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Ideal Work Environment

Professionals in many professions want the perfect workplace; this paper discusses the importance of creating such a workplace and the assignment’s goals. In today’s competitive employment environment, people want financial security and a workplace that promotes personal and professional progress while being ethical (Herrity 2021). Identifying and understanding the characteristics of an optimal work environment is crucial. Employee well-being, happiness, and productivity depend on a good work environment (W3C 2020). A well-designed workplace promotes business success by encouraging a unified culture and good management. This study examines the policies, behaviors, and ethics that create such an environment. It will also examine how diversity and inclusion affect organizational performance. By exploring these areas, we may learn about the perfect workplace.

Describe a great working environment

Description of the Ideal Work Environment

Walmart Warehouse: A Walmart warehouse was fast-paced and physically demanding. With tight schedules, efficiency, and productivity were vital (Herrity 2021). This job improved time management and collaboration, but also had drawbacks. The long hours, repeated duties, and physical strain made the job emotionally and physically exhausting. It was educational; however it needed a proper work-life balance and personal development possibilities.

Restaurant Cook: Restaurant cooking presented unique obstacles. The kitchen was fast-paced and required accuracy and rapid decisions. The fast-paced profession required long hours and little breaks. It improved cooking abilities and collaboration, but work-life balance was difficult (W3C 2020). Working late and on weekends in restaurants might affect personal life and well-being. The culinary experience was excellent; however, the work atmosphere might be better.

Current Position at Christian Health: I supervise dining and nutrition services at Christian Health, an institution I love. This employment differs from my prior ones and better fits my preferred work atmosphere. Christian Health’s workplace values community and employee well-being. The company promotes staff growth and learning. The workplace promotes cooperation and individual contributions, providing a happy and inclusive atmosphere that matches my ideal workplace.

Current Position at Christian Health

  • Aspiring Department Director: My ideal workplace hinges on my goal of department directorship. I want to be part of a leadership team that develops clear organizational missions, objectives, and goals. My job would be to lead and empower my team, making them feel appreciated and driven. There would be chances to make strategic choices, affect organizational direction, and help the company succeed.
  • Working Conditions: My ideal workplace prioritizes work-life balance. When feasible, flexible hours help people balance work and life. Ergonomic workplaces and mental and physical well-being programs would be implemented to promote staff health and comfort. These elements foster a healthy workplace.
  • Salary and Advancement: A good workplace pays well and recognizes workers’ efforts. Career progression, skill development, and professional improvement should be evident. Employees might grow in the company with easy access to continuous education and training.
  • Nature of the Work: Work should be exciting and meaningful, allowing people to apply their talents and creativity. Employees should know how their job fits the company’s goal and vision. Team members should feel belonging and shared purpose via cooperation, open communication, and creativity.

According to my prior experiences and professional goals, an ideal work environment balances challenging and gratifying work, a strong sense of community, personal development possibilities, competitive salary, and employee well-being. Organizations must focus on employee development, effective leadership, and a culture that honors individual and collective contributions to create this perfect workplace (W3C, 2020). Such an atmosphere boosts employee happiness and company success.

Policies and Practices for a Cohesive Organizational Culture

Mission, Values: Organizational culture is built on a clear objective and fundamental principles that govern decision-making and conduct. Well-written mission statements provide workers with purpose and direction. A shared identity and commitment are created when workers can readily match their jobs with the organization’s goal and values. Regular communication and reminders of the purpose and values, including them in performance assessments, and utilizing them as a foundation for all organizational decision-making may reinforce these concepts. Emphasizing and integrating purpose and values into company culture helps workers feel like they belong, are motivated, and work together to achieve objectives.

Expected Goals: Setting shared objectives based on purpose and values helps build a cohesive culture. Goals should be explicit, quantifiable, and associated with the company’s purpose and strategy. Employees must understand how their efforts help achieve these objectives (Herrity 2021). Regular goal-setting meetings, performance measures connected to company objectives, and progress monitoring may help build unified goals. When workers can perceive a clear connection between their job and the company’s goals, it boosts their feeling of purpose and inspires cooperation to achieve them.

Hiring practices: Hiring practices shape company culture. Candidates should match the organization’s values and culture as well as their talents and credentials. Policies and procedures should encourage diversity and inclusion, ensure new personnel share fundamental values, and mission commitment (W3C 2020). Structured interview questions that measure cultural fit, reference checks, and interviewing existing workers may assist. By hiring people that fit the company’s culture from the start, firms may avoid team disputes and create a more peaceful workplace.

Community Engagement: Building a unified company culture requires community involvement. An organization’s community involvement encourages social responsibility and builds employee ties. Volunteering, charity collaborations, and community event sponsorship are examples of community involvement policies. These events allow workers to work together outside of their typical duties, encouraging collaboration and camaraderie and promoting the company in the community. Community participation also promotes the idea that the firm is a force for good in society, giving workers a feeling of purpose outside of work.

Employee belonging and Value: A unified culture requires every employee to feel valued and connected. Policies and procedures should actively promote diversity, equality, and inclusiveness (W3C 2020). Anti-discrimination policies, diversity and inclusion training, and activities to honor diverse personnel may be used. Employee resource groups and mentoring programs may help workers connect, discuss, and feel appreciated. Embracing workers’ unique viewpoints and abilities creates a feeling of belonging, which motivates cooperation and collaboration.

Personal and Organizational Goal Commitment: Shared personal and corporate objectives form a coherent organizational culture. Policies and procedures should foster ongoing learning and development, giving staff chances to grow and learn (Herrity 2021). This commitment may be supported through performance reviews, feedback channels, and career development programs that match employee objectives with the company’s. The organization’s investment in workers’ personal development and achievement encourages them to strive for the organization’s objectives, producing a peaceful and goal-oriented workplace.

Discuss managerial behaviors that should be common in a great work environment

Great work environments depend on managers’ behavior and leadership. These people shape company culture and employee experiences. Several habits are essential for a happy workplace:

  • Good Communication: Managers must communicate well. This involves effectively communicating facts and carefully listening to employee issues and comments. Honest, upfront communication builds trust and avoids misunderstandings (Herrity 2021). Two-way communication by managers makes workers feel heard and appreciated.
  • Empowerment: Giving workers job responsibilities and decision-making ability empowers them. This encourages initiative and innovation by giving workers ownership and authority. Empowerment improves morale and organizational problem-solving.
  • Clear purpose, Vision, and Goals: Managers should define their teams’ or departments’ purpose and vision. Understanding the larger purpose and long-term objectives gives workers direction and significance. Managers must link their team’s goals to the company’s purpose so everyone recognizes their role.
  • Caring About workers: Managers should care about their workers’ personal and professional well-being. This includes helping them improve professionally, expressing empathy in difficult circumstances, and providing growth chances (W3C 2020). Managers that care about their workers’ performance and satisfaction develop trust and loyalty.
  • Recognition and Appreciation: Employees should be recognized for their work. Managers should constantly recognize and reward outstanding performance with bonuses or other recognition. Employee recognition stimulates and reinforces good conduct.
  • Conflict Resolution: Conflicts are unavoidable, but how they are handled tremendously affects the workplace (Herrity 2021). Managers should be able to settle disagreements, resolve difficulties quickly, and foster a courteous workplace. Well-managed disagreements improve teamwork and production.

Ethics and Morality’s Impact on an Organization:

Morality and ethics shape an organization’s culture, reputation, and success. Organizational ethics shape how workers, customers, and stakeholders see and interact with the organization. Upholding ethical values builds trust and credibility, fostering long-term partnerships and a favorable image (Tamunomiebi & Ehior 2019). A corporation that follows ethical supply chain policies treats employees decently, preventing expensive issues and boycotts. Unethical actions, such as fraud or environmental violations, may result in legal issues, reputation damage, and financial losses.

Diversity and Inclusion’s Impact on an Organization

Today’s globalized world requires diversity and inclusion for business success. Diverse employees with different origins, cultures, and viewpoints help solve problems and provide new ideas. Inclusive workplaces enhance morale by making all workers feel appreciated and respected (Tamunomiebi & Ehior 2019). Diverse recruiting techniques allow organizations to access a larger talent pool, giving them a competitive advantage. Employee engagement and company culture improve in inclusive firms.

The Interplay Between Ethics/Morality and Diversity

Ethics/morality and diversity matter. Ethical companies treat all workers equally, regardless of origin or identity. Workplace discrimination is unethical, illegal, and damaging to the company’s image (Tamunomiebi & Ehior 2019). A corporation that discriminates based on gender or race may suffer litigation, public criticism, and brand harm. Ethical companies are more likely to adopt diversity and inclusion policies, giving all workers equal growth and development chances.


In conclusion, today’s professional landscape demands an optimum work atmosphere. This study has studied what makes an excellent workplace, beginning with former job experiences at Walmart Warehouse, as a restaurant chef, and at Christian Health. These experiences have illuminated the ideal work environment, including working conditions, promotion prospects, and job itself. Additionally, the research examined the policies, procedures, and management behaviors that foster a unified corporate culture and an empowering workplace. A successful workplace requires effective communication, employee empowerment, a clear goal and vision, and employee growth and well-being. The topic of ethics, morality, and diversity also stressed the importance of ethical decision-making and organizational diversity and inclusion. This article emphasizes the importance of a well-designed work environment that benefits individuals and fosters company success. Creating and sustaining such an atmosphere is essential for those seeking professional success and organizational success.


  1. Herrity, J. 2021, June 10. Positive Working Environment: Definition and Characteristics. Indeed Career Guide.
  2. Tamunomiebi, M. D., & Ehior, I. E. 2019. Diversity and Ethical Issues in the Organizations. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences9(2), 839–864.
  3. W3C. 2020. Positive Work Environment at W3C: Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.


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