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Health Technology Essays

Bridging Nursing and Technology: An Evidence-Based Proposal for a Nurse Informaticist Role Focusing on Improved Outcomes

As a nurse attending the recent state Nurses Association meeting, I was intrigued by the presentation given by a nurse informaticist on the positive impacts of her role in her healthcare organization. Our organization is currently undergoing substantial technological changes as we implement a new electronic health record (EHR) system and other health information technologies. ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1318

Proposal for Implementing a Nurse Informaticist Position

Introduction The role of nurse informatics is to help promote the delivery of safe, quality, and effective care for patients (Reid et al., 2021). Recently, healthcare has experienced a major transformation, which has come with the development of health technology, which makes health delivery efficient and safer Reid et al., 2021). In response to this, ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1756
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Health Technology To Improve Patient Engagement and Outcomes

Introduction In nursing, patient-centered needs assessment identifies and prioritizes patients’ individual needs. Personalizing treatment improves patient involvement and results. Evidence-based strategies will address health, economic, and cultural issues. The study will also examine how ICT technologies improve consumer health literacy and patient care. It will also discover novel ways to use technology to provide high-quality, ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1457
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