization among staff, and the focus on operations. It also provides the users with better experiences and reduces friction caused on set. Others include the increase in revenue and possible customer loyalty. Having the power of identity from the cloud would ensure that organizations have better connections to manage, govern, and empower all people.


Ducatel, G. (2015, September). Identity as a service: A cloud-based joint capability. In 2015 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS) (pp. 675–679). IEEE.

Fisher, W., Brown, C., Russell, M., Umarji, S., & Scarfone, K. (2021). Identity as a Service for Public Safety Organizations (No. NIST Internal or Interagency Report (NISTIR) 8335 (Draft)). National Institute of Standards and Technology.

Mears, J. (2018). The rise and rise of ID as a service. Biometric Technology Today2018(2), 5–8.


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