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Educational Disparities Essays

White Privilege in Educational Systems

The American and Canadian societies are defined based on race. In most cases, whites are more privileged than others, thereby making it for people of color to excel in almost every aspect of their lives. Despite schools being supposed to be fairgrounds and providing all the students with equal opportunities, white privilege has dominated most ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1182

Unveiling Educational Disparities: Standardized Testing and Equity.

A common obstacle in our education process is an insidious trap called ‘standardized tests’ whose main objective is supposedly understanding how well students learn. However, behind this supposedly neutral façade lies an intertwined web of disparities in education. It is like travelling through a maze; therefore, as students who will go along this complicated procedure, ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1178
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How We Are Priming Some Kids for College – And Others for Prison

Social inequality and injustice remain urgent in our society, with certain companies facing extremely demanding situations in getting access to possibilities for schooling and navigating the crook justice gadget. In the TED talk with the aid of Alice Goffman on “How we are priming some children for college — and others for prison,” the speaker ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 586

Navigating the Digital Frontier: The Dynamic Role of Technology in Education in Nevada

Education is fundamental to social development since it determines the individual’s path and the community’s collective fate. A deeper look is warranted since the educational environment in Nevada is a complex web of possibilities and threats. As it sets out to explore the complex academic and public debate around education in the Silver State, this ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1689
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