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Ethical Dilemmas and Professional Practice Values in Mental Health and Addiction Work


The paper will describe the professional practice values and ethical challenges of a mental health and addiction worker through the Jack case study, a 47-year-old person with a substance use disorder with opioid underlay. It will cover the pertinent ethical issues, personal and professional values and the scope of practice related to this case.

Feelings and Attitudes: 

Having gotten Jack’s situation across to me, I experienced a mixture of emotional reactions ranging from empathy, concern, and responsibility. I was also feeling empathy for Jack as I realized the consequences of his addiction and the terror of being cold and, therefore, the possibility of dying. Then, too, I tried to help him since he was evidently both vulnerable and in an actual crisis. Besides, I had conflicting feelings about this because although I realized my limitations and the shelter regulations prohibited the drunken from staying, it led me to the dilemma that I had to help Jack but also to the duty of professionalism and adhere to the standards and policies (Kourgiantakis et al., 2020).

Personal Values and Beliefs: 

My values and beliefs, centring on social justice and the belief that all people have intrinsic human worth and dignity, impact my view on Jack’s circumstances. These values will lead me to approach my clients and persuade me of the need to support and advocate for vulnerable and marginalized people. I also assess self-determination and autonomy, principles that lie in the foundation of addiction and mental health work; nevertheless, even though in Jack’s case, these values can come into conflict with the issue of his protection, if there is any.

Professional Practice Values and Documents: 

Values and documents reflecting professional practices in mental health and addiction work form a foundation for ethical and high-quality training. Seven shared values for professional practice include respect for the dignity and worth of every person, integrity, competence, service, social justice, and the importance of human relationships. The professional manual of ethical standards and guidelines we follow as mental health and addiction workers has been outlined in the document for mental health and addiction workers (Golightly et al., 2020). They promote the fundamental principles of a client-centred approach, maintaining professional boundaries and keeping the values of confidentiality and informed consent. They further value self-awareness and reflective practice, leading to ethical and practical training.

Conflicts between Personal and Professional Values: 

There are ethical considerations as to whether my values of safety and well-being are at odds with Jack’s professional values as a nurse. Safeguarding the well-being and mental health of my clients is an ethic I stand by as a mental health and alcohol/drug treatment worker. Nevertheless, my values, such as autonomy and my will to choose, may clash with his safety, mainly if he is on opioid drugs. In this scenario, one must be cautious in practising the principles of autonomy and safety. They also need to estimate the risks and benefits of allowing him to stay at the shelter.

Scope of Practice: 

Mental health and addiction professionals are responsible for diverse roles, including providing client support and advocacy, conducting assessments, developing care plans, and interacting with professionals and community sources. For my purposes, my scope of practice in Jack’s case would centre on providing him with information and support regarding his addiction, connecting him to the right medical and social services, and taking advantage of my position to advocate for his needs within the shelter and the community.

Ethical Dilemmas and Steps for Resolution: 

In this situation, if I am given the chance to handle the ethical dilemma in Jack’s situation, I shall follow a systematic way of resolving the issue. This would involve:

  • Pinpointing and distinguishing the ethical dilemma and the ethical principles and standards of the profession.
  • Consulting other colleagues such as supervisors or other professionals for diverse perspectives.
  • When making a decision, the potential outcomes, as well as the risks and benefits, should be considered carefully.
  • Irrational and biased decision-making occurs without considering the best evidence and ethical considerations.
  • Realizing the decision’s impact on Jack and the community, I learned how to do it differently while still advising him.


To sum up this essay, significant points of ethical dilemmas and professional practice values of a health and addiction worker are reflected in the case of Jack. Through the humble application of self-awareness, reflective practice, and ethical decision-making, mental health and addiction workers can successfully assist and promote their clients in complex and challenging scenarios. It is vital to achieve a balance between personal and professional values to weigh the possibilities of the potential consequences that may arise from different alternative options. By constantly reflecting and applying practice values and standards, mental health and addiction workers can improve their performance and deliver the best care to their clients.


Strang, J., Volkow, N. D., Degenhardt, L., Hickman, M., Johnson, K., Koob, G. F., … & Walsh, S. L. (2020). Opioid use disorder. Nature reviews Disease primers6(1), 3.

Golightly, M., & Goemans, R. (2020). Social work and mental health. Sage.

Kourgiantakis, T., Hussain, A., Ashcroft, R., Logan, J., McNeil, S., & Williams, C. C. (2020). Protocol: Recovery-oriented social work practice in mental health and addictions: a scoping review protocol. BMJ Open10(8).


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