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Essay on Geriatric Nutrition


Many difficulties arise during a human lifetime, but these can be surmounted with the help of a healthy and well-balanced diet. Many physiological mechanisms have been shown to alter with age. Changes in metabolic rate, digestive processes, and even the body’s ability to function normally are all processes that occur with time. A healthy diet can help keep a person’s body’s systems running smoothly as age progresses. This essay focuses on Geriatric nutrition, which considers that dietary needs fluctuate with age. Age-specific nutrition is a form of nourishment administered to an older person to slow aging and protect against illness. They are also made to prevent the patient from experiencing the physical, mental, and social changes that are inevitable with advancing age. It is most effective when the patient is provided with a diet that has all the components of a balanced diet.

Geriatric nutrition is a meal plan for older adults, and it has many positive effects on their health. For instance, it may help them shade excess body weight and reduce the impact of high blood pressure, heart complications, type 2 diabetes, and cancer. Geriatric nutrition is also associated with a lower risk of developing cancer. Because it is considered that the nutrients mentioned earlier are essential in the body of elderly individuals, the nutrients in question should include a high proportion of protein, fiber, calcium, and vitamin D in their respective compositions.

An article on a 75-year-old woman named Ndigbo Ogochukwu is described as 98 kg in weight and 180 centimeters in height. Even though she has not left the house in three months, she has not gained any weight. Her BMI is over 23, making her clinically obese; she is not physically active, which may be contributing to her weight gain.

Discussion Of Interview Information and The 24 hour Diet Plan

Package size, dish size, and socializing are just a few examples of environmental influences that influence how much we eat. Dynamic shifts in technology, food production and processing, and implicit beliefs and symbols are a few social and cultural elements influencing dietary preferences. The Client’s favorite dairy products are milk, cheese, and yogurt. Moreover, despite her difficulties, she has not gained any weight in the past three to six months. Her food habits have changed because of complications from dementia.

Ndigbo Ogochukwu has been able to eat normally and without difficulty for some time now. Despite reducing her food intake, she has not experienced bloating thanks to the many fruits she consumes regularly. She drinks more than five glasses of water per day. Thus her body is well hydrated. She has not been engaging in unhealthy behaviors like binge eating because she has not been under emotional duress. The Client’s diet may change if admitted to the hospital, as she may be required to consume more vegetables and fruits. She would also need plenty of vitamins, including vitamin D, to aid in bone growth.

24-Hour Diet Recall Of a 70-Year-Old Adult

It is a meal plan that guarantees that a person takes in all of the nutrients that a body needs, and it is done to ensure that a person is healthy. For it to be effective, it should be self-evident what kind of food was consumed, how much of it was eaten, and what time it was eaten. The 24-hour diet recall is essential because it helps analyze the best foods a person must take for a meal to be balanced.

  Banana fresh Jollof rice Golden tropics grounded yam Apple crisps Sweet potato baked Nigerian meat pie Whole milk While long rice Nigerian beef stew
Breakfast 105.02 100.8 107 55 100 400 10 200
Lunch 100 100 10 20 100 5 200 100
supper 33.03 60.0 0.16 15 93.15 2.29 10.81 116.7

Discussion Of Super Track Analysis

Client Assessment Using Geriatric Primary Care Screening Assessment Tool

Treatment or physical activity alone is insufficient to control the health of the elderly. The health of the elderly must be assessed from many angles, including their bodies, minds, emotions, communities, wallets, planets, and souls. Medical procedures are performed on the patient as part of the geriatric assessment in the hopes of resolving several health conditions; as a result, the patient’s health status improves (Nymberg et al.,2019). Checks are done through a referral system facilitated by a nurse who typically treats the patient at a healthcare facility. Moreover, adults over 65 have a wide range of geriatric complications, including cognitive decline and functional disability. Assessment of the patient is necessary to lessen the effects of the diseases above in the elderly, and this is done with the aid of advanced evaluation instruments.

  1. Use Of BMI calculator

It is a measurement of the amount of cholesterol that is present in a person’s body as a percentage. It is tasked with balancing bodily fluids and ensuring that they do not result in weight gain that can harm the patient’s body. This can be accomplished by providing that the patient does not take many carbohydrates that can lead to a build-up of carolies. It is also possible to use it on youngsters to determine whether or not they are underweight, as well as whether or not they have any cases of obesity or are overweight. Calculating it by dividing the subject’s weight by height is possible, a standard mathematical measurement.

We can use calculate the BMI index for the 70-year-old patient using the information provided below

Patients age =75 years

The height of the patient =180 cm

The weight of the patient= is 98kgs

BMI Index=Weight of the patient /height



Most physicians and other medical professionals agree or recommend that the body mass index for adults should fall somewhere between 18 to 24.9. Since the Client, who is 75 years old and has a BMI of 54%, is overweight, we can conclude that the patient is fat because her current BMI is higher than the one suggested. In addition, for older adults to be deemed healthy, their body mass index should fall between 25 and 27. According to the Client’s medical records, the Client has the most significant consumption of carbs with a percentage of 150%, which should not be the case because the Client’s carbohydrate intake should be modest.

  1. Mini Nutritional Assessment

It is a practical instrument for determining the dietary status of the elderly. Various physiological, psychological, social, dietary, and environmental risk factors can lead to nutritional malnutrition in the elderly, making a nutritional assessment crucial. Loss of muscle mass and, thus, low body weight can have severe consequences for the health and well-being of the elderly (Kirwan et al.,20202). Calf circumference is another technique used to estimate a person’s weight. When someone stops exercising regularly, their muscle mass naturally diminishes. A healthy calf circumference is greater than 31 centimeters. (see attached copy)

Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool

In particular, it is a 5-point checklist that may be used to evaluate malnutrition in persons of any age. Moreover, it can be used to determine whether or not patients are obese. In addition, it can serve as the foundation for creating a care plan that physicians and other medical professionals can utilize. (for details, read the attached document)

  1. Use Of Chronometer Program

According to the chronometer program, carbohydrates, protein, and fat micronutrients are divided into percentages. Proteins should be 25% of the calories that a person takes daily. Carbohydrates, on the other hand, are set at a maximum of 45%, while Fats are set at 30% of daily calories ( Brun et al.,2022). It is presumed that carbs, proteins, and fats comprise most of the body’s nutrition and that all of these macronutrients exist in the levels required for the body to operate appropriately in an aged person.

For instance, from our example

Total carbohydrates consumed =330.5 grams which represent the net carbohydrates

Therefore according to the chronometer program, the required carbohydrates in the body of our patient

=45%*330.5 g=148.7

Proteins, on the other hand, have the recommended percentage of 25%

Therefore the required nutrient in the patient’s body, according to the chronometer program

=25% of the total protein intake

=25%*2.2g= 0.55g

The total percentage of fats, according to the chronological program, is 30%

Total fats =141.0 grams

Percentage =30%*141.0 g=42.3g

Dietary Lifestyle Changes

Adoption of a 24-hour meal plan for the Client

Our Client is 75 years old, and from what we can see, she does not participate in many active physical activities. Vegetables, legumes/beans, fruit, grain (cereal) foods (mostly wholegrain and high-fiber varieties), lean meats and poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, nuts, and seeds, milk, yogurt, cheese, or their alternatives (primarily reduced-fat varieties), and so on should all make up a more significant portion of her diet. Also, based on the data supplied, her weight of 98 kg indicates that she is overweight. Thus she should limit the number of carbohydrates she consumes if any. In addition, her intake data show that she consumes 2.2 grams of protein daily, while the recommended quantity for a woman of her age is 0.36 g. As the recommended percentage of fat intake is 30% or 42.3 grams, she needs to cut back on the fat in her diet.

How To Incorporate The Dietary Changes In The Client is Eating Habits

The Client needs to start by eating healthily due to her age. As she ages, she becomes less active, and eating a diet high in carbs could cause her to gain excess weight and become obese, which would be detrimental to her health. Aging adults can benefit greatly from consuming more fiber, as it aids in digestion and prevents constipation. In this case, we advise that patients eat more foods that provide more dietary fatty acids and fewer foods that raise blood sugar levels. On top of that, a 75-year-old woman’s regular diet should be rich in minerals, particularly calcium, Vitamin D, and b12, because these nutrients are essential for bone health (Norton et al.,2020). However, b12 helps maintain an older adult’s neurological system and blood cells strong. It is necessary to have enough calcium since it aids in the maintenance of healthy bones. Because the Client’s weight is so high, her carbohydrate intake is higher than the required amount, and the ideal nutrient intake of carbohydrates should be lower than shown in the report.

Sample Meal Plan

A sample meal plan may be used as an alternative method of incorporating the change of eating habits in her diet. Maintaining a healthy, well-balanced diet is crucial for folks whose age is finally catching up with them. A balanced diet is vital for adults and young children to get everything they need for proper bodily functioning and growth. A simple meal plan might be helpful, especially for the elderly, who may struggle to prepare their meals. Some people, for various reasons, construct different meal plans. For instance, a simple meal plan differs from an older adult’s.


Oatmeal With fruits and Vegetables-They help to provide the body with fiber

An omelet that is accompanied by greens and a grain toast-

A wholegrain bagel topped with avocado and cherry tomatoes.

Smoothie made of spinach, fruits, and vanilla yogurt

Boiled eggs with the fruit of her choice


Smoothie with high amounts of proteins

Boiled Eggs


Yogurt that is of Greek origin, accompanied by some fruits

Seeds and nuts


A small piece of ugali and vegetables

Fruits of her choice

Blended smoothie with plenty of vitamins

Sand witch

A piece of chicken to provide her body with proteins

A glass of milk


Green peppers that are stuffed

Easy Chicken Enchilada Casserole

Quick and Simple Chicken Enchilada Bake

Pasta with Garlic, one pot

Risotto with Shitake Mushrooms and Leek.

Pancakes made of banana juice

Chicken soup and noddles

How To Assess Clients Nutritional Status In Future

Various methods will be available to determine the Client’s dietary needs in the future. For example, any doctor can take anthropometric readings. Collecting data on the Client’s clinical and biochemical parameters, as well as the Client’s medical history, dietary habits, and ongoing treatments, is also essential in assessing the Client’s future nutritional needs. Because the Client’s health is directly related to the food she consumes, this may motivate her to make the necessary dietary modifications.


Foods high in fiber help the elderly with digestion and prevent constipation, and should be incorporated into the diets of the elderly, together with the appropriate amounts of fat, protein, and carbs. The importance of vitamins and minerals to the body, especially in maintaining healthy bones from a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D, suggests that the elderly should also include these foods. Although the Client’s nutrition level is already optimal, she has followed the diet adjustments closely.


Brun, J. F., Myzia, J., Varlet-Marie, E., Raynaud de Mauverger, E., & Mercier, J. (2022). Beyond the Calorie Paradigm: Taking into account the Balance of Fat and Carbohydrate Oxidation during Exercise in Practice? Nutrients14(8), 1605.

Kirwan, R., McCullough, D., Butler, T., Perez de Heredia, F., Davies, I. G., & Stewart, C. (2020). Sarcopenia during COVID-19 lockdown restrictions: long-term health effects of short-term muscle loss. GeroScience42(6), 1547-1578.

Norton, C., Hettiarachchi, M., Cooke, R., Kozior, M., Kontro, H., Daniel, R., & Jakeman, P. (2022). Effect of 24-Week, Late-Evening Ingestion of a Calcium-Fortified, Milk-Based Protein Matrix on Biomarkers of Bone Metabolism and Site-Specific Bone Mineral Density in Postmenopausal Women with Osteopenia. Nutrients14(17), 3486.

Nymberg, V. M., Bolmsjö, B. B., Wolff, M., Calling, S., Gerward, S., & Sandberg, M. (2019). ‘Having to learn this so late in our lives…’ Swedish elderly patients’ beliefs, experiences, attitudes, and expectations of e-health in primary health care. Scandinavian journal of primary health care37(1), 41-52.


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