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First Amendment Essays

The Significance of the First Amendment: Protecting Fundamental Freedoms

The United States Constitution, along with its Bill of Rights, is the very foundation that defines American democracy, and it gives life to what America stands for. Within the Bill of Rights, there are amendments, and among these amendments is the First Amendment, which holds a superior position since it represents fundamental freedoms essential to ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 647

Iowa Truck Advertising Ban Constitutionality

In the case of Iowa passing a regulation that prohibits all advertising on the side of semi-trucks due to issues about distracting different drivers, my client, who has been found responsible for violating this regulation by advertising on her truck, can present numerous compelling arguments to the court challenging the constitutionality of the regulation as ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 745
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Violation of First Amendment Rights

Rule: Strago may argue that the University curtailed his liberty of free speech found in the First Amendment. One constitutional right in the First Amendment stipulates that every individual has the right to air their views freely on matters of public concern, regardless of whether the views may differ from others (Boyer and Cynthia 215). ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1259

Big Tech vs. Free Speech

There has been significant controversy raised over the inappropriate use of social media and how it has harmed people. The question of regulating social media is prevalent, especially when major social media harm cases arise in the public domain. However, the issue is still debatable since the benefits and disadvantages associated with social media. Additionally, ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1374

Cyberbullying and the First Amendment

Often, students are cruel or bully others without realizing they are practicing harm act. Learners spend a lot of their time in school. Though most of the bullying may not occur within the learning institution, what happens outside, what happens outside the learning has impacted the students, thereby becoming victims of the cyberbullying. In this ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 650
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Essays On The First Amendment

This piece of legislation is one of the most unique to ever be established and was the foundation of the Bill of Rights which is the base for the United States government today. What makes it so unique and profound at the same time is that the initial topic discussed in a new government is the freedom to openly discuss a new government, amongst other topics!

This discussion is a basic human right and freedom bestowed on all citizens of that country. It wasn’t about who would own what, what the tax rate should be, or who would be the leaders. It was simply putting into law common sense.

How to write essays on the First Amendment

With this one you can go down a more practical route of discussing the history of it or major cases related to it and how that has continued to form the United States up to the present day. Make sure if you go with this approach that it’s well thought out, planned in advance and you have an outline of what’s to discuss. Keeping it neutral and rich with resources is also always necessary.

The other approach you can take is the interpretation of the First Amendment itself and what it means from the point of view of the founding fathers. Has it been warped in modern times to simply allow anything and everything? Be wary to avoid making it anecdotal and do your best to still cite where appropriate.

Yet, at the same time, it’s an excellent means of being expressive and writing an opinion piece on what the First Amendment means to you and why you value it. It will also showcase your ability for professional prose writing which is a very handy bonus.

Topics to explore and write about when writing essays on this subject:

• The History of the First Amendment
• The Challenges to the First Amendment in the 21st century
• The different forms of speech protected by the First Amendment
• The interpretation from the Supreme Court of the First Amendment

So, try looking through the samples on this page. They will help you see different people’s points of view about the First Amendment and create your own masterpiece!

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