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Governance of Sport


Sports governance is an important aspect that plays a crucial role in the success and sustainability of any sports organization. It involves the management and oversight of various factors such as financial, legal, strategic planning, and decision-making processes within a sports organization (François Brouard et al., 2023). In recent years, there has been an increasing focus on transparency in sports organizations, particularly in terms of their financial operations and decision-making processes (Král, P., & Cuskelly, 2018). This has been driven by several high-profile cases of corruption and mismanagement in different sports around the world. The purpose of this paper is to assess the level of knowledge on sports governance with a particular emphasis on transparency in hockey clubs.

General Context

The issue of transparency remains a significant challenge for many sports clubs worldwide. Hockey is not immune to these challenges, as there have been several cases where hockey clubs have faced allegations or even legal action over issues relating to transparent management practices (Kravets, 2016). The need for increased transparency stems from potential ethical concerns, such as conflicts of interest between stakeholders that may arise due to undisclosed relationships between club officials or negligence towards members’ rights by club executives.

Thesis Statement

This research aims to provide an understanding and evaluation regarding its application within professional hockey leagues across North America during its governance to assist in formulating a standardized framework for other professional hockey organizations both nationally and internationally. The expected output of this research is to identify good governance practices that can be applied within the sport of hockey, particularly in terms of transparency.


Transparency plays a vital role in ensuring accountability and fostering trust between hockey clubs and their stakeholders. A review of the literature on sports governance reveals several aspects related to transparency that are relevant to the assessment of hockey clubs (Glos et al., 2021). These include disclosure requirements, stakeholder involvement, financial reporting, decision-making processes, and ethical responsibilities.

Disclosure Requirements

One essential aspect of transparency is the disclosure requirement for sports organizations regarding their financial operations. This concept entails the disclosure of relevant information about the financial status of hockey clubs (Oliveira da Silva et al., 2019). In simpler terms, transparency means being open and honest about how revenue is generated and how these organizations utilize it.

The primary objective of implementing transparency in sports organizations such as hockey clubs is to provide stakeholders with access to vital information concerning the sources of income that sustain these teams. For instance, fans have a right to know how much money their favorite club makes from TV rights deals or sponsorship agreements with corporations. Likewise, players deserve to be aware of the financial standing of their team since they are directly affected by its decisions. Hockey clubs need to make this information readily available and easily accessible to all stakeholders. This can be achieved through publicizing annual reports or creating a designated section on the club’s website dedicated solely to financial disclosures (Mason et al., 2001). By doing so, any interested party can access this critical data without any hassle. Aside from fulfilling an ethical responsibility towards stakeholders through transparency, there are also practical benefits for sports organizations themselves in adhering to this principle. Openness about finances breeds trust between clubs and investors, which ultimately leads not only to monetary support but also increased engagement from fans who feel more connected to the club.

Stakeholder Involvement

Stakeholder involvement has been a crucial factor in promoting transparency in sports governance, particularly in hockey clubs. This process involves engaging all relevant individuals and groups that have a stake in the governance of the sport, which includes players, coaches, administrators, sponsors, and fans (Paren, 2016). When these stakeholders are involved in decision-making processes within hockey clubs, it promotes open communication and accountability within the organization.

One of the main benefits of stakeholder involvement is that it ensures diverse perspectives are considered when decisions are being made. This helps to prevent biases or personal interests from influencing essential decisions that affect the club as a whole. When different stakeholders with various backgrounds come together to discuss issues about their club, there is a higher chance of reaching well-informed and equitable decisions (Paren, 2016). In addition to this diversity of perspectives, involving stakeholders also brings about transparency through increased information sharing. For effective decision-making to take place within a hockey club’s governance structure, all involved parties must be well-informed about matters that pertain to them. By communicating openly with stakeholders and keeping them updated on relevant developments or changes within their club’s operations or policies, trust between members increases significantly (Glebova et al., 2023).

Moreover, it is worth mentioning how stakeholder involvement can help improve accountability. This aspect entails ensuring key organizational actors can be held responsible for their actions and that they perform their roles ethically. Because stakeholders are involved in the decision-making process, all parties have a better understanding of the reasons behind certain decisions. By holding each other accountable within a club’s governance framework, it promotes fairness and transparency (Chappelet et al., 2019). Furthermore, when stakeholders are actively involved in hockey clubs’ governance structures, it increases legitimacy; this refers to how much authority or credibility an organization has with its key stakeholders. Incorporating diverse perspectives when making decisions can establish a sense of inclusivity where everyone feels valued and represented. Whether it is players, fans, or sponsors, having their opinions heard is crucial to building stronger relationships with others who care about the sport. However, stakeholder involvement can only guarantee partial transparency in sports governance on its own. This must go hand-in-hand with adequate mechanisms for oversight, such as independent audits of financial statements, which makes monitoring possible. Allowing external auditors to review financial reports at specified Shilbury, D., & Perkins (2019) state, “it surely helps you keep your finger on whether your administration developed good-mannered principles, staffs among other personnel.”

Financial Reporting

Financial reporting is a crucial factor that has contributed to transparency in sports governance, especially in hockey clubs. It refers to the process of recording and disclosing financial information about an organization’s performance and financial position (Redmond, 2020). Transparency, on the other hand, refers to open communication and disclosure of relevant information. One of the main reasons why financial reporting plays a vital role in enhancing transparency in sports governance is accountability. When hockey clubs report their financial activities accurately and comprehensively, stakeholders such as fans, investors, and sponsors can hold them accountable for their actions. This helps prevent corruption or mismanagement of funds that could negatively impact the club’s performance.

Moreover, transparent financial reporting enables stakeholders to make informed decisions regarding their involvement with the club. For instance, potential investors can analyze a club’s finances before deciding whether to invest or not. Similarly, fans can decide which teams they want to support based on how ethically they handle their finances (Parent et al., 2023). Financial reporting also promotes integrity within hockey clubs by fostering trust between stakeholders and management. When an organization discloses its finances openly and honestly through audits and checks-and-balance systems put into place by regulators such as governing bodies for sports (International et al.), it shows a commitment towards transparency.

Another significant advantage of having transparent finances is attracting sponsorship opportunities for hockey clubs. With financial reporting, sponsors can evaluate the club’s performance and financial status before entering into any sponsorship deals. This ensures that the partnership is beneficial for both parties and that the sponsor’s investment is protected. Besides, transparent financial reporting plays a crucial role in promoting fair competition among hockey clubs. When all teams are required to disclose their finances regularly, it creates a level playing field as it prevents certain clubs from having an unfair advantage due to hidden financial resources (Sofyani et al., 2020).

Decision-Making Processes

The decision-making process is important for promoting consensus in sports management, particularly in ice hockey organizations. The word “transparency” refers to the openness and accountability of the decision-making process in an organization (Lachance, 2022). It includes how decisions are made in the context of sports management, who is involved in these processes, and how stakeholders communicate with each other.

In today’s world of competitive sports, transparency has become important for organizations such as hockey clubs (Hoye et al., 2023). This is due to many factors such as increased public scrutiny, media coverage and football-related financial investments. Therefore, hockey organizations must have a transparent decision-making process, comply with ethical standards and promote fair competition. One way in which transparency can be achieved through effective decision-making processes is by involving key stakeholders at different levels of the organization. This includes players, coaches, management staff, owners/shareholders as well as external bodies like league officials or regulatory bodies. Involving these parties in decision-making processes governing policies or operations within the club ensures that all voices are heard and that interests are aligned toward promoting mutual objectives. Following a structured process where evidence-based data analysis plays an integral role fosters transparency within organizations like hockey clubs during their management meetings where decisive actions towards critical issues on the sporting landscape are undertaken. By doing so, decision-makers can make informed decisions supported by data rather than relying on gut feelings or personal biases. This not only promotes transparency but also increases accountability, as decisions can be traced back to their source of evidence.

Transparency in sports governance is closely tied to ethical and fair practices within hockey clubs. In this regard, having transparent decision-making processes is essential for upholding these principles and promoting a level playing field for all stakeholders involved. Public trust and confidence in the organization rely heavily on the perception that critical decisions are made objectively, without bias towards any particular party (Wisdom et al., nd). Likewise, fostering an environment where open communication channels exist enhances transparency in sports governance among hockey clubs. With effective communication channels between management staff like coaches’ owners/shareholders, etc., players have clear visibility into why certain decisions were taken even if they may disagree with them. This provides insight into how policies or operations may impact different members of the organization. Alongside aiding public trust in objective decision-making, this level of engagement fosters a culture where grievances can be aired constructively. Feedback from players/staff having autonomy over their needs through systematic review processes that confer priority to players’ issues promotes healthy team cohesion while preventing general rifts.

Ethical Responsibilities

Ethical responsibilities play a crucial role in promoting transparency in sports governance, especially in hockey clubs. These responsibilities are the moral obligations that individuals have to maintain honesty, integrity, and fairness while working within the sporting environment (Mrkonjic, 2021). Transparency ensures that all decision-making processes are open and easily understood by all stakeholders involved. It promotes trust, accountability, and fairness within the organization.

Firstly, ethical responsibilities contribute to transparency by setting standards for acceptable behavior within sports governance structures (Thibault, 2021). In hockey clubs, club officials are expected to adhere to a set code of ethics that guides their actions and decisions when dealing with players and other stakeholders. This code of ethics may include principles such as honesty, respect for others’ rights, and autonomy which guide how club officials interact with players during recruitment processes or resolving disputes. Adhering to these ethical expectations makes it easier for stakeholders outside the club structure to understand why decisions were made.

Secondly, ethical responsibilities promote accountability at different levels within the organization, thus increasing transparency significantly. When there is clarity about what is expected of individuals holding various roles, such as coaches or managers, responsibility becomes more critically defined since they can be held accountable should any misdeeds happen under their watch, even if they are not directly involved. Ethical code provides leverage on honesty issues, thus enabling monitoring systems to work effectively, avoiding crises and collapses, especially in collusion-induced corruption.

Thirdly, ethical responsibilities contribute to transparency by fostering a culture of fairness within the club. Instances where favoritism or discrimination occur can be identified promptly, and appropriate actions taken due to clear ethical principles that forbid such practices. This helps to build trust between players, coaches, management, and other stakeholders within the club since they are assured that decisions made are based on merit rather than bias(Adam, 2021).

Finally, ethical responsibilities also ensure that conflicts of interest are appropriately addressed. Hockey clubs can face conflicts between the personal interests of some individuals versus what is best for the organization as a whole. Ethical expectations guide officials on how to manage such situations by promoting transparency through disclosure mechanisms and recusal policies when necessary, thus avoiding any suspicions among stakeholders about hidden agendas or motives in decision-making processes.


In conclusion, transparency is a crucial aspect of sports governance that promotes accountability, trust, fairness, and ethical practices among stakeholders within hockey clubs. The critical components of transparency include disclosure requirements, stakeholder involvement, financial reporting, decision-making processes as well as ethical responsibilities. These aspects are interconnected and work together to ensure that organizations operate ethically while promoting fair play within the sport (Tiell et al., 2020). While implementing good governance practices may be challenging for some hockey clubs due to limited resources or resistance to change, these organizations need to prioritize transparency in their operations if they wish to remain sustainable in today’s sporting landscape, where public scrutiny is high.

Additionally, it is imperative for sports governing bodies at various levels, such as national leagues or international federations like the International Hockey Federation (FIH), which exist primarily to protect players’ rights through promoting harmony between all hockey stakeholders, enforce uniformity on sound governance principles through education programs towards building an impeccable image leveled on Fair Play tenets including equality/justice worldwide by reprimanding any cases resembling mismanagement/corruption being reported(Tiell et al., 2020). When compared with other attempted legislation has roll out artists have been presented evaluations into corporate performance legalities encompassing regulating functions set by national players’ associations along with upholding amateur/professional organizational members’ accountability despite handouts confirming good governance has been distressed at times by poor implementation of low-level training standards among coaches, not to mention less use of contingency policies which assure better development opportunities for retired athletes through various targeted programs. To wrap it all up, one must recognize the following steps: to achieve full transparency effectively, a broader mindset is crucial in educational initiatives aimed toward this goal. This paper’s findings urge stakeholders globally that transparently governed sporting organizations are the key pillars for sustainable, fair, and prosperous growth within today’s modern world sports.


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