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Heart Disease Essays

Policy Brief on Addressing Heart Disease in Mexico

Executive Summary Heart disease, a terrible public health issue, accounts for a massive part of mortality rates and the country’s economic prosperity in Mexico. In this executive summary, a clear and concise overview of the study’s main findings is presented as a basis for policymakers to access evidence-based solutions based on the proposed approaches followed ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2762

Most Common Chronic Diseases of the Elderly

Permeable and enduring chronic diseases are more common in the senior population. These ailments raise the elderly’s chance of incapacity and death in addition to having a substantial negative effect on their quality of life. Heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease are the top five chronic diseases that affect the elderly, according to ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1444
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How Does Autogenics Reduce Heart Disease in Adults Diagnosed With Insomnia

Introduction And Literature Review In recent times, there has been growing interest in understanding the implicit link between autogenics and the reduction of heart complaint threat in grown-ups diagnosed with insomnia. This problem area is of utmost significance due to the high prevalence of both insomnia and heart complaints, along with the implicit interplay between ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 990

Pharmacotherapy for Cardiovascular Disorders Heart Disease

Introduction Pharmacokinetics is the study of body interaction with administered substances starting from absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion. Pharmacodynamics of a drug’s effect on the body. The difference between the two aspects is that pharmacokinetics involves how drugs move in the body while pharmacodynamics is the way the body responds to a drug. Factors influencing ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 743

Topic 1: Health Promotion

Heart disease poses a formidable health concern, exerting a profound influence on a considerable population and profoundly compromising their well-being and lifespan (Tsao et al., 2022). In order to effectively address this complex situation, it is imperative to prioritize implementing robust health promotion strategies, placing significant emphasis on both primary and secondary prevention levels. These ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 986

Nursing Assignment: Evaluating Health Information

Introduction The internet has developed into a commonplace source of health information for millions of individuals throughout the world in today’s digital age. Online access to health information can be beneficial, but it also presents several difficulties, such as assuring the accuracy and legitimacy of the data. Consumer health informatics is a field that focuses ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1534

Social Determinants of Health

Introduction Health is a basic secondary unit essential in an individual’s life. Social determinants of health significantly impact an individual’s health status. These include education, income, food security, employment, social exclusion, etc. In various countries, government officials have set up public policies. These have a significant impact on the social determinants of health. Canada is ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2956

Intro to Public Health Semester Project

Heart disease and other illnesses that affect the heart and circulatory system together go under the umbrella term of cardiovascular disease. These conditions include congenital cardiac defects, hypertensive heart disease, stroke, and coronary artery disease. This article will compare and contrast the data, perform a quick study of lung cancer in the state of Michigan, ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1250

Pharmacotherapeutics for Cardiovascular Disorders

In the provided case scenario, patient JJ has a history of strokes and has subsequently been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia. The patient is also currently on prescribed medications, including glipizide 10mg PO daily, metformin 500mg PO daily, HCTZ 25mg daily, Atenolol 25 mg PO daily, Hydralazine 25 mg QID, Simvastatin 80mg ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1254

Effects of Exercise on Myocardial Infarction

Introduction Myocardial infarction (MI) is a cardiovascular problem resulting from plaques in artery walls. The plaques reduce the flow of blood to the heart and harm heart muscles due to inadequate oxygen supply. This is one of the leading heart problems in the world. Many people across the globe, especially the elderly, are highly vulnerable ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1573

Health Screening for Preveting and Treating Hypertension

Introduction Disease screening is one of the most fundamental instruments of contemporary public health and preventive medicine. A lengthy and illustrious history of screening programs for infectious disease epidemic control and treatment targeting is to be found. Complete blood count and blood type, as well as tests for diabetes and syphilis, are frequently administered to ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1409

Patient, Family, or Population Health Problem Solution

Introduction Heart disease is a general term used for various heart conditions. Specific heart conditions are characterized by different symptoms, diagnoses, and treatment methods (CDC, 2022). Further, heart conditions are usually named according to the specific area of the heart they affect. Currently, heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2399

Prediction of the New York City Deaths Due to Heart Disease and Cancer

Executive Summary This paper investigates and predicts the New York City (NYC) deaths due to heart diseases and cancer. Evaluation of the leading causes of death in NYC is vital towards the development and implementation of policies that increase the life expectancy of the NYC people or reduce cause-specific deaths. The study applies a quantitative ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3641

The Correlation Between Periodontal Disease and Cardiovascular Disease: A Literature Review

Abstract Recent data showcases the relationship between oral and systemic diseases, with cardiovascular disease and periodontal disease being linked due to the multifactorial commonalities. Periodontal disease, the inflammation of gum tissue, contributes a lot in the development and inception of cardiovascular disease as well as the worsening of the existing cardiovascular issues. A review of ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2628
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