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Humanities Essays

Dutch Colonialism in the East Indies.

Primary Source – “Max Havelaar” by Multatuli “Max Havelaar” by Multatuli, initially penned by Eduard Douwes Dekker, is a seminal primary source published in 1860 that serves as a significant critique of Dutch colonialism in the East Indies, focusing on Java. Understanding the context in which this text was produced is crucial to unravel its ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1424

Comparing Reefer Madness and Beauty and the Beast

While Beauty and the Beast and Reefer Madness contain compelling stories and musical numbers, the mediums of live theater and film each have unique strengths. Certain narrative elements suit the stage, while others thrive on the screen. Comparing the creative possibilities of theater versus cinema can help determine how best to adapt a tale to ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1430
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Exploring Cultural Identity: Narratives of Resilience in Black Voices

Colonial encounters significantly resulted in a battleground for cultural identity, which is a key element of human existence. Various writers and researchers have delved into the correspondence between the two aspects above, spurring substantial discourse in literature. Hence, this essay explores the works of Ngugi wa Thiong’o, Richard Wright, and W.E.B. Du Bois by delving ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1727

Walt Whitman vs. Society

Introduction In the story of American literature, only a few people are as important as Walt Whitman. He was a notable poet whose writings went beyond the usual way of expressing things. He was born in 1819 on Long Island, New York. During the 1800s, when America was going through significant changes like moving west, ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2184

Unraveling Truths: Farocki’s Lessons in Documentary Remaking

Jill Godmilow’s “What Farocki Taught” examines closely documenting films through an unprecedented approach that involves remaking a previous documentary exploring the subtle dimensions of truth and their representations. Godmilow stresses Godmill as a mediator who connects reality with what we see in representations. It is a deliberate move towards cinéma vêrité, contradicting conventional understandings of objectivity while ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 776

The Global Transformation of Time

Introduction The progression of timekeeping is an intriguing trajectory that has profoundly influenced our modern comprehension of time. This essay examines the global phenomenon of time transformation, investigating many nations’ collaborative efforts to establish a universally recognized framework for measuring time. Several societies upheld distinct temporal systems in the not-too-distant past, resulting in an intricate ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1548

Rhetorical and Stylistic Analysis of Passage A From “Anne of Green Gables”

The stylistic analysis of Passage A in Lucy Maud Montgomery’s “Anne of Green Gables” aims to reveal the complex ways that language choices, rhetorical strategies, and discourse presentation affect Anne Shirley’s storyline and characterization. This analysis aims to thoroughly understand how various stylistic features, such as lexical and grammatical deviation, phonological and graphological deviation, rhetorical ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2790

How Should We Manage Futile Medical Care?

Abstract Within the confines of this scholarly paper, we embark upon a profound exploration of the complex ethical dilemma surrounding the administration of futile medical interventions within the framework of the healthcare system. We delve into the intricate facets that influence the ethical decision-making process within healthcare, encompassing regulatory and legal factors, professional guidelines, relevant ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1701

Anamorphic Versus Spherical Lens Formats

As a film student focusing on camera operation and cinematography, my adventure within the discipline has been an amalgamation of academic pursuit and practical application. An anamorphic lens presses the picture onto film or digital camera sensors, enhancing wider aspect ratios than would then be possible with conventional lenses and resulting in more cinematic images with shallower ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2997

The Evolution of Ghost Legends/Tales in the Nineteenth Century of American Literature

Introduction Ghosts have arisen as a critical element in the world of storytelling throughout human history, playing a variety of functions within a wide range of cultural and social situations, and the nineteenth century witnessed a dramatic expansion in both the portrayal of ghost stories and their significance within the world of American literature. This ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1531

Implementing a Creative Writing Course at Qatar University

INTRODUCTION Qatar University needs to introduce the proposed creative writing course for students in the Department of English Literature to address this important academic gap. The main objective of this initiative is to provide students with an opportunity to express themselves creatively through writing and explore their interests, which can lead them to become better ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 807

Delving Into Japanese Aesthetics: Unveiling the Harmony of Ceramics and the Tea Ceremony

In beauty, European traditions gravitate towards classical ideals, while Japanese art and culture are grounded in nuanced principles. This essay navigates the contrasting concepts of beauty between these two rich traditions, as unveiled in the module’s comprehensive learning materials. Ceramics: Embracing Wabi-Sabi Essence In Japanese ceramics, imperfections are embraced as part of the wabi-sabi aesthetic. ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 833

“Colonial Legacy and Indonesia’s Turbulent Transition”

In the fabric of history, only a few accounts are as bewildering and filled with a high fluctuation score as the tale of Dutch imperialism in the East Indies and the various outcomes that ensued from it. This essay will investigate the cryptic terrain of Dutch imperial governance in the East Indies, emphasizing the crucial ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2138

Theory of Knowledge Essay: Do We Need Custodians of Knowledge? Discuss Two Areas of Expertise.

In considering whether we need custodians of knowledge, the historical narrative becomes a testament to the importance of responsible custodianship. The diverse methodologies employed by historians underline the potential biases and subjectivities in historical interpretation (Szostak 9). Custodians of knowledge are crucial in guiding the narrative responsibly, ensuring that personal or societal influences do not ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1775

The Influential Legacy of Walter Cronkite

Introduction Walter Cronkite, a highly esteemed figure, served as the anchor of the CBS Evening News for 19 years (Schudson, 2022). Throughout his career, Cronkite occupied a position characterized by an exceptional level of trust and power within American mass communication. He garnered “The Most Trusted Man in America” because of his composed demeanor, authoritative ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1527
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