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Human Connection Essays

Introduction of Rhetoric

In “The Classical Tradition: Readings from the Classical Times to Present” delivers a detailed evaluation of conversation. The authors disclose the challenges of human association and elaborate on its significance in influencing the entire set of moral values, personal virtues, and constructs of the community. Looking into the challenges of contemporary communication, the ideas in ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 590
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Medical Innovation and Human Connection: Lessons From “Something the Lord Made”

“Something The Lord Made” is a captivating film about heart surgery’s development and Dr. Alfred Blalock and Vivien Thomas’ remarkable cooperation. It explores the protagonists’ personal and professional struggles as well as new medical procedures. The report will discuss the movie’s themes, including medical practices, congenital cardiac conditions, surgical procedures, Dr. Blalock and Dr. Taussig’s ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 669
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