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Emotional Growth Essays

The Transformative Journey of Heartbreak

Heartbreak is the overwhelming emotion that people everywhere, whoever they might be, have experienced regardless of their age or gender. We experience a growth-promoting process that often may stretch us emotionally and elicit inner-self doubt that can cause a change of views about the world and us. In this paper, I would like to share ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 650

Effects of Our Upbringing

People’s susceptibility to being brainwashed largely depends on their socio-emotional and psychological development during childhood. In the book “The Rape of the Mind,” the author explicitly explains some innate upbringing issues that can be exploited for mind-controlling or brainwashing agendas (Meerloo, 2015). The basic premise is that parents form the entire environment of a person’s ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1758
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