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How Do Cultural Differences Influence Nonverbal Communication Behaviors?

The power of nonverbal cues and “fake news” to divide communities is something I have seen firsthand as an Indian student adjusting to the American lifestyle. Being empathetic, keeping an open mind, and not believing false information are all necessary to overcome our differences. As an international student, I would like to share my observations on the prevalence of “fake news” and nonverbal communication styles in India and the United States. Understanding these cultural differences is important for promoting productive intercultural exchange and avoiding misconceptions. Still, the only way to overcome them is to embrace common values like truthfulness, literacy, and respect for one another. This paper examines the influence of cultural differences on non-verbal communication behaviors and the impact of rising “fake news” on trust in media organizations. The paper examines this communication phenomenon in Indian and US cultures.

The differences in language and culture between India and the US have interested Indian students. It is especially clear how the movements and nonverbal cues are different. People from India are said to stand closer together when they talk, look each other in the eyes more often, and show more emotion when they are sad or angry (Abduzuhurovna, 2021). People who are friends also touch each other more often. On the other hand, Americans like to keep their feelings in check, avoid making long eye contact, and value their privacy. As a female Indian student, I have had to change things for my comfort.

  1. How does a person’s ethnic background affect how they understand and use different kinds of body language in conversation?
  2. Since cultural ideals are changing, are there clear differences in how generations in the same culture communicate without words?
  3. How might knowing how cultural differences affect nonverbal behavior help people from different cultures talk to each other and avoid misunderstandings?

Theories about nonverbal communication are important because they give us clues about emotions, relationships across cultures, and how people connect. Besides, being more aware of and good at nonverbal cues can help you communicate better with others in your personal and work life (Abduzuhurovna, 2021). Non-verbal cues give subtle signs about the situation that help us understand spoken signals and help us figure out what people are saying even when they do not say it directly. Reading people’s facial cues is especially important for communicating across cultures.

A third difference is the common use of “fake news” (Gupta et al., 2023). Like rumors that worry people, false information on social media is a big problem in India. On the other hand, we trust more traditional news sources like newspapers and broadcast channels. In the US, however, even the most well-known news outlets cannot be trusted anymore since political opponents on both sides say they spread “fake news.” As an Indian female student, I want to learn about the different points of view shown in American media to form my own opinions. It surprises me that people in the US do not trust newsgroups that have been around for a long time, like the New York Times.

  1. What kinds of fake news are most common, and how have they changed people’s trust in the media since they spread on social media?
  2. How can internet companies and social media sites balance worries about free speech with their moral duty to fight fake news?
  3. How have journalists and major media outlets changed how they respond to the public’s lack of trust because of fake news?

The “fake news” issue is a good example of how confirmation bias and tribalism can be a problem in the internet age. People are losing faith in institutions and proof, which makes things even more divided (Gupta et al., 2023). Because of this, people are more likely to believe false information, which puts informed democracy and debate at risk. For public discourse to be useful, people need to know how to use the media and share knowledge responsibly, and governments and digital platforms need to make changes. Fighting false information is very important.

Based on the provided information, it is very important to keep an open mind and know how to read the news. No matter who they are or where they come from, everyone can be biased and spread fake information if they are not careful. Participating in intercultural conversation can help you get over your biases. I am going to use the critical thinking skills I learned in the US to deal with “fake news” and other issues in my community in India. Each country can teach the other a lot if we keep an open mind. Feel free to add your thoughts on the subject as well.


Abduzuhurovna, A. D. (2021). The relationship between verbal and nonverbal means of communication and their expression in different cultures. Asian Journal of Research in Marketing, 10(1), 21-27.

Gupta, M., & Sukamto, K. E. (2020). Cultural communicative styles: The case of India and Indonesia. International Journal of Society, Culture & Language, 8(2), 105-120.

Gupta, M., Dennehy, D., Parra, C. M., Mäntymäki, M., & Dwivedi, Y. K. (2023). Fake news believability: The effects of political beliefs and espoused cultural values. Information & Management, 60(2), 103745.


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