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How the Principles of Applied Behavior Analysis Are Applied When Modifying Target Behaviors


It is not a secret that anyone working or studying in the area of ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) pushes through with an extensive diversity of deviations, each having its difficulties. Establishing a treatment strategy exclusive for every client might be required, though every process should have the same purpose and goal behaviors. Fortunately, behavior analysts have a large diversity of approaches at their disposal. By behavior analysts using these approaches, Applied Behavior Analysis is becoming adaptable when dealing with a bigger range of societal issues, such as phobias to anxiety.

A specific target behavior is regularly utilized in applied behavior analysis because a behavior analyst cannot fix each problem simultaneously. They must set priorities for the Behavior they hope to fix. To illustrate, here are three stories of different parents that will help you to understand the problems happening with their children. And must be listed beforehand that any suitable involvement can be made on the child’s behalf. Thus, the type of reinforcement is described after choosing which conduct is the most important to work on. Selecting Behavior that could have a positive influence on children is vital. Still, behavior specialists should be cautious not to select conduct that will be very hard to change at the current moment.

Summary of each parent’s dilemma

Parent #1- Attempts to change Lori’s conduct could take numerous forms. For example, reinforcements like token economies could reward the youngster for suitable actions. For example, her parents can reward her for placing her belongings in the right place after using or getting dressed on time for school, and this could allow the child to exchange these tokens for a reward. For example, they can get a little more time with their iPad. On the other hand, her parents can make a pictorial schedule for Lori to see what chores or activities should be done before she uses her iPad. Hence, Lori might find it better to shift from one task to another after completing it. The pictorial schedule can come off as a punishment for a child with autism because it controls their environment. Morin (2022) advises that it is best to avoid circumstances that could trigger a child’s agitation, for example, noisy place or crowded areas. Lastly, to maintain Lori’s new conduct, it must be reinforced consistently and regularly. One of the Motivating operations for a child with autism should integrate learning responsibilities into ideal activities and topics. Planning activities and tasks can result in expressive results from the identified student. Vary activities and tasks regularly as opposed to the needful boring recurrence.

Parent #2 – Sam is a child with disruptive Behavior that involves interrupting others, is socially inappropriate, and has impulsiveness with little consideration for consequence or safety. The reinforcement that can be applied to such a child is direct reinforcement. Craig (2019) suggests that Sam interacting suitably with his classmates in a team activity can lead to more invitations to link in numerous activities shortly. Plus, social reinforcers facilitated by Sam’s parents, teachers, and friends can help manage his Behavior. It is because it involves expressing praise and approval for suitable Behavior like comments or written approval. The kind of punishment to apply to Sam’s Behavior is for the teacher to remain calm and ensure that they listen to Sam’s concerns by identifying a disturbance catalyst that should help address the situation when it happens or later. For example, the teacher should remove the child from class sessions when the child does not follow the rules. One motivating operation is to let the child know there is always a consequence for disruptive classroom behavior. This will cause them to rise or improve their behaviors when they misbehave.

Parent #3 – Sarah does not share because she could be lacking a cognitive box. For example, she might have immature counting skills that play a role in their ability to allocate resources equally. Hence, they learn not to share. Morin (2022) discusses positive reinforcement to be one of the most efficient ways to inspire children to do their chores, be responsible and get along quickly with their brothers and sisters without putting up a fight or arguing. Morin (2022) suggests positive reinforcement to encourage a child to share with others. It does not inevitably need to be a perceptible item. Therefore, whenever they share, a parent should reinforce this type of child by cheering and clapping for them, giving them a pat on the back or a hug, a high-five, or reading a book.

Furthermore, Morin (2022) suggests that a parent can offer positive reinforcements by giving them additional privileges or rewards. There is no punishment for such a child, but a parent should not force their children to share or not share with their friends. Forcing them to share might confuse the child; however, a parent should teach the child benefits of sharing. One of the motivating operations that can be used on Sarah is food deprivation. If an individual is hungry, food can powerfully reinforce them, but when they are satisfied, food is not reinforcing.

The behavior intervention plan for modifying the behaviors in each case includes: First, staying calm every time the child’s Behavior happens, and teachers & parents must demonstrate to their students that they are in charge. Secondly, Regis College (2023) recommends parents and teachers must give simple and direct instructions instead of providing education through requests or questions. Third, parents and teachers must ensure learners know when to pay attention. This is a way of minimizing disruptive behaviors like Sam’s Behavior in scenario 2. Lastly, Regis College (2023) recommends parents and teachers can use their students’ names whenever praising and disciplining to ensure that the other students understand which activity activated the discipline or praise.

The future mock communications you received from each of these three parents regarding the successes they encountered when implementing your suggestions. First, one of the parents suggested being involved in the decision-making processes so that they know what to expect regarding messages at school stages. It is important that parents do not expect immediate answers; therefore, guidelines or rules will dictate when and where it is suitable for the parents to anticipate a reply. Secondly, parent 2 encourages them to help their children in the home environment in different ways. For example, they encouraged that they help their child set goals, assist them in managing their workload and time effectively, and prioritize their child’s well-being. Hence this emotional support will help the child learn more efficiently. Lastly, home-to-school communication could be efficient when they celebrate success and is connected to learning in a child. Positivity is infectious. Children who are more positive to change can accomplish better results; therefore, sharing milestones regularly and emphasizing their positivity in all situations whenever possible is essential.


In conclusion, applied behavior analysis is a technical method to change and understand Behavior grounded in punishment and reinforcement principles. Applied behavior analysis has been widely used in settings like mental health, education, and training animals to improve their behavior and achieve behavior trials. By utilizing the principles of punishment and reinforcement, behavior analysts can assist people in acquiring new behaviors and advance their general well-being.


Craig, H. (2019). 5 positive Reinforcement Activities to use in the classroom. Positive Education.:

Morin, A. (2022). Discipline Strategies for Children with Autism. verywellfamily.

Morin, A. (2022). How to use Positive Reinforcement to Improve Behavior. verywellfamily.

Regis College. (2023). Behavior Intervention: Definition, Strategies, and Resources. Regis College.:


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