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Entrepreneurship Profile: Jeanine Allis

1.0 Introduction

Entrepreneurship refers to the process where people pursue opportunities regardless of the resources they currently have to exploit future services and products; it is the art of converting an idea into a venture (Lowe & Marriott, 2012). The behaviors of entrepreneurs find them in trying to determine their chances and putting into practice valuable ideas. Typically, there are three motivators of entrepreneurship; to become his boss, pursue their passion and get financial rewards (Chatterji et al., 2014). This paper will discuss Jeanine Allis as an entrepreneur; it will discuss her characteristics and provide an overview of the company he founded.

Jeanine Allis is the co-founder of Boost Juice and Smoothie brand in Australia. The company has more than 550 stores in more than 13 nations around the globe; the juice is made from fresh vegetables and delicious fruits, with great marketing and inventive flavors. The brand is a favorite in the world. Jeanine Allis began her journey in 1999 when she noticed an influx of unhealthy fast-food restaurants across the country that lacked nutritious and quick food options (FutureLearn, 2022). Allis decided to create a brand of her own to offer products and services to promote healthy and happy living. Allis worked with naturopaths and nutritionists and curated a delicious and healthy menu. Regardless of her confidence in her products, at first, she has difficulty getting banks back her organization. She spent almost three years working on the business without making a dime. Jeanine and her husband opened their first store front, and luckily located them and found great success. The individuals from Adelaide loved the delicious and nutritious menu. Four years later, the business had grown, and Allis had been able to open about 175 stores in New Zealand and Australia (FutureLearn, 2022). Allis was always confident that someday her business idea would thrive and become successful. The company Boost Juice has a can-do attitude.

2.0 Entrepreneur Profile

Janine Allis portrays several entrepreneurial characteristics. For instance, she is a creative and hardworking lady, something an entrepreneur needs to possess to be successful. Being creative starts with an idea. The entrepreneur needs to see the opportunities and innovative methods of doing things and bring the solution to the people. Creativity and innovative entrepreneurs can develop new ways of improving an existing service or product to optimize the business.

Similarly, it enables s entrepreneurs to think beyond the traditional solutions and outside the box (Thoyib et al., 2016). Allis is creative in that she identified an influx of unhealthy fast-food restaurants across the country and lacked nutritious and quick food options. She came up with the solution of preparing fresh and nutritious juice to promote healthy and happy living. The Kirton Adaptation and innovation theory is used to measure an entrepreneur’s creativity style; this method specifically looks at whether the problem-solving style is innovative or adaptive (Chilton & Bloodgood, 2010). Innovators want to change the current structures by taking risks, while adapters want to improve structures from within.

Using the GET2Test framework to understand the entrepreneurs’ characteristics. According to a framework, creativity requires the entrepreneur to be imaginative and innovative and tend to invent to come up with new ideas (Buriti, 2014). For Allis, she is a good entrepreneur since she can be imaginative and invent the new idea for nutritious and healthy products, which was lacking in their area. Allis was also able to be intuitive and make a good guess when necessary. She recognized the influx of unhealthy fast-food restaurants across the country and lacked nutritious and quick food options. The framework also outlines that a creative person needs to be able to synthesize knowledge and ideas (Carayannis, 2020). Janine was able to synthesize her ideas and knowledge and turn them into a successful venture. Moreover, the GET2 test outlines that a creative entrepreneur is interested in new ideas. It is evident that Allis was creative since she spent almost three years working on the business without making a dime or giving up.

Janine also portrayed the internal locus of control characteristic of an entrepreneur. Internal locus of control refers to a belief of orientation about whether the results of the outcome of an individual’s actions are contingent on what they do or on the events outside their control (Hsiao et al., 2016). Internal locus of control is where individuals believe their behaviors are guided by their efforts and decisions. An entrepreneur who has this trait believes that they determine their destiny. According to the framework, the GET2 test developers outline that an entrepreneur has a locus of control when he or she is optimistic, seeking, and can take advantage of the opportunities around him or her (Hsiao et al., 2016).

Additionally, it also outlines that the entrepreneur needs to possess self-confidence and belief in control over his or her destiny instead of being controlled by fate. In the case of Allis, she portrays the locus of control when she is confident in her products and that the company would be successful. She was optimistic that she would take advantage of the influx of unhealthy products in the market to introduce healthy and nutritious products.

Another characteristic that Janine Allis portrayed is the need for achievement. This characteristic emerges as a significant unmet need that needs to be satisfied. The need for achievement may also be defined as competitive conduct characterized by the excellence of standards (Zeffane, 2013). Janine has a strong desire to compete and attain challenging goals. For instance, she had difficulty getting banks to back her organization; first, she did not give up; instead, she continued to desire to spend almost three years working on the business without making a dime. However, the organization thrived after they started the business with her husband. After about four years, they opened about 175 stores in New Zealand and Australia.

Using the GET2 test, the developers outline that an entrepreneur needs achievement when he or she is determined to meet objectives even when difficulties may arise and when he or she is willing to work hard and long to complete a task. An entrepreneur must also achieve through effective time management and strong task orientation (Zeffane, 2013). Allis shows her need to achieve through effective time management and her willingness to work hard and long to complete the tasks. She spent almost three years working on the business without making a dime. Her need for achievement is also evident in that after they started their first store in Australia after four years, they had already established 175 stores in Australia and New Zealand.


Knowledge of innovation and entrepreneurship enhances an individual’s logical and analytical skills, enabling people to solve any issue. Using the GET2test framework is very important while evaluating and assessing who an entrepreneur is since it outlines five characteristics that a good and successful entrepreneur needs to possess. The test is developed for educational use to assess whether an individual possesses various characteristics of enterprising tendencies. The framework offers a test that aims to offer an idea of the enterprising potential of an individual; it is a reflective tool that allows an individual to consider if there are areas he or she needs to enhance or improve through training or experience.


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FutureLearn. (2022). Australia’s top entrepreneurs and how they got started – FutureLearn. Retrieved 11 October 2022, from

Thoyib, A., Mackie, G., & Ashar, K. (2016). Entrepreneurial characteristics as a mediation of entrepreneurial education influence entrepreneurial intention. Editorial Review Board19(1), 24.

Chilton, M. A., & Bloodgood, J. M. (2010). Adaption‐innovation theory and knowledge use in organizations. Management Decision.

Buriti, H. A. (2014). We analyze the CEMS intrapreneurial level using the GET2 test (Doctoral dissertation).

Carayannis, E. G. (Ed.). (2020). Encyclopedia of creativity, invention, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Hsiao, C., Lee, Y. H., & Chen, H. H. (2016). The effects of internal locus of control on entrepreneurship: the mediating mechanisms of social capital and human capital. The International Journal of Human Resource Management27(11), 1158–1172.

Zeffane, R. (2013). Need for achievement, personality, and entrepreneurial potential: A study of young adults in the United Arab Emirates. Journal of Enterprising Culture21(01), 75–105.


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