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Harmony in Hierarchy: Nurturing Proactive Followership for Organizational Growth at Bluebird Care


For several decades, leadership has remained an area of great interest for organizational studies; however, it should be noted that the relationship between leaders and followers has also become increasingly important. Instead, they present an uncommon view on how followers can be actively involved in organizational outcomes. It analyses Terry, Belinda, Caleb, and James’s roles in Bluebird Care. We also discuss how Caleb’s and James’s characteristics lead to specific followership outcomes.

Roles at Bluebird Care

The partner is another of Chalef’s follower typologies, in which Terry appears. Belinda plays a vital role as a “Resource” who provides expertise (Chaleff, 2003). Here, Caleb is the “individualist” who challenges the status quo, whereas James is the “implementer” who executes all the activities.

Impact of Caleb’s and James’s Characteristics

The outcome of followership in Bluebird Care is influenced by assertiveness in the case of Caleb and practical approaches on the part of James. However, Caleb’s penchant for challenges might bring fresh ideas and greater flexibility. In contrast, James’s emphasis on implementation means these are good ideas and actual outcomes. These organizations possess dynamic qualities that aid in maintaining equilibrium in organizational dynamics.

Recommendations for Robin (Organizational Consultant Perspective)

Building a working climate that supports free expression for promoting teamwork is also essential. Tea-building practices are also crucial because they enhance healthy interpersonal relationships within teams that implement them regularly. Upward and downward improved communication channels will ensure transparency in an empowered working environment. Moreover, giving some thought to changes in task delegation and recognition systems will boost the total effectiveness of teams.

Advice to Robin (Followership et al.)

The participatory leadership style, which encompasses aspects of transformational leadership, will bring the best out of Bluebird Care. Robin must cultivate an environment that rewards good suggestions and considers problems as chances for improvement (Ruben & Gigliotti, 2021). For instance, making available forums where followers can make their own decisions strengthens them by allowing them to participate in joint decision-making. Robin must, therefore, develop a vision that moves the whole team towards a common goal for the company’s growth.

Integration of “Reversing the Lens” Framework

To integrate the findings from the “Reversing the lens” perspective in discussing the roles of Terry, Belinda, Caleb, and James. With this framework comes an angle shift highlighting how followers influence leadership and organizational results. The “Reversing the Lens” framework will help us get inside the relationship between a leader and his/her follower(s). This view points to the critical roles played by followers in establishing leaders’ actions, which eventually determine organizational ends. It also makes us think about how a leader may successfully motivate the follower to bring about organizational change.

Synthesis of Chaleff’s Typology and “Reversing the Lens” Framework

Using Chaleff’s typology and “Reversing the Lens” clarifies how well-organized Bluebird Care is. It clarifies what followers can do independently and how they affect the whole leadership environment (Chaleff, 2003). Bluebird Care demonstrates an in-depth understanding of roles and responsibilities within their leadership structure by using the two approaches – Chaleff’s typology and the “Reversing the Lens” (Chaleff, 2003). Besides focusing on the independence and capacity of each follower, it shows that leadership depends on all involved parties, including the followers, as a collective unit. It also assists in determining Bluebird Care’s organizational efficiency and sheds light on cultivating cooperative and empowered employees.

Enhancing Organizational Resilience

Think of a way in which you can promote organizational agility. Promoting an environment that constantly adapts while enhancing learning could be part of these things (Chaleff, 2003). Explain this as the vital aspect of the proposed approach, which fits perfectly in line with the proactive followership framework by Chaleff and the necessity for organizational readiness within the constantly changing environment.

Sustainable Leadership Practices

To make the discussion more comprehensive, ensure it is sustainable for the given leadership and follower approach. Demonstrate how striking an equilibrium between support and challenge coupled with open dialogue facilitates sustainability in organizational performance. Through embracing sustainable leadership styles, leaders will establish a conducive condition for future success (Ruben & Gigliotti, 2021). It entails striking a good balance in supporting her followers while stretching them to transform them into great leaders. Furthermore, creating an inclusive environment that encourages frequent employee discussions promotes ongoing progress in the workplace and maintains optimal results over time.

Acknowledging and Managing Resistance

Discuss possible hurdles and resistance resulting from proposed changes and recommend steps to be adopted to overcome these hurdles (Chaleff, 2003). Guide effectively overcoming resistance using theoretical foundations from Chaleff’s typology and the whole organizational paradigm to ease towards a dynamic and balanced system.


Finally, acknowledging the value of followers and using Chaleff’s model gives a more comprehensive view of organizational behaviour. These roles played by Terry, Belinda, Caleb, and James build up to an intricate interplay that impacts followership results. By adopting the suggested tactics, Bluebird Care will be able to develop an empowering culture which will criticize and encourage. It should be embraced in order to secure prolonged success and development.


Chaleff, I. (2003). The Courageous Follower: Standing Up to and for Our Leaders. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.

Ruben, B. D., & Gigliotti, R. A. (2021). Explaining incongruities between leadership theory and practice: integrating theories of resonance, communication and systems. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 42(6), 942-957.


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