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How Could AI Change Our World of Commerce?


Today, the world of commerce is fast-paced and ever-evolving with the integration of various technologies such as Artificial intelligence (AI). In commerce, AI is essential in the e-commerce spectrum. E-commerce is an area that deals with the buying and selling of products using the Internet (Kedah, 2023). The integration of Artificial intelligence (AI) has proven to be essential in the world of commerce as it involves the recreation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computers (Bawack et al., 2021). Its applications include innovations such as machine vision, natural language processing, speech recognition and expert systems. In this paper, we will examine the various ways in which AI could change the world of commerce through predicting future trends, automating customer support, enhancing customer experience and satisfaction, digital marketing, enabling personalized recommendations, risk management and fraud detection, supply chain optimization and automation of administration processes.

The world of commerce can use AI to predict future trends that can initiate business success. The e-commerce industry is in a state of fast evolution (Kedah, 2023). As a result, it is important to be informed on emerging and future trends. AI’s most important future is its’ ability to identify patterns that occur within datasets. Therefore, E-commerce can use AI-powered analytics to identify and analyze large amounts of data on the market, distinguish trends and patterns and then make accurate predictions on future trends. Additionally, AI has machine learning models that are able to recognize variances, trends and associations, thus making predictions that an e-commerce organization could miss (Zhang et al., 2023). When all commerce models are aware of future trends, they are able to identify gaps in the field and customers’ emerging demands and preferences and thus develop products that meet their needs. E-commerce businesses can also use AI analytics to improve their overall decision-making processes, thus leading to business success.

AI is the next step in automating customer support in the commerce industry. In e-commerce, the most common type is the Business-to-consumer model: It involves selling goods to shoppers directly. To effectively carry out this business, customer support needs to be top-notch. AI tools such as Virtual Assistants and Chatbots can be used to provide virtual assistance to online clients for 24 hours (Stoilova, 2021). These tools are readily available and assist customers in determining their needs, answering their questions, and educating them on products. They are available at any given time that shoppers need assistance regardless of the business hour. As a result, e-commerce companies are able to increase their sales, attract more customers and gain customer brand loyalty. In addition, companies also conducting Consumer-to-consumer business models, such as eBay, can automate their customer support systems using AI tools. These tools will assist them with quick and consistent responses and scalability and help them save costs on tasks that require human skills.

Artificial intelligence could change the world of commerce through product personalization and recommendation. AI enhances the journey towards personalized online shopping and recommendations in the commerce industry. In e-commerce, the customer’s online shopping experience is vital (Kedah, 2023). AI allows e-commerce businesses to comprehend their customers’ demands with the large amount of data they collect. AI also enables computers to provide real-time analytics about clients thus allowing brands to provide products that are personalized. Real-time analytics in commerce fosters faster decision-making and tracking of customer data and enhances customer experience. Personalization that is supported by informed data is an aspect that wins over clients through their strengthened connections with the products and the brand as a whole. The connection then draws customers into making purchases they cannot resist. In addition, personalized recommendation in the world of commerce is made possible by AI. As a result, when the recommendation is appropriate, shoppers are likely to buy.

The world of Commerce can integrate AI into digital marketing to increase brand sales and loyalty. Marketing, one of the daily tasks in running an e-commerce business, can be streamlined with the help of AI. Some of the marketing-related tasks that AI can help with include personalization, blog posts, predicting demand, creativity, and social media posts that are tailored to align with the audience’s preferences. There are various AI marketing tools. For example, e-commerce companies can use AI marketing tools such as Surfer SEO to write content about their brand. Companies can also use AI-powered tools to assess real-time campaign performance, thus helping them to identify areas that need instant improvement (Zhang et al., 2023). In addition, to gain a competitive advantage in the world of commerce, companies can use AI marketing tools to gain data on their competitors, customer’s preferences and marketing trends thus allowing them to modify their products.

Commerce models can use AI-generated data to enhance customer experience and satisfaction. For example, in e-commerce, AI can be used to observe shoppers’ preferences and examine the way customers interact with products online, their behaviours, their shopping patterns and demographics. With this information, AI can then establish a guided strategy on how to enhance their experience. For instance, companies can carry out targeted campaigns that align with their customers. In addition, e-commerce companies can also use AI information to craft personalized messages that resonate with a customer’s needs and wishes (Khrais, 2020). The AI algorithms also allow shoppers to have an insight into their previous purchases, thus recommending products similar to that. This then significantly makes their work easier, thus enhancing customer experience and satisfaction. In addition, companies can use AI tools such as Lexica Art to enhance product visuals to help customers purchase products that are accurately represented on online websites.

AI could change the world of commerce through risk management and fraud detection. E-commerce that carries activities online is always at risk, such as security risks, human error, compliance risks, and operational risks, among others. In this field, there are established selling websites such as Shein, Walmart, Amazon and Alibaba, and social media is used to drive online sales. According to statistics, in 2021, e-commerce retailers worldwide incurred a loss of % 20 billion due to fraudulent activities (Naqvi, 2020). These fraudulent activities took place in various forms, including: identity theft, scams or account coup. Today, AI tools such as machine-learning algorithms can detect any suspicious activities that are taking place in a business (Dekkati et al., 2022). AI can also be used to do a threat intelligence analysis and predict the maintenance of potential risks. Risk management in e-commerce can lead to efficiency in the business by minimizing the chances of things going wrong. It also enables employees to stay focused and is cost-saving.

AI can be used to optimize the supply chain in Commerce. The supply chain in commerce involves businesses and individuals involved in the manufacturing and delivery of goods. This includes manufacturers, transportation, retailers, warehouses and distribution centres. AI can be used to optimize the supply chain to ensure efficiency and visibility (Wu, 2021). This is possible through the use of AI algorithms that are used to predict consumer demand, behaviour and tract batches. As a result, businesses are able to maintain supplies that match the demand. In addition, AI in the supply chain can be used to improve delivery. With AI transportation optimization, it leads to enhancement in delivery durations. Artificial intelligence can be used to optimize scheduling, shipments and inventory levels (Khadem et al., 2023). Inventory management in commerce involves managing, ordering and vending goods and supplies. Therefore, e-commerce businesses can use AI analytics to monitor inventory levels and identify potential supply chain risks, enabling mitigation processes to begin.

The commerce industry could use AI to automate administration processes. In commerce, the administration process involves all activities that ensure the smooth running of a business. In e-commerce, these administration processes include planning, organizing and scheduling the online activities. E-commerce can utilize AI analytical tools to automate data entry tasks, schedule products, and organize their websites effectively. Additionally, with machine learning algorithms, AI can verify receipts and payments, thus reducing human labour. Administration automation is important in commerce as it reduces human error, is cost-saving, enhances efficiency, leads to customer satisfaction due to sufficient customer support, and also leads to increased productivity (Khrais, 2020). AI could change our world of commerce by introducing systems and activities that are there to ensure the smooth running of all models in commerce.


The world of commerce, especially e-commerce, has been at the forefront when it comes to utilizing the benefits of Artificial Intelligence in the industry. This is after the COVID-19 pandemic that led to an increase in online shopping. AI technology has simplified e-commerce by using data on customers to examine their preferences, personalize their products, optimize, make the appropriate decisions and thus enhance customer satisfaction. Organizations and companies should implement AI so that they can enhance customer satisfaction through personalizing customer interaction. They can also use AI to automate their processes and save costs on tasks that could have required human skills and knowledge. The successful integration of AI can enable organizations to attract new clients, engage in risk management, increase productivity and revenue and expand their business.


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Kedah, Z. (2023). Use of e-commerce in the world of business. Startupreneur Business Digital (SABDA Journal)2(1), 51-60.

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