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Educational Impact on Employability and Study Skills


Hearns et al. (2020) stated that education, often likened to lighting a fire rather than filling a pail, is a powerful catalyst for personal and intellectual growth. It ignites a lifelong passion for learning, propelling individuals toward new horizons. In my educational journey, attending university and engaging with various modules have been pivotal in shaping my Employability and study skills. This reflective journal aims to delve into the profound impact of these experiences, exploring how they have nurtured crucial competencies such as communication skills (verbal and written), research abilities, the effective use of information and communication technologies (ICTs), teamwork and networking capabilities, time and self-management proficiencies, as well as problem-solving aptitude. To guide my reflections, I will draw upon influential models such as Kolb’s and Gibbs’ reflective cycles, allowing for a comprehensive examination of my learning trajectory and the invaluable implications it holds for future success.

Communication Skills

Mastering effective communication is essential to achieving professional success (Blokker et al., 2019). Through university education, I significantly enhanced my verbal and written communication skills. The university allowed me to actively participate in class discussions, presentations, and group projects. This helped me develop a profound ability to express my ideas with clarity and coherence. Applying Kolb’s reflective cycle has played a pivotal role in my continuous growth and improvement in communication. By embracing the principles of Kolb’s reflective cycle, which involves the stages of observation, reflection, and experimentation, I have diligently explored and refined various communication techniques to enhance my effectiveness (Gordon 2022). One concrete manifestation of this process was during a research project, where I recognized the importance of adapting my language to different audiences. This realization prompted me to tailor my writing style to diverse contexts, including academic papers, industry reports, and presentations. Consequently, by actively implementing the insights gained through Kolb’s principle, I have experienced a tangible enhancement in my overall communication skills, enabling me to engage effectively with various audiences in various professional settings.

Research Skills

Evans et al. (2021, p. 525) state that the Gibbs principle is relevant in developing research skills, which are crucial in academic and professional endeavors. Throughout my university modules, I have witnessed the practical application of the Gibbs principle in enhancing my research capabilities. It has been a guiding framework that facilitates the research process and encourages critical analysis. By actively engaging with Gibbs’ reflective cycle, I have consistently examined and evaluated my research approaches, leading to continuous improvement and adaptability to various research methodologies. An illustrative example of its impact can be seen in my literature review endeavors. Initially, I faced challenges in effectively evaluating and synthesizing complex information. However, by employing iterative cycles of reflection following Gibbs’ principle, I developed efficient strategies to extract pertinent insights and seamlessly integrate them into my work. This is clear evidence of the practical application and effectiveness of the Gibbs principle in enhancing research skills.

Use of ICTs

In the digital age, proficiency in utilizing Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) is imperative (Fraillon et al., 2020). Attending university has facilitated my understanding and utilization of various ICT tools and resources. From online databases to data analysis software, I have leveraged these technologies to enhance my research and problem-solving abilities. By applying Kolb’s reflective cycle, I actively engaged in experimentation, adaptation, and continuous refinement of my digital skills concerning ICTs. One specific area where I applied Kolb’s reflective cycle was using data visualization tools. These tools, such as Tableau and Power BI, allowed me to effectively communicate complex findings concisely and visually appealingly. The use of these data visualization tools aligned with the different stages of Kolb’s reflective cycle.

In terms of concrete experience, I initially explored the functionalities and capabilities of data visualization tools through hands-on engagement. I gained firsthand knowledge and practical insights into their applications by experimenting with various visualizations and features. This active experimentation process helped me understand each tool’s possibilities and limitations. Reflective observation was an integral part of the process. I critically analyzed my experiences with data visualization tools, evaluating their strengths, weaknesses, and potential areas for improvement. This introspective analysis allowed me to identify gaps in my skills and knowledge, enabling me to enhance further my proficiency in using these tools effectively. I synthesized my observations and experiences through abstract conceptualization, transforming them into conceptual frameworks and mental models. I developed a deeper understanding of data visualization techniques’ underlying principles and theories, enabling me to create impactful and meaningful visual representations of complex data sets.

Lastly, in the active experimentation stage, I applied the insights gained from previous stages to adapt to emerging technologies and refine my digital skills further. By exploring advanced features, experimenting with different chart types, and incorporating interactive elements, I expanded my repertoire of data visualization techniques. This active experimentation enriched my ICT toolkit and improved my ability to convey information effectively. The application of Kolb’s reflective cycle in utilizing data visualization tools for professional development and career advancement was instrumental. It allowed me to continuously refine and adapt my digital skills to emerging technologies, making me proficient in communicating complex findings visually appealingly. These skills have proven invaluable in my career, as they enable me to present data-driven insights effectively, facilitate decision-making processes, and convey information to diverse stakeholders.

Teamwork and Networking

Karimi and Pina (2021, p. 22) state that collaboration is integral to the workplace, and university modules have provided ample opportunities to develop teamwork and networking skills. Engaging in group projects has honed my ability to collaborate, delegate tasks, and embrace diverse perspectives. Kolb’s reflective cycle aided me in evaluating my teamwork experiences, allowing me to identify areas for improvement and refine my interpersonal skills. Additionally, participating in networking events and connecting with professionals in my field has expanded my professional network and exposed me to new opportunities.

Time and Self-Management

University education necessitates effective time and self-management skills to balance academic demands, extracurricular activities, and personal commitments (Woolford et al., 2022). Attending university taught me to prioritize tasks, set achievable goals, and manage my time efficiently. Using Gibbs’ reflective cycle, I have continuously evaluated and adjusted my time management strategies to optimize productivity. For instance, I have embraced digital productivity tools to create schedules, set reminders, and allocate time for specific activities, enabling me to meet deadlines and maintain a healthy work-life balance.


Problem-solving skills are vital for addressing challenges in both academic and professional contexts (Cashore et al., 2021). Attending university has equipped me with a structured problem-solving approach. Applying models such as Kolb’s reflective cycle enhanced my ability to identify, analyze, and propose solutions to complex problems. For instance, when confronted with an ethical dilemma during a business case study, I leveraged the reflective cycle to explore different perspectives, evaluate potential consequences, and develop a well-reasoned resolution.

Future Skills Development Plan

I have devised a comprehensive plan for future development to further enhance my employability and study skills. I will continue to engage in extracurricular activities. These include joining clubs and further refining my communication, teamwork, and networking abilities. I will also actively seek opportunities for research collaborations to deepen my research skills and expand my knowledge in specific areas. Moreover, I will invest time in acquiring advanced ICT skills, including data analysis and programming, to stay abreast of technological advancements. Finally, I will participate in workshops, and training sessions focused on problem-solving methodologies to strengthen my analytical thinking. By integrating Kolb’s reflective cycle into my plan, I will continuously assess progress, identify areas for improvement, and adapt my strategies accordingly.


In conclusion, attending university and engaging with various modules have significantly contributed to my acquisition of Employability and study skills. Through this reflective journal, I have explored how communication skills, research skills, the use of ICTs, teamwork, networking, time and self-management, and problem-solving have been nurtured and refined. By incorporating models like Kolb’s reflective cycle and Gibbs’ reflective cycle, I have critically analyzed my experiences and identified areas for improvement. As I continue my professional journey, I am equipped with a robust skill set and a proactive plan to develop these skills further, ensuring my readiness for future challenges and opportunities in the workplace.


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Cashore, B., Knudsen, J.S., Moon, J. and van der Ven, H., 2021. Private authority and public policy interactions in the global context: Governance spheres for problem-solving. Regulation & Governance, 15(4), pp.1166-1182.

Evans, C., Kandiko Howson, C., Forsythe, A. and Edwards, C., 2021. What constitutes high-quality higher education pedagogical research? Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education46(4), pp.525-546.

Fraillon, J., Ainley, J., Schulz, W., Friedman, T. and Duckworth, D., 2020.  Preparing for life in a digital world: IEA international computer and information literacy study 2018 international report (p. 297). Springer Nature.

Gordon, S.P., 2022. Integrating the Experiential Learning Cycle with Educational Supervision. Journal of Educational Supervision5(3), p.1.

Hearns, M.P., Gregory, S. and Charteris, J., 2020. Lighting the virtual fire of learning: The Mythical World of Hīnātore.

Karimi, H., & Pina, A. (2021). Strategically addressing the soft skills gap among STEM undergraduates. Journal of Research in STEM Education7(1), 21-46.

Woolford, D.D., Smout, M.F., Turnbull, D. and Gunn, K.M., 2022. Male Farmers’ Perspectives on Psychological Wellbeing Self-Management Strategies That Work for Them and How Barriers to Seeking Professional Mental Health Assistance Could Be Overcome. International journal of environmental research and public health19(19), p.12247.


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