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Exploring the Dynamics of Social Recruitment

Purpose of the Article

In “Social Recruitment in HRM: A Theoretical Approach and Empirical study,” published in 2017, Gravili and Fait explore how social media and other unused communication channels influence business enlisting practices. The authors trust to provide readers with an exhaustive understanding of the potential and issues brought about by the changes in human intuition within the computerized age. To answer concerns about the utilization of social media in enlisting strategies, the discovery of exceptional individuals, and the creation of new management rules, the study looks at the theoretical underpinnings of social recruitment and offers empirical evidence.

Sample and Study Population; Design/Methodology/Approach

To thoroughly grasp the social recruitment landscape, Gravili and Fait (2017) looked at organizations in the private, public, and non-profit sectors in Europe and the US. The authors strive for a broad sample that includes a range of organizational forms to provide a representative picture of the complex employment landscape. The findings broadly apply to various organizational contexts because a wide range of sectors were included.

A multifaceted observational technique utilizing qualitative and quantitative approaches characterizes the investigation plan. By integrating innovation and social progressions with sociological and psychological viewpoints, the study offers a modern viewpoint on the complexities related to the execution of social enlistment methodologies. The authors utilize a multivariate factual show to evaluate the degree of social enlisting integration in HRM arrangements over different sizes and industries. Moreover, Gravili and Fait use interpretative models to retrieve data from the internet and then use text mining methods to examine the information obtained (Gravili & Fait, 2017). Using this method enables them to interpret social recruitment drivers and communication tactics as shown on company websites. The integration of statistical analysis and interpretive techniques thoroughly investigates social recruitment strategies, illuminating the subtleties and variances inherent in various organizational contexts.


An analysis of the development of web-based communications has shown that They have had a significant impact on corporate marketing practices. This article focuses on the basics of social media communication, emphasizing its interactivity, active user participation, horizontal dimension, and automated content development (Gravili & Fait, 2017). With this development, old communication patterns have completely changed, and users can now actively participate in developing and exchanging content. Customers need to adapt to the dynamics of online interactions as they have a major impact on their marketing strategies. Furthermore, we examine how new media impact society by analyzing the relationship between information technology (IT), personal identity, personality, and cultural aspects. The authors present an interpretive model to examine the complex relationship between social media communication and cultural factors (Gravili & Fait, 2017). This viewpoint examines how social networks impact and mirror various facets of personality and shows how personal identities are changing in the digital era. The chapter also highlights how social media communication and the “I” versus “We” aim dichotomy relate. The writers illustrate the changing dynamics of social connections in the context of hiring by drawing comparisons between generations, laying the groundwork for a more sophisticated understanding of social media’s role in forming organizational ties.

Recognizing the dominant role social media plays in today’s competitive world of work, the focus has shifted to employing social media. The authors argue that social tools are becoming essential automobilists in the recruitment process, including identifying “passive” candidates who are difficult to approach using traditional methods (Gravili & Fait, 2017). This chapter highlights the need for companies to maintain a strong employer brand, combining symbolic values such as style and personality with practical elements such as workplace details. Through relational communication, organizations are encouraged to interact with potential applicants and provide tangible and intangible aspects to create an attractive employer identity.

Critical legal and ethical considerations associated with social recruitment. The authors highlight the delicate balance between privacy rights and effective recruitment processes. While acknowledging privacy as a fundamental right, the chapter emphasizes the need to avoid excessive emphasis on privacy that may impede the quality of the recruitment process (Gravili & Fait, 2017). The discussion extends to the potential risks posed by inappropriate use of social media, ranging from provocative content to discriminatory comments. The study is structured across various levels of analysis, examining the spread of social recruitment in different sectors and countries. The research considers sociological and psychological factors in conjunction with technological and cultural evolution through a multidisciplinary methodological approach. The authors employ a multivariate statistical model to demonstrate variations in adopting social recruitment in human resource management policies, highlighting the relationship between company size and social recruitment strategies (Gravili & Fait, 2017). The research delves into the drivers of communication in recruiting strategies, utilizing co-occurrence analysis and cluster analysis to identify macro-themes that shape the communication process in social recruitment.


Gravili and Fait assert that organizations must adapt to the evolving dynamics of human relationships by embracing social recruitment strategies. They underscore the critical need for a nuanced understanding of new technologies and the psychological profiles of potential candidates. The authors advocate for a cultural shift in management approaches, emphasizing the departure from traditional recruitment methods towards incorporating social recruiting practices. Recognizing the significance of employer branding, they stress the importance of crafting compelling and recognizable organizational identities to attract talent in the competitive digital era. The conclusion serves as a call to action for companies to proactively navigate the complexities of the contemporary workforce, positioning themselves strategically to leverage social media in recruitment processes and, ultimately, secure a sustainable competitive advantage.


Gravili G. & Fait M. (2017). Social Recruitment in HRM: A Theoretical Approach and Empirical Analysis.


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