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Health and Wellness Assessment

The health and wellbeing of an individual, family and society are critical to the development from a societal point of view and the country as a whole. A healthy family translates to a stable environment. On the other hand, an unhealthy family becomes an obstacle both to breadwinners and the whole community. Health and wellness programs are protocols set to ensure that the health of individuals improves. Based on reports from CDC (2015), chronic illness has been known to lower the productivity of an individual, which intern affects their lifestyle. Consequently, it also renders even family career unproductive. Therefore health assessment is a critical facet that needs to prioritize to ensure minor issues which can be controlled do not erupt into massive problems. A wellness plan is a course of action designed to help individuals achieve optimal health. Multidimensional health and well-being may be defined as a condition of personal healthiness (Frost, 2018). Each aspect of personal wellbeing must be cultivated, strategically maintained, and developed to achieve the best possible state of well-being. This article conducts a health assessment on three different individuals (an old adult, a mother, and a child) and provides a key wellness plan to improve their overall optimal health.

Health assessment

An adult (61 years)

I interviewed a 65-year-old woman currently under government employment in the first individual health assessment. The woman describes her life as busy with limited to no time for herself. She indicates that while currently, she does not have has a medical prescription. She hails from a family where strokes, heart attack, CA, and diabetes often affect family members. When asked whether she smokes tobacco, she affirms that she has smoked tobacco since she was 18 years up to date (cumulating to 43 years of smoking). The onset of COVID-19 has greatly impacted herself and her family members. Based on her responses, her husband, a critical facet of her life, was diagnosed with COVID-19 resulting in his full dismissal from his employment. Consequently, he lost his health insurance, which led to his wife (the assessed) applying for full-time employment just to get the insurance. She narrates that currently, she lives with her mother and husband, who are both reliant on her for basic things. On top of this burden, she is dealing with type 2 diabetes brought about by her smoking and has to care for her “twin girls, one of which is mentally retarded and has autism.”

Based on the assessment, her lifestyle is wanting, and she cannot be able to afford better safety equipment. Some of the safety concerns mentioned are loose rugs, extension cords, and bathroom safety. Due to most of these stresses, the assessed suffers from diabetes type 2. Research conducted by Surgeon General’s Report in 2014 reiterates that smoking is a key contributor to these types of diabetes. The fact that the woman has smoked tobacco for 43 years shows high chances of other illnesses such as heart attack and stroke. Smoke emitted from tobacco contains a chemical that causes the cells lining blood arteries to become enlarged and inflamed, contributing to cardiovascular sicknesses such as Coronary Heart Disease, Atherosclerosis, and Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD). Her lack of proper vision may indicate fatigue, exhaustion, or her weakening general health. However, the fact that she has no friends, family, or social groups indicates the likelihood of depression resulting from not sharing her problems. Social interaction is vital since it allows people to share some problems.

Mother (breadwinner, 30 years)

The second assessed individual is a woman in her early thirties with seven children and currently dating and considering moving in with her partner. From a general point of view, the assessed is insured under the employer. She wears glasses which is a clear sign of a vision problem. When asked about her family, the assessment states that she has seven children, one suffering from autism. She further states that while it is hard to care for all the children, they (children) are of age and normally help with most of the house chores. This allows their mother (the assessed) to have at least an hour every week to relax.

The key stressors, however, include co-parenting with abusive ex-partners. Consequently, the assessed has developed PTSD as a result. The emergence of COVID-19 has affected her greatly, resulting to “career burnout” due to this, she hopes to rejoin school in abiding to increase her job career options. On the medical threat, the assessment was a constant tobacco user taking four times a day. However, she affirms that she has quit. Nonetheless, she is recuperating from alcoholism. Throughout all these problems, the assessed states that she has a concrete support system comprising “Matt, significant other, Family, and three best friends.”

Based on the assessed narrative, there is a clear indication of excess stress emanating from the burden of caring for seven children, dealing with her ex-partners, and the impacts of COVID-19. All these stressors explain the reason why she has developed PTSD. Similarly, she does not state the reason behind her alcoholism and constant smoking habits. One can deduce that being a mother at a young age and dealing with the problems facing her may develop PTSD, depression, and other lines.

Child 10

The last person assessed was a child of 10 years. Due to the fact that the child is too young to respond to the questionnaires fully, the article seeks an adult guardian to provide the vital details. While the child does not suffer from allergies, he has asthma, ADHD, and autism. He was further born prematurely in a family with an autism history. Based on the guardian, the child was diagnosed with autism at ten years despite observing the child’s conditions much earlier. To ease adaptation, the guardian would buy the child sensory things like a weighted blanket, Fidget toys, which would keep his (child’s) hands busy.

Some of the child’s problems often start at school, where people do not understand his condition and often result in a lot of “fun-making,” which emanates from autism. Similarly, his stepmom was accused of abusing him and his brother resulting in child support intervention and separation from his mothers and brothers. He is not allowed to visit his see, visit or play with his two stepbrothers and cannot understand. When the guardian was asked about the child’s hobbies, he stated that the child likes to play mine craft but can only play it when he goes to his aunts’ house. He can only watch u tube videos at home. He is oral sensitive and prefers crunchy things such as celery; smooth things like gum and fruit snacks. Unless medical modifications, sleep disturbance, and sense of danger, the child has normal growth. The child who already suffers from autism has a likeability of conducting PTSD. The fact that the child feels alone and neglected may trigger PTSD. He was further abused and separated from his stepbrothers.

Wellness plan

According to research, implementing a wellness strategy may lead to a happier and healthier life. Healthy living encompasses not just the physical body but also the mind, soul, and emotions, as defined by the National Institutes of Health. There are many ways to improve one’s quality of life, such as adding stress-relieving activities into one’s daily routine, eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, and practicing mindfulness. As noted from the assessment, the three individuals require a wellness plan to solve each problem.

Wellness plan for woman 61 years

For the first individual (woman 61 years), there are high chances of developing stroke, cardiac attack, and type 2 diabetes. The first illness that the assessed already has is type 2 diabetes. Based on research, people with diabetes make up a significant portion of the workforce in the US. As many as 88 million Americans have pre-diabetes, which affects more than a third of the adult population in the United States. Over 157 million individuals in the United States are covered by their employer’s health insurance, which implies that roughly 45 percent of them, or 70 million, have diabetes or pre-diabetes. Short- and long-term difficulties in diabetes patients are more likely if they do not have adequate and cheap access to drugs, technology, healthcare visits, and optimum and intelligible data that promotes health success. This increases the risk of complications. Smoking behaviors were shown to be the primary contributing factor in our instance.

The first step in a wellness program for this patient would be to educate the patient’s physician about the negative effects of smoking on her health. Because of an irregularity in how their bodies utilize insulin, people with Type 2 diabetes have high blood sugar levels. Type 2 diabetics have insulin levels that are sufficient or even excessive, but their systems are unable to adequately use them. Cigarettes contain toxic compounds that may injure your cells and disrupt their regular functions. Insulin’s efficiency may be reduced as a result of this inflammation. Oxidative stress, which occurs when chemicals from cigarette smoke interact with oxygen in the body, may also cause cell damage. Because of this, smokers must give up their habits. Based on a recent evaluation report, the woman has smoked for 43 years, even though her husband is in poor health and her mother is in critical condition. According to Galloway et al. (2019), a diabetic’s overall well-being is greatly influenced by their social network.

Stroke and heart problems are also quite likely for the patient. Stroke is the top cause of mortality in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Strokes strike more than 795,000 persons in the United States each year. A lack of oxygen damages and kills brain cells and tissue within minutes. Smoking is a huge contributor to stroke. The best method to prevent a stroke is to eat healthily, exercise frequently, and avoid smoking and excessive alcohol use. While it is evident that the woman does not take alcohol, the fact that she has smoked for that long means that she suffers from a stroke at any time.

Wellness plan for woman (30-year-old)

This woman was diagnosed with Post-Traumatic-Stress-Disorder after a thorough evaluation (PTSD). Personal or sexual abuse or military conflict might cause someone to suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). When they are exposed to things or activities that remind them of the trauma, they suffer from terrible flashbacks and dreams where they relive the experience. In our case, the encounter with the evaluated ex-partners was the primary cause of her PTSD symptoms. According to studies, therapeutic approaches differ from person to person, but most find that learning to be present at the moment helps to recognize thoughts and feelings that cause anxiety. They can then begin the healing process by learning how to outpower them. Both symptoms, such as intrusive memories and emotional discomfort, may be alleviated by Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) (Kazantzis et al., 2018). Both methods instruct patients on how to deal with their symptoms by discussing and working through their negative emotions such as anger, guilt, and fear and teaching them relaxation techniques such as deep breathing and meditation.

Adoption of the Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy is another step toward general wellbeing. Those who have been physically assaulted or have had military experiences might benefit from it. This method, which is relatively new in psychotherapy, uses eye movements to reduce the impact of painful memories.

Another factor that has a significant influence on her well-being is stress. Based on research, employees across all generations reported feeling more anxious than they did a year ago (52 percent). Still, two-thirds of millennials said they felt stressed at work most or all of the time, according to workplace stress research conducted in 2017 (Welkin). In addition, 72 percent of millennials want workplace wellness initiatives to assist them in managing their stress levels. When it comes to reducing workplace stress, employers that provide stress management tools for their workers are taking a crucial first step. Involving, enthusing, and vocalizing about these projects may guarantee that staff is engaged and that quantifiable outcomes are reached, among other things. Stress and despair may occur from juggling several jobs, seven children, COVID-19, and social life. There is a necessity for frequent exercise to restore one’s health. The National Institute of Mental Health reports, “Just 30 minutes per day of gentle walking can help boost mood and reduce stress.”

Wellness plan for a child (10 years)

The last assessed individual was a ten years kid who, through his guardian, was diagnosed with autism. Similarly, through the assessment, it was discovered that the child might also suffer from PTSD and depression. In its most severe form, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complicated developmental and neurological illness that often manifests itself within a child’s first three years of life. It impacts brain function, notably in the areas of social interaction and communication abilities (Roberts & Webster, 2020). Although there is no established etiology for autism spectrum disorder, it is thought that both genetics and environment have a role. Caring for a kid with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may be difficult on many levels, and love and compassion ensure that the child grows up successfully. Based on the report, the child has fears and autism symptoms. There is a need to educate the community on what autism is and ways we can make autistic children feel more loved. The segregation will only agitate the child, and his condition may be dire.

As noted earlier, PTSD is caused by a traumatic experience that a person goes through. In this case, the traumatic experience occurred when the child was abused by his stepmothers. With an autistic condition, this may cause the child’s fear and resentment towards others. Similarly, the child cannot be allowed to see or interact with his siblings creates a lonely life. While most of the issues are circumstantial, there is a need to try and educate the child on what happened and how it affects his life. As a wellness designer, the first step would be to try and reach out to other organizations with enough knowledge on how to handle a child with an autistic condition. This will help in the understanding of the child better. Similarly, the child needs to be allowed to play with other children. Play is an essential part of a child’s development. First, educating other children on why the assessed child responds the way he does is important in the overall acceptance of the child by other children. After the children understand why the child is the way he is, the next step is to teach them how to handle the child when playing. Playing is of critical importance, but unsupervised play may harm the child. As noted, these children are picky and sensitive. As a result, unsupervised play may lead to more health issues. Lastly, there is a need to create smooth operational teamwork between the family, educators, and medical practitioners in contact with the child. This will ensure a coordinated initiative that will result in progressive growth.


Health and wellness are a critical part of human development. Wellness extends the normal medical facets to incorporate spiritual, emotional, mental, and psychological matters. When a person is healthy, they can interact effectively with society. Through this article’s health and wellness assessment text, it was evident that the three participants each have their health or/and wellness problems. The elderly woman (61) suffered from a stroke, diabetes, and heart issues. The assessment concluded that part of why she has this illness is due to her smoking habits. Similarly, due to her obligation to her family, it becomes had to create time for herself. Similarly, the second lady thirty years also has health and wellness problems. Having had been abused by multiple partners, the lady developed PTSD, which affects her overall wellness. Part of the solution the article has deduced for her is therapy since counseling will alleviate and help her deal with the problem. Lastly, a ten-year-old child suffering from autism seeks social wellness due to seclusion by society. Having been constantly abused by the stepmother and separated from his set brothers, the child likability of stress and mental issues. In general, the wellness of any human determines how well they will interact with the external environment. A wellness program needs to be put up to assist others in dealing with some of the issues they pass through daily.


Galloway, M., Marsden, D. L., Callister, R., Nilsson, M., Erickson, K. I., & English, C. (2019). The feasibility of a telehealth exercise program aimed at increasing cardiorespiratory fitness for people after stroke. International Journal of Telerehabilitation11(2), 9-28.

Kazantzis, N., Luong, H. K., Usatoff, A. S., Impala, T., Yew, R. Y., & Hofmann, S. G. (2018). The processes of cognitive behavioral therapy: A review of meta-analyses. Cognitive Therapy and Research42(4), 349-357.

National Institute Of Mental Health. (nd). Transforming the understanding and treatment of mental illnesses. Retrieved from:

Roberts, J., & Webster, A. (2020). Including students with autism in schools: a whole school approach to improve outcomes for students with autism. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 1-18.

Welkin. (2018). Workplace Wellness Programs: Managing Stress at its Source. Retrieved from:


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