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Existence of Soul

Over the years, fundamental questions have brought debates from time immemorial about the existence of the soul. However, there are numerous beliefs from different people from varying cultures about the existence of the soul, which is why it has drawn the attention of many people. Unfortunately, the contemporary world is full of believers and non-believers such that the group which does not believe in the existence of the soul has directly asked questions and proven why the soul exists. At this point, the existence of the soul has brought various controversies to the extent of affecting the beliefs and lives of other people. There are various misconceptions about the soul ranging from religion, science, philosophy, and beliefs, whereby some deny the existence of the soul while some accept it. Even though the issue of the soul’s existence is debatable among philosophers, scientists, and religious believers, the soul does exist since the mind and body are separate entities, with the mind being associated with the soul.

Numerous philosophers have presented their views on the problem of the existence of the soul. However, Plato is one of the philosophical thinkers who have contributed much to the concept of the soul. Plato defines the soul as simple, pure, uncompounded, and unorganized. Rational entity (Campbell et al. 12) . Plato argues that the soul is described as simple and does not have elements, so the soul is pure in a divine state, and any impurity in the soul is because of having contact with the earth. The position of Plato about the existence of the soul is that soul is immortal, and it survives the death of the body. Plato further asserts that the soul can never exist without the body; therefore, if the body is no more, the soul also perishes with the body during death (Campbell et al. 19). there is evidence that Plato has reinforced to support his stand on the existence of the soul. For example, Plato uses reincarnation to support the position that the Greeks had a belief that everything that existed was in a recurring state that was eternal. At this juncture, Plato asserts that death and life are different things that occurred in different periods. Following the stands and supports of Plato, it shows that the soul truly exists because it is associated with beliefs after death and is linked with the future convictions of life. Besides soul helps humans think and feel they are distinct from their bodies.

Consequently, Hume is another philosopher who has presented their ideas and views about the existence of the soul. The position of Hume is that if the soul is immortal and existed before birth and the existence does not concern human beings, neither will the latter (Fogelin et al. 105). According to Christian theology, God breathed into man so that he became a living soul, and the spirit breathed into a man during the creation cannot die that is why the soul is believed to be immortal. Based on stand Hume, despite the body being separated from the mind and the mind being connected to the body, the philosopher does not believe that the soul exists because it maintains that justice is required afterlife so that the soul can be believed to exist. The position Hume is linked with arguments about the justice of God (Fogelin et al. 113). Human beings are promised justice after death, and Hume attempts to justify that no one knows what the justice of God resembles. Further, Hume argues that human beings should not necessarily argue about the justice of God, and yet the world is full of sinners. Hume elaborates that the belief in the existence of the soul should be associated with the Godly actions and ways that every Christian should lead. As such, the philosopher claims that human beings’ ideas of justice do not align with the Christian life. According to Hume’s ideas, it can be challenged that it is through the Christian faith and support from the Biblical teachings that there is a promised life after death; hence human beings believe in the existence of the soul.

Universally, different religions have different beliefs on the concept of the soul. Religious thoughts attempt to clarify the role of the soul while living on earth and what happens to the soul after life. According to Christianity, one of the religions in the contemporary world, the soul is described as a spiritual part of a human being that can be redeemed from the power of sin. According to Christian theology, the soul is what makes a human being breathe and continue to exist in the universe (Dhammajoti et al. 69) . This is evident because when a person dies, death ought to separate the physical body from the soul, whereby death is believed to be a turning point of a better life. Through this, it is believed that there is life after death based on the Christian faith. In Christianity, the soul is the central position that makes human beings continue existing in the universe. The position of the Christian knowledge about the immortal soul is that the soul is believed to have its final destination immediately after judgment day and through resurrection (Dhammajoti et al. 69) . Christians believe that judgment day is when the new life will be determined. This can be affirmed in that Christians are always encouraged to live Godly. Therefore, the Bible teaches all about how God created the soul, and it is a separate entity from the mind, spirit, and heart.

Science, on the other hand, has its perspective and perception about the concept of the soul in the life of human beings. There are numerous contradictions and challenges between science and religion, such that these are two different categories of believers. According to scientific knowledge, it shows that after death, there is nothing left for the soul to exist, so there is no significant evidence or support to claim that the soul exists (Berti et al. 359). However, the scientist’s position can be supported that everything that seems to be once supposed to be explained by the soul is explained by the brain. At this juncture, after death, there is nothing to do again with the soul once more. The knowledge of science argues the soul represents the existence of humans as independent of the materials of which man was made (Berti et al. 363). The brain is required to function in the life of human beings after death instead of believing that the soul still exists. According to the concept of the soul by science, it has dismissed the soul as an object of human belief. In contrast, how the brain can function if the body is dead is what scientists need to justify because the soul is in the form of a spirit.

Following the presented views and ideas about the existence of the soul, the viewpoint on the concept of the soul has brought greater insights into my Christian life. However, through the stand of believing in the existence of the soul, with is separated from the body and connected with the mind, has enabled me to understand more about the role of the soul in human life(Ciocan et al. 43) . As such, the soul acts as an important link between the material body and the spiritual life. The topic has influenced my life, identifying and giving me the capacity to knifing God more and how to relate with the Almighty. At this juncture, knowing God more is in terms of understanding that God is the one who gave life and soul to human beings, which is endless, and that is why the norm prevails that the soul exists. Also, the concept of the soul has influenced how I normally live because it has taught me the significance of living a Godly life. This refers to the biblical teachings about the relationship between human existence and God and life after death.

In conclusion, the concept of the soul has brought numerous controversies and contradictions to people in the contemporary world. The ideas and views about the concept of the soul from different religions, philosophers, and scientific perspectives have influenced our \lives. Some Christians and non-Christians have diverted their beliefs toward the soul’s immortality. However, Plato and Hume are among the philosophers that have presented their views on the concept of the soul, the existence of the soul is fully justified by the reasons why Plato supports its existence, and Hume rejects the idea of the soul. Christian theology has provided a significant basis for the existence of the soul, the genesis of humans in the universe. The scientific perspective has dismissed the concept of the soul whereby they believe that there is nothing like a soul such that if the body is dead, then the brain should function rather than the soul. To sum up, it is important to understand and learn about the concept of the soul.

Works Cited

Berti, Enrico. “Mind and Soul? Two Notions in the Light of Contemporary Philosophy.” History of Psychiatry, vol. 32, no. 3, Apr. 2021, pp. 359–64,×211010041.

Campbell, Douglas R. “Self‐Motion and Cognition: Plato’s Theory of the Soul.” The Southern Journal of Philosophy, vol. 59, no. 4, June 2021,

Ciocan, Tudor Cosmin. “The Value of the Soul in the Religious Views.” DIALOGO, June 2020,

Dhammajoti, Rev. Beligalle. “A Comparative Study on the Theory of ‘Soul’ in Christianity and the Doctrine of ‘Gandhabba’ in Buddhism.” Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Review, vol. 4, no. 2, Apr. 2020, p. 69, Accessed 19 Mar. 2023.

Fogelin, Robert J. “The Soul and the Self.” Hume’s Skeptical Crisis, Sept. 2020, pp. 101–24, Accessed 19 Mar. 2023.


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