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Feedback and Developmental Goals Summary Report


This report aims to assess the student’s progress in an online development center course according to four criteria: leadership and management, problem-solving and collaboration, teamwork and collaboration, and communication skills. For this evaluation, we will use the Behavior Anchored Rating Scale (BARS) to look for good and bad things.

Communication Skills

Strength 1: Effective Verbal Communication

In all of the online conversations, the student participant has shown remarkable command of the English language. Their thoughts are expressed in a way their classmates can quickly grasp because they are plain and simple. They show genuine interest in hearing others out and then respond intelligently to spark more debate.

Strength 2: Active Listening

During group projects, the student demonstrates exceptional active listening abilities. By recognizing their classmates’ thoughts, they show empathy and pay close attention to detail. As a result, everyone at the web development center is in a better mood and is more likely to work together.

Development Goal 1: Written Communication

Although the student has a good command of English when speaking, they might use it to sharpen their writing abilities. Their writings sometimes need to be more explicit, which makes it hard for people to grasp what they are trying to say. They can become better communicators if they work on their grammar and style of writing.

Development Goal 2: Non-Verbal Communication

During online talks, the student participant sometimes has trouble reading non-verbal signs. They might do better if they studied the most effective ways to show attention or involvement through their hands and faces.

Teamwork and Collaboration

Strength 1: Supportive Team Member

The student always helps their teammates when working on projects together. They show genuine interest in other people’s thoughts and provide helpful criticism or further information when asked (Sweet, 2023). A positive work atmosphere and more teamwork are the results.

Strength 2: Contribution of Ideas

During group projects, the student actively offers fresh perspectives and ideas. They are open to new ideas and can creatively solve complex challenges. This conduct generally improves the team’s conversations and decision-making process.

Development Goal 1: Conflict Resolution

The student participant is great at working with others, but they sometimes need help resolving team conflicts. Rather than confronting problems head-on, they evade or ignore them. They can improve team dynamics by learning to manage conflicts and resolve arguments constructively.

Development Goal 2: Building Rapport

A student’s capacity to connect with teammates who are different from them, either in terms of background or work style, could be enhanced. They may foster an environment that welcomes and celebrates variety by proactively looking for ways to learn about and respect one another’s disparities.

Problem Solving and Decision Making

Strength 1: Critical Thinking

When addressing problems, the student participant always shows excellent critical thinking abilities (Tang et al., 2020). They consider several aspects and examine events from several angles before coming up with a reasonable solution. When they can think critically, the group is far better able to make decisions.

Strength 2: Research Skills

The student has mastered the research skills essential for assignments requiring them to solve problems. With the help of reliable sources, they compile pertinent material and skillfully combine it into well-organized arguments or suggestions. Their methodical methodology allows them to make evidence-based conclusions.

Development Goal 1: Time Management

Time management is an area where the student participant may use some improvement during problem-solving activities despite their intense critical thinking skills. Their time management skills and capacity to set priorities could use some work to fix problems.

Development Goal 2: Decision-Making under Pressure

Sometimes, the student participant has difficulty deciding what to do when time is of the essence. If they take the time to weigh all their options, they can avoid being rushed into selecting. Their capacity to make rational decisions under duress can be improved by practicing decision-making procedures and acquiring stress management skills.

Leadership and Management

Strength 1: Delegation Skills

As the leader of the group, the student has excellent delegating abilities. Team members’ strengths are considered when tasks are assigned and clear objectives and expectations are communicated. They are great at dividing up work, which allows them to get things done quickly and efficiently.

Strength 2: Motivating Others

The participating student is good at encouraging and motivating their classmates. Giving credit where credit is due boosts morale and encourages more work from everyone on the team.

Development Goal 1: Conflict Resolution as a Leader

Although the student leader shows promise, they might improve their dispute resolution abilities. Creating plans to resolve disagreements constructively while keeping the peace in the team would be beneficial. They can foster a more harmonious workplace by working on their conflict management abilities.

Development Goal 2: Providing Constructive Feedback

During tests and evaluations, the student participant sometimes has trouble giving helpful criticism to teammates. Focusing only on the positive parts of performance, they may avoid discussing ways to improve. Acquiring the ability to provide helpful criticism will allow them to support the professional development of their teammates and advance the team as a whole.


Ultimately, this report assessed the student’s performance in an online development center within the following four areas: Leadership and Management, Problem Solving and Decision Making, Teamwork and Collaboration, and Communication Skills. Despite the students ‘ strengths, areas for improvement were found, including solid verbal communication, positive teamwork behavior, critical thinking, delegation, active listening, idea contribution, research proficiency, and inspiring others. The student needs to work on their capacities for effective written and nonverbal communication, conflict resolution, rapport building with diverse team members, time management while solving problems, making decisions under pressure, conflict resolution in a leadership role, and giving and receiving constructive criticism. Participating students can improve their overall performance in the online development center and gain valuable skills that will help them succeed in their careers if they work hard on these goals.


Sweet, M., & Michaelsen, L. K. (Eds.). (2023). Team-based learning in the social sciences and humanities: Group work that works to generate critical thinking and engagement. Taylor & Francis.

Tang, T., Vezzani, V., & Eriksson, V. (2020). Developing critical thinking, collective creativity skills, and problem-solving through playful design jams. Thinking Skills and Creativity37, 100696.


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