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Emotional Journey Essays

Tension and Repose

Introduction Tension in music is the expectation of relaxation or release that a piece evokes in the listener. Tension can be created, for instance, by repetition, a rise in dynamic level, a slow pitch change, or (partial) syncopations between consonance and dissonance[1]. A repose is a deliberate transition between a passing musical tone and the ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3146

Comprehending Adolescent Growth: Navigating the Emotional Journey

Introduction Adolescence is an essential phase of development in humans that is characterized by major neuro-functional reorganizations with far-reaching implications for human behavior and cognition. Adolescents frequently display elevated emotional valence and a stronger propensity for rash choices during this phase. The development of the limbic system is one factor among many generating these behavioral ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1263
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