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Ethical Dilemmas Essays

Nursing Ethics Case Study

Healthcare ethics consists of numerous complex cases, such as the one presented in the story of Breeze, and they are handled with a high degree of multi-directionalness, which is an endeavor of compassion, professionalism, and the observance of ethical standards. This case provides a multidimensional view of the subject area, where a boy aged 13 ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2609

Name Some Ethical Dilemmas Presented by the Patient’s Situation.

Two crucial ethical dilemmas posed by the case of a 50-year-old Middle African American male include an unknown medical history and a lack of advanced directives. The absence of advanced directives challenges upholding patient autonomy and desires for end-of-life care. In such a case, health practitioners make an ethical decision on which aggressive treatment is ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 734
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PMHNP Role Interview

Introduction In addressing the patient’s complex needs, the role of the APN is crucial. The role of a PMHNP is discussed in this paper by analyzing an interview with L.D. at Tarzana Mental Health Center. The interview seeks a broad understanding of L.D.’s expectations from her career other than knowledge regarding health policies and their ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1454

My In-Depth Exploration of Ethical Dilemmas in Healthcare Administration

Ethical issues are easily noticed in the modern healthcare setup or system, especially during administration. The following dilemmas lie at the heart of my proposed topic and must be covered: their nature, occurrence, or implications. The other fundamental aspect of this analysis is the role of ethical decision-making in establishing administrative actions. Conducting an in-depth ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 816

Ethical Dilemmas and Family Values: Navigating Medical Ethics in ’My Sister’s Keeper

Introduction ‘My Sister Keeper’ is a historical tragedy novel about child Anna Fitzgerald, who seeks an order of emancipation to avoid giving her kidney for a transplant operation to her sister with terminal cancer, trying to break out of her parents’ control. Throughout this morally driven plot, the author is intrigued by tough questions related ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 639

End-of-Life Care for Children

Introduction For dying patients, they must receive quality care that relieves all and any kind of suffering while respecting the patient’s desire. However, in pediatric care, when it comes to end-of-life care, parents and guardians are involved in the decision-making process regarding their children’s health. This decision goes into figuring out whether nurses and doctors ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1597

Ethical Dilemmas in Interrogating Suspected Terrorists: Impact and Implications

After the 9/11 terrorist attack on the U.S, the criminal justice system in the country changed its tactics in dealing with cases of terrorism, including the process of questioning people who have been suspected of being involved in terrorist activities. The adoption of new techniques has caused some debates among different stakeholders who have reservations ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1480

A Deontological Examination of Moral Principles and Ethical Dilemmas in Biotechnology and Cloning

Given the recent technological advancement, the debate surrounding biotechnology and cloning constitutes an ethical discussion and moral consideration. Biotechnology and cloning raise profound questions about the ethical treatment of life, autonomy, and the potential consequences of scientific innovation (Shafique 5). While we grapple with this ethical implication, one normative ethics system, deontology, emerges as a ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1585

Richter and Burke Part II: Critical Analysis

Part II of Richter and Burke is named “Ethical problem: some blatant, some not so obvious”and has eight chapters (Richter & Burke, 2007). Richter and Burke explore different ethical sues, including corruption, fraud, lying, and abuse of power. These authors discuss moral issues, particularly in the realm of governance in public and corporate sectors. This literature ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 817

Petroliam Nasional Berhad (Petronas) in Malaysia

1.0 INTRODUCTION Corporate behavior is significantly shaped by ethical decision-making in the ever-changing business environment in Malaysia. This is especially true for businesses such as Petronas, Malaysia’s well-known oil and gas company (Hasni, 2023). Navigating Petronas’ ethical conundrums becomes crucial as the study delves into the complex balance between utilitarian ideals and Kantian ethics. This ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 914

Being Mortal (Scholarly) Paper

“In the book, “Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End,” Atul Gawande delves deep into a detailed study of aging, medicine, and mortality. In addition to this critically reflective content on end-of-life issues many individuals face, readers are drawn in through Dr. Gawande’s compelling storytelling, which borrows from his rich experiences as a ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2061

Ethical Dilemmas and Patient Welfare

Within medicine, the moral duty to protect and maintain life is a cornerstone that guides healthcare providers. The situation of the 16-year-old Grade 10 learner (AM) at Mthatha General Hospital in South Africa is a heartbreaking one that involves moral failings, structural issues, and the ensuing effects on a patient who is already fragile. The ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 637

Analysis of the Ethical Implications of the Corporation’s Operations in the Foreign Country

Introduction This extensive report provides an in-depth analysis of the ethical dilemma faced by a large multinational technology corporation conducting business in a country accused of human rights abuses. It scrutinizes the salient legal and ethical issues involved, risks to the company and stakeholders, responsibilities borne by the firm, and potential measures to address this ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1516

Lehman Brothers: From Rise To Fall – Unraveling Ethical Dilemmas in Banking

Background Lehman Brothers was started in 1850 by three brothers, Mayer, Emanuel, and Henry Lehman, and started as a general store selling dry goods, utensils, and groceries to cotton farmers. The brothers also established a coffee and petroleum exchange in New York. In 1900, the brothers shifted to merchant banking from commodities, and in 1925, ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2333
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