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Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Essays

Adolescent Eating Disorders

Abstract Eating disorders, particularly anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, are a significant concern among adolescents. These diseases may be brought on by hormonal changes that occur during puberty and cultural pressure to adhere to a particular body type. Additionally, teenagers with eating problems can benefit from treatment, medication, and dietary instruction. For the best results, ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1871

Ehler’s Danlos Syndrome

Ehlers-Danlos syndrome is a collection of conditions that impair the connective tissues and ligaments that support the skin, blood vessels, bones, and a variety of other tissues and organs. Connective tissue malformations cause these disorders’ signs and symptoms, which vary from minimally lax joints to deadly conditions. Numerous classification systems have been used to categorize ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2264
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