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Health System Essays

Analysis of “Social Justice in Health System: A Qualitative Study”

As contemporary landscapes of healthcare delivery attempt to pursue social equity for all citizens, an overview of system-level obstacles in achieving a paramount goal must be undertaken. “Social Justice in Health Systems: A Qualitative Comparative Study” provides the research groundwork necessary to facilitate this critical inquiry. Using qualitative comparative analysis, this peer-reviewed journal article explores ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1083

Quadruple Aim in the Health System

Don Berwick and colleagues pioneered the Triple Aim paradigm in the health system, which emphasizes the pursuit of three dimensions of quality of care: improving population health, improving the patient experience, and reducing the per capita cost of care. The primary purpose of this approach is to improve the health of the target population, while ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1192
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Examining Disease Burdens in India

India is a low-income country and is home to over 1.4 billion people. Its population is growing rapidly, yet its healthcare system faces many problems (Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluations). This paper will examine the burden of disease in India, with a focus on how the burden has shifted over the past 10-15 years ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1259

Comparative Analyses of Health System

Providing high-quality healthcare to citizens while also being responsive to the population’s justifiable demands is a worldwide goal shared by health systems. A health system’s performance can be impacted by various variables, including the wealth and cultural makeup of the nation. I will compare the health systems in two different communities for this journal assignment. ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 693
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