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Essay Project on Entrepreneurship


The idea of going into business for oneself is complicated, and it has been researched in a wide variety of ways. There have been a lot of different hypotheses and theories established over time to try to explain the actions of entrepreneurs and how they come up with original ideas. In the following essay, I will discuss the idea of entrepreneurship and how it links to the principles of management that have been covered during the course. In particular, I will talk about the Contingency Theory of Management and how it applies to entrepreneurship, emphasizing a resource-based view of the business world.

Definition of Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship refers to the process of initiating and overseeing the operation of a new business enterprise, often with the objectives of generating monetary prosperity and expanding operations. The capacity to recognize good business possibilities, formulate a strategy for capitalizing on those chances, and execute the necessary actions to bring that strategy to fruition are all essential components of entrepreneurial success. The idea of entrepreneurship is quite complicated, and there is ongoing discussion over how one should define the characteristics of an entrepreneur. In general, an entrepreneur is someone who is excited by the prospect of undertaking new challenges and developing something original. They are frequently willing to take risks and can recognize opportunities that others might miss. They are not only willing to commit their own time and resources but also to invest their own time and resources to make the vision a reality. There are a variety of perspectives and methods regarding entrepreneurship; however, for the sake of this paper, I will be concentrating on the resource-based view of entrepreneurship as well as the contingency theory.

The Contingency Theory of Management

The Contingency Theory of Management is a school of thought in management that proposes that managers should modify their strategies based on the specifics of each scenario. According to the theory, managers are supposed to choose a course of action that is suitable for the current circumstances (Bass et al., 1990). According to this view, only some management strategies can be applied successfully to various settings. Instead, managers must be adaptable and use a range of strategies, each of which should be selected according to the specific circumstances. The premise that every circumstance is different and, as a result, calls for a different course of action underpins the Contingency Theory of Management. Managers need to be able to assess the circumstances and choose the strategy that is most suitable for the situation in order to be successful. Because of this, managers need to be adaptable and able to think of solutions that lie outside of the norm.

How the Contingency Theory of Management Relates to Entrepreneurship

The Contingency Theory of Management, which has many parallels to the entrepreneurial spirit due to its emphasis on the importance of adaptation and inventiveness in business, is at the core of the conversation (Katz et al., 1964). People who are interested in entrepreneurship need the ability to think creatively and the willingness to take risks, even if they are well-calculated. Because of this, you must possess a certain level of adaptability and inventiveness. The Contingency Theory of Management suggests that managers should refrain from clinging to a single method for dealing with various scenarios that may arise in their organizations. Instead, they ought to go with the tactic that is best suited to the conditions under which they find themselves.

This approach is strikingly similar to the one that one may use if one runs their own business. An entrepreneur is someone who sees opportunities that other people may overlook, and then goes on to take the steps that are necessary to make those possibilities a reality. Other people may be unable to do this (Lane et al., 2005). In addition, the Contingency Theory of Management suggests that managers implement various tactics in their day-to-day job to maximize their effectiveness. This is comparable to an entrepreneur’s approach to a difficult situation if they were in charge of it. An entrepreneur is someone who can analyze a particular situation and select a course of action that will provide the most favorable outcomes. They can also modify their plan in response to the issue’s progression as it unfolds.

The resource-based view of entrepreneurship

The resource-based view of entrepreneurship strongly emphasizes the significance of a company’s available resources and capabilities in determining the level of success that the company will achieve (Barney et al., 1991). This view of entrepreneurship is also known as the capability-based view of entrepreneurship. According to this theory, a company’s one-of-a-kind resources and capabilities, such as its intellectual property, brand, and strategic partnerships, can give it an advantage over its competitors and help it succeed where others have failed. Other phrases that can be used to refer to this concept are competitive advantage and sustainable competitive advantage.

Within the resource-based entrepreneurship model context, the concept of “dynamic capabilities” plays a significant role. This model is an integral part of the overall structure. It is called a company’s dynamic capabilities when it can adjust its operations in response to shifting market conditions and acquire and implement new resources and capabilities on demand. This indicates that an entrepreneur, to be successful, must be able to recognize and acquire the resources and capabilities that will give their business a competitive advantage, and must also be able to adapt and change as the market evolves. In order to achieve success, an entrepreneur must be able to recognize and acquire the resources and capabilities that will give their business a competitive advantage. When this occurs, and only then, the entrepreneur can realize their ambitions.

The resource-based approach to the study of entrepreneurship includes the concept of “knowledge management” as an additional fundamental component (Teece et al., 1997). “Knowledge management” refers to the process of an organization first gathering information and knowledge, then organizing that information, and finally distributing it to all of its employees and stakeholders. Knowledge management is an essential component of the entrepreneurial process for the straightforward reason that it enables business owners to recognize opportunities and make the most of them, as well as device and implement successful strategies.

The resource-based view of entrepreneurship is advantageous for several reasons, the most important of which is that it places more emphasis on the internal resources and capabilities of a company than it does on external factors such as the state of the market or the level of competition (Zack et al., 1999). This is advantageous for several reasons, but the most significant of these reasons is that it places more emphasis on the internal resources and capabilities of a company. This indicates that an entrepreneur who has recognized the necessary resources and capabilities and has acquired them can still succeed in their business endeavors even when operating in a market that presents numerous challenges.

However, there are several problems with the perspective that centers on resources as the most critical aspect of entrepreneurship. For example, it may be difficult for a business owner to identify and acquire the resources and capabilities that will provide a competitive advantage for their company, mainly if they are conducting business in a market that is already highly competitive or is saturated with other businesses. In addition, even if an entrepreneur possesses the necessary resources and capabilities, they still need to have the capability to adapt and change as the market does, which is a task that can be challenging.


In conclusion, there is a strong connection between entrepreneurship and the Contingency Theory of Management. According to the theory, managers should be adaptable and employ different strategies in different contexts. An entrepreneur would take a stance not dissimilar to this. Entrepreneurs have the unique ability to see potential in situations when others may miss it and then act on that perception. They can also adjust their strategy as needed. There is no manager or business owner who would not benefit from understanding the ideas behind the Contingency Theory of Management. It allows managers to choose the best strategy for any given circumstance and fosters an environment conducive to experimentation and fresh thinking. It is vital for business owners because it promotes adaptability and risk-taking.

The resource-based approach of entrepreneurship, in general, emphasizes the significance of the specific resources and capabilities of a business in determining that company’s level of success. An entrepreneur can provide their company a competitive advantage and achieve success by locating and obtaining the appropriate resources and competencies and demonstrating the ability to adapt and change in response to shifting market conditions.


Barney, J. (1991). “Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage.” Journal of Management, 17(1), 99-120

Bass, B. M. (1990). Bass & Stogdill’s handbook of leadership: Theory, research, and managerial applications. New York: Free Press.

Katz, R. L. (1964). The Contingency Theory of Organization. Administrative Science Quarterly, 9(2), 246–275.

Lane, H. W. (2005). Management Theory. New York: Routledge. Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2019). Essentials of organizational behavior. Harlow, England: Pearson Education.

Teece, D. J., Pisano, G., & Shuen, A. (1997). “Dynamic capabilities and strategic management.” Strategic Management Journal, 18(7), 509-533

Zack, M. H. (1999). “Developing a knowledge strategy.” California Management Review, 41(3), 125-145


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