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Entrepreneurial Marketing Essays

Entrepreneurship Marketing

Introduction Entrepreneurship, marketing, and innovation are three interconnected ideas that assume a vital part in driving financial development and improvement. Entrepreneurial marketing is a process of identifying, assessing, and taking advantage of chances to make and convey worth to clients through innovative and unique systems. This essay plans to exhibit how marketing, entrepreneurship, and innovation ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3620

Entrepreneurial Marketing (EM) Theory Development and Practice for Growth of Organizations

Executive summary This discussion explains EM theory development and practices for the organization’s growth. EM are activities implemented by an organization to identify opportunities, using innovative risk management approaches, resource leveraging, and value creation to acquire and retain customers. EM creates an idea or product then finds a market, focuses on innovation, risk-taking, proactiveness, value ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2414
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