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Exploring Interpersonal Communication Concepts in “Finding Dory”


The film “Finding Dory” masters human interactions and emphasizes the need for communication in relationships. A diverse ensemble of people struggles with communication in a vast underwater universe, emphasizing how crucial human connection is to their travels. Watching the film shows that its themes are the characters’ ability to communicate, understand, and connect. The paper analyzes interpersonal communication in “Finding Dory,” relating it to Chapter 1 of our course. Studying character interactions and relationship development will help us comprehend communication dynamics. This analysis shows how the film emphasizes the significance of interpersonal communication in building connections, overcoming problems, and growing personally. Thesis: “Finding Dory” is a powerful film about communication. Communication is crucial for meaningful relationships, overcoming challenges, and personal growth, as seen in the movie.

Active Listening

Social communication requires active listening, as shown in “Finding Dory.” Dory, who has short-term memory loss, displays this throughout the novel. Because Dory has memory loss, Marlin and Nemo must actively listen and change their communication patterns. Dory’s condition makes communication challenging. Therefore, active listening is essential (Mawer, 2023). Others must be patient with her tendency to forget recent conversations. The close buddies Marlin and Nemo show Dory active listening by adjusting their communication style to her requirements. They understand the need to listen without becoming impatient or dismissive, supporting the textbook’s claim that excellent communication goes beyond speaking.

Dory’s overprotective friend, Marlin, tailors communication to her needs. His anger develops into patience and understanding through active listening. Marlin changes his communication style to assist Dory in recalling important information by repeating and providing context (Mawer, 2023). Dory’s adventurous and understanding friend Nemo listens throughout the film. He patiently repeats facts to ensure Dory understands. Nemo’s communication skills help Dory recover from memory loss and strengthen their connection. This image reinforces the textbook’s argument that effective communication involves clear speech and attentive listening.

The film’s active listening scene underlines the need to adjust communication strategies. Cognitive and language difficulties can hamper interpersonal interactions. “Finding Dory” shows that relationship-building needs active listening, understanding, and adapting (Mawer, 2023). Finally, the video teaches active listening to overcome communication hurdles and entertains with its charming characters and intriguing story. Marlin and Nemo’s shifting interactions with Dory show that active participation leads to deeper and more satisfying partnerships.


In “Finding Dory,” self-disclosure drives the story and mirrors life. The film beautifully shows folks discussing their worries and concerns and building relationships. Dory’s search for her parents is poignant. Her character’s short-term memory loss hinders conversation (Mawer, 2023). Dory is incredibly honest about her insecurities. In heartbreaking moments, she recounts her loneliness, memory loss, and desire to visit her family. Dory’s confessions show her honesty and help her connect. Marlin and others sympathize with Dory’s disclosures. Like Dory, Marlin expresses her innermost thoughts and feelings. He talks about Dory’s safety and how her adventure affects him emotionally. Beyond their differences, Dory and Marlin’s bond grows from exchanging critical information. The brief synopsis effectively explains the textbook’s emphasis on self-disclosure for trust and connection. Sharing their inner lives helps characters overcome misperceptions. Dory breaks down barriers by sharing her weaknesses to develop meaningful relationships.

The film also claims mutual self-disclosure. Dory’s revelation and Marlin’s response create a healthy relationship’s dynamic openness. Opening up about thoughts, feelings, and experiences builds trust and understanding. “Finding Dory” shows how vulnerability and transparency build character interactions (Mawer, 2023). Dory’s narrative supports the textbook’s notion that revealing personal information develops trust and closeness. The film shows that honesty and authenticity build fictional and real-life relationships.

Perception Checking

Perception checking is a major interpersonal communication component in “Finding Dory.” It involves clarifying material to avoid misunderstandings and assure correctness. Dory’s short-term memory loss encourages other characters to practice perception checking throughout the film. Dory misinterprets the film due to her cognitive difficulties. Her forgetfulness produces character confusion and misunderstandings (Mawer, 2023). Since Dory is sensitive, Marlin and Nemo often verify perceptions to strengthen communication. Marlin and Nemo explain the problem to Dory while she keeps investigating or taking risks. Ask, “What do you think is happening?” and “Can you remember why we’re here?” Clarifying protects Dory and improves communication.

At crucial plot points, perception checking is crucial. Dory’s memories are evaluated and corrected by Marlin and Nemo. Kids show how verifying comprehension prevents deception from impacting their trip. The video also explains how perception testing promotes trust and empathy (Mawer, 2023). Marlin and Nemo’s establishing communication validates Dory’s understanding and interpretation. Perception testing increases information accuracy and interpersonal relationships, says the textbook.

“Finding Dory” illustrates perception checking in real life. The film shows characters actively seeking clarification and checking each other’s perspectives to underline that excellent communication involves expressing oneself and ensuring that all parties comprehend and receive messages (Mawer, 2023). The narrative powerfully depicts how perception testing may enhance harmony, decrease misunderstandings, and build authentic connections in a world of different beliefs.


Finally, “Finding Dory” is a gripping story about communication issues. The film explores human connection through attentive listening, self-disclosure, and perception checking. The ubiquitous necessity of excellent communication skills in developing meaningful connections and overcoming problems is acknowledged when applying these notions to interpersonal communication.


Mawer, L. (2023, July 6). Finding Dory Full Movie (English Version).


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