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Genetics Essays

Unraveling Addiction: Genetics, Neurophysiology, and Environmental Factors

Addiction, termed medically as substance use disorder, is a behavioural disease that suffices when an individual is exposed to drug abuse over a long period. However, the level of addiction is not only influenced by drug abuse; genetics are also involved in a person’s addiction. The societal explanation of addiction is often referred to as ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 825

Genetics and Genomics Competencies in Nursing and Health Professional Practice

Introduction  The Human Genome Project marked a monumental milestone In the genetics and genomics sectors, catalyzing significant advancement in healthcare provision. The Human Genome projects, completed in 2003, involved sequencing the entered human genome to uncover the treasure troves of genetic information (Gibbs, 2020). The projects revolutionize our understanding of disease, susceptibility, and treatment modalities. ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2541
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PTC-PCR Lab: Amplification and Analysis of PTC Taste Receptor Genes

Introduction: Phenylthiocarbamide (PTC) taste is a well-known hereditary characteristic that differs from person to person. On chromosome 7, the PTC taste receptor gene, or TAS2R38, codes for the taste receptor protein that recognizes PTC (Risso et al., 2020). (Daily Ingestion of Cranberries) Polyphenol Oral Rinse Modifies Oral Microbiome in PROP, but Not Taste Perception The ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1136

Documentation, Collection, and Preservation of DNA Evidence

Deoxyribonucleic acid, shorted as DNA, is an organic chemical of nucleotides found in almost all living organisms. DNA is used for identification since two or more people cannot share the same DNA except identical twins. Nearly all the cells in a person’s body have the same DNA; therefore, it provides highly accurate matches to a ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2132

Genetic Engineering: Humankind Future or Doom?

With the help of biotechnology techniques like gene editing or transfer and cloning, genetic engineering aims at deliberately modifying the genetic information contained within an organism’s cells. The purpose here is to harness specific traits or properties of interest by manipulating the genetic code. This technology holds transformative potential for improving outcomes in many areas, ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1633

IVF Genetic Selection & AI Technology

Introduction Improved success rates, higher efficiency, and reduced costs are advantages of using AI technology for genetic selection in vitro fertilization. Pregnancy outcomes may be improved by employing machine learning algorithms to sift through massive genetic data sets in search of patterns and connections. Because of this, doctors may take a more individualized approach to ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2820

Genetic and Disease – Cancer

Cancer is an ailment whereby parts of the body’s cells advance uncontrollably and extend to other areas of the body. Cancer might begin almost anywhere in an individual’s body, formed of many cells. Typically, human cells multiply and grow to establish other cells as the body requires them. When cells become damaged or grow old, ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1920

Causes and Effects of Obesity

Tracing the historical perspective of obesity, its origin is dated back over 25000 years ago to our prehistoric ancestors. However, when an individual was overweight during the Middle stone period and 17th century, it indicated some sense of power, fertility, and prosperity. It was between 460BC -370BC when Hippocrates clarified that obesity is a health ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1174

Detecting the Presence of Species Using eDNA

Abstract The examination of environmental DNA (eDNA) has been applied to detect numerous species within an aquatic environment. Using eDNA, this experiment examines the presence or absence of the tremendous crested Newt in two distinct ponds at three year periods. From April to June, it was feasible to identify great crested newt DNA in some ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1855

Good Genes and Runaway Genes

Introduction The two key ideas in evolutionary biology are good genes and runaway selection. Good genes enable an organism to live longer and procreate more successfully than its contemporaries (Chandler et al.,.2013). These genes may carry advantageous characteristics that aid an organism’s ability to endure and procreate, such as increased illness resistance or mobility. Runaway ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1194

Skull Shape, Brain Size and Functionality: Neanderthals and Modern Humans

Summary  An article published in the New York Times titled narrower skulls, oblong brains: How Neanderthal DNA still shapes us, by Carl Zimmer asserts that Neanderthal DNA continues to affect not only the shape of the human skull but also the brain size. Zimmer (2018) initially starts by recognizing the fact that individuals usually sign up for ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1622
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