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Human Sexuality Perspective

The psychology of human sexuality refers to the scientific assessment of individual thoughts, behavior, and emotions culturally and individually. These psychological perspectives focus on perception, emotion, motivation, learning, and personality that are likely to influence an individual’s sexual behavior. Human sexuality clearly defines the biological reproduction means, describes the sociological and psychological representations of persons, and also orients someone’s attraction to others. Sexuality also molds the body and brain to focus on pleasure-seeking. Through sexuality, people express and experience themselves as sexual beings. One of the key factors that help in developing human sexuality is gender. By understanding human sexuality, individuals become motivated and are able to address their personal and social challenges that are related to sexuality, such as sexual harassment, sexually transmitted diseases, as well as unwanted pregnancies. Human sexuality focuses on perspectives such as the biological, psychological, and cultural perspectives; its application to the counseling profession and understanding the personal perspectives ensures a proper comprehension of human sexual behavior.

Literature Review

Biological Perspective

According to Bolin et al. (2021), the biological perspective of human sexuality entails sexual differentiation, the role of sex hormones, the brain mechanism that is involved in sexual response, and the sexual effects of drugs. It is a perspective that focuses on the physiological origin of sexual behavior. The biological perspectives regarding human sexuality focus on the essentialist perceptions of human sexuality (Bolin et al., 2021). The essentialist views regard reproduction as the essential attribute of human sexuality. Sexual behavior, therefore, arises from a psychological drive that is linked to sensory pleasure as well as reproductive consequences. In sexual behavior, sex organs, brain centers, hormones, and intricate networks of nerves are involved. To enhance a reduction of human sexuality, the instinct to reproduce ignores the significance of variables such as the symbolic, affective, and cognitive factors that motivate sexual behaviors (Bolin et al., 2021). The anthropology perspective defines culture and biology as critical in human history. Anthropology stresses on the significance of the learning and cultural systems as central attributes in human evolution.

Psychological Perspective

Mollen et al. (2020) explains that the psychological perspective addresses sexuality from the perception of an individual and the individual’s surrounding. From the psychological perspective, there is a focus on the intentions behind sexual behavior and the significant factors that drive the motivation. To suitably understand this process, psychologists study various facets of the human experience (Mollen et al., 2020). Some of the physiological concepts of human sexuality include the cognitive, behavioral, and emotional aspects. On a theoretical level, some psychologists have tackled human sexuality by focusing on the key role of sexuality in promoting personality development.

According to Kotze et al. (2022), the sex instinct, also known as Eros, and the death instinct known as Thanatos were the fundamental driving forces in the growth and development of someone’s personality. Biology is, therefore as the foundation of an individual’s psychosexuality. The developmental phases of sexuality are regarded as an individual’s physiological inheritance. As people develop, they go through stages that characterize sexuality and mold the personality of individuals as adults (Kotze et al., 2022). Developmental psychologists are concerned with the correlation between aging and human sexuality. Personality psychologists are concerned with the significance of attributes such as self-esteem, mood, religion, and love in understanding the sexual behavior and motivation of people. In intimate relationships, physical attractiveness, physical proximity, and similarity play a critical role. There are also dynamics of relationships that tell whether a relationship will last or not depending on the sexual character and traits exhibited by either partner.

McBain (2021) discusses that there are sexual dysfunctions that affect relationships through a lack of a peaceful coexistence. Sexual dysfunction can be treated by finding medical assistance or attending counseling sessions related to human sexuality. Such moves ensure that those with difficulties relating to human sexuality get the desired assistance to function more effectively. For individuals who are regarded as having unwanted behavior in the society, such as rapists, they ought to get the desired assistance to effectively treat their sexual dysfunction so that they no longer harm communities (McBain, 2021). Therefore, the psychological scope covers sexual motivation, self-esteem issues, and peer influence that directly relate to gender differences and identity in sexual response.

Cultural Perspective

According to Stelzl et al. (2018), the cultural perspective is a concept that includes knowledge, morals, beliefs, and customs acquired by an individual and directly or indirectly affects human sexuality. Culture is also behavior that consists of the performance of the socially acquired ways of living and the patterned interactions of humans. Culture can be observed closely, which makes research about sex challenging. Human sexuality is usually a private affair and not easily studied, especially in cases of ritualized religious events. It is, therefore, essential to understanding the patterns of behavior that can be observed with ease and know about the competence, beliefs, and values behind human sexuality (Stelzl et al., 2018). Anthropologists have defined culture as shared, can be learned, and is transmitted through enculturation. Culture, therefore, has assigned behaviors and events that affect human sexuality. The cultural beliefs should consequently be studied by anthropologists to enhance their effectiveness in understanding the human sexuality among various cultures. Ensuring that a particular culture embraces sexuality before engaging them enhances an effective study.

Application to the Counseling Profession

Human sexuality perspectives are applicable to the counseling profession since counselors need to understand these perceptions to offer realistic solutions to clients. When counselors know about the sexual behavior of their clients, they will advise them based on their strengths and weaknesses and give them the appropriate measures to follow for effective healing (Mollen et al., 2020). The appropriate treatment options can only be determined by counselors who take their time to analyze the biological, psychological, and cultural perspectives of an issue related to human sexuality. There are several factors affecting the sexual behavior of individuals as well as couples, such as age, hormones, cultural beliefs, and thoughts which counselors ought to be aware of to facilitate effective sessions (Mollen et al., 2020). Also, getting feedback from clients regarding the human sexuality perspectives plays a key role in enabling counselors to determine treatment options that match the treatment needs of clients. The counseling profession, therefore, requires competency in understanding human sexuality for effective services. Knowledgeable counselors will quickly identify the sources of problems of their clients within the first moments of inquiry as they are aware of the signs and symptoms of any sexual dysfunctions experienced by individuals or couples.

Personal Perspectives (Multicultural and Spiritual Aspects)

Multicultural aspects

I believe multicultural aspects entail a wide range of identities such as race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, culture, disability, and religion. Multicultural factors affect human sexuality, considering the various beliefs that various communities have regarding sexual behavior. When attending to their clients, counselors ought to appropriately interact with them to understand their multicultural aspects in order to know the best way to assist them. Clients facing challenges with improving their sex life should be given realistic solutions that align with their cultural practices (Bolin et al., 2021). I also feel that counselors should understand these aspects so that their recommended solutions are relevant. If clients find out that the recommended treatment options violate their cultural practices, they are likely to shy away from them, which affects their sexual well-being as they will not have gotten the intended assistance. Counselors should therefore advise clients accordingly depending on whether they are married, single, young, or elderly. Human sexuality is also considered private and confidential in some communities, and therefore counselors should be confidential in their conversations with customers. All information regarding the sexual behavior of clients should be kept safe and free from access by any third party so that clients are comfortable to disclose their sex life and get the desired assistance.

Spiritual Aspects

I believe that spiritual aspects incorporate personal growth, connection with others, and evolution processes that are related to divine nature. Spirituality involves human recognition or belief that there is a being greater than human beings. Counseling experts should be knowledgeable about the spiritual beliefs of their clients prior to commencing their sessions for them to make informed decisions on the appropriate treatment options (McBain, 2021). Some human sexuality challenges require divine intervention hence the need for a better understanding of religion by counselors. I also feel that there are some religions that do not believe in some aspects of human sexuality hence the need for counselors to be knowledgeable on such perspectives for the effectiveness of their sessions. For counselors to stay relevant in their sessions, they should have adequate information that can be acquired through research to ensure exceptional services. Clients prefer counselors who understand their spiritual aspects as they will offer customized services that are related to their divine nature and beliefs.

Generally, human sexuality analyses the emotions, behavior, and thoughts of individuals and how they influence their sexual behavior. Sexuality clearly describes reproduction and defines the sociological and psychological aspects that make people attracted to one another. When people understand human sexuality, they get motivated to address the challenges they face that are related to human sexuality. The critical perspectives of human sexuality, such as the biological, psychological, and cultural, are applicable in counseling sessions as they guide counselors in identifying and recommending the appropriate treatment options. The biological perspective is an aspect of human sexuality that focuses on sexual differentiation hormones and brain mechanisms that affect an individual’s sexual behavior. In human sexuality, the essentialist regards sexual behavior as that which arises from the psychological drive of an individual.

The psychological perspective focuses on an individual’s intention regarding sexual behavior. An individual’s thoughts play a key role in guiding the sexual behaviors of persons. The cultural perspective entails the morals, beliefs, and practices that are acquired by an individual and affect human sexuality. Some cultures consider human sexuality as private and confidential which makes research about sexual behavior challenging. Human sexuality perspectives are applicable in the counseling profession as they give counselors guidance on the appropriate treatment options for clients.


Bolin, A., Whelehan, P., Vernon, M., & Antoine, K. (2021). Human sexuality: Biological, psychological, and cultural perspectives. Routledge.

Kotze, M., Marais, N., & van Velden, N. M. (Eds.). (2022). Sexual Reformation?: Theological and Ethical Reflections on Human Sexuality. Wipf and Stock Publishers.

McBain, R. D. (2021). Reviewing Human Sexuality & the Holy Spirit: Spirit-Empowered Perspectives.

Mollen, D., Burnes, T., Lee, S., & Abbott, D. M. (2020). Sexuality training in counseling psychology. Counselling Psychology Quarterly33(3), 375-392.

Stelzl, M., Stairs, B., & Anstey, H. (2018). A narrow view: the conceptualization of sexual problems in human sexuality textbooks. Journal of Health Psychology23(2), 148-160.


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