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Education Essays

The Strategic Compass

Introduction The Saint Francis de Sales Schools require relevant mission and vision statements. After all, they are essential in running the school because they highlight its goals and strategies. The mission and vision statement clearly outlines the school’s strategies and activities. Christian schools serve a sizable portion of Bristol’s population. The school’s operation and results ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1037

The Academic Gap Within the School Systems Due to COVID-19: Annotated Bibliography

Bailey, D. H., Duncan, G. J., Murnane, R. J., & Au Yeung, N. (2021). Achievement Gaps in the Wake of COVID-19. Educational Researcher, 50(5), 266-275. The study explains how much academic disparities between high- and low-income students in US primary schools will narrow as a consequence of disruptions to classroom learning and home life caused ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1071
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Technology Integration Into the Education Process

The use of technological equipment like monitors, computer programs, and perhaps even handheld platforms in classroom activity and education department is known as technology integration (Chivige, 2020). The usage of interactive whiteboards, which feature projectors and computers, is one example of technology integration that may assist improve the learning environment (Zhan et al., 2021). Digital ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1887

Socioeconomic and Political Goals of Schools

Since time immemorial, education has always been the main focus of society. In today’s times, education is key for the upbringing of astute individuals. Further, the American education system provides private, public, and homeschooling platforms. Narrowing down on public education is most common in the United States. Public education in the US is state-funded either ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1560

School Desegregation in Boston

The increased attention on rising segregation in the education sector caused the call for school desegregation in Boston. The segregation had racially categorized students, making the skewed provision of education opportunities highly evident. “Brown v. Board of Education” was among the main causes of school desegregation in Boston (Suitts, 2020). Brown v. Board of Education ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 665

Technology and Education

Technology has a considerable influence on almost all aspects of life, and education is no exception. Learning appears unchanged in some ways, as it has been for decades. A scene of a lecture in ancient times is recognizable since it bears similarities to modern lessons. For instance, the lecturer stood at a podium while learners ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 668

Promoting Culturally Responsive Teaching

The author’s main idea is that understanding the deep roots of culture and recognizing different cultural archetypes as well as the sociopolitical context is key to creating culturally responsive teachers. The author’s main argument is persuasive because it identifies the factors that cause inequitable educational outcomes then suggests tapping into the culture as the solution ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 629

Developing Fluent Skills

According to Brownell (2013), fluency is the capacity to decipher a script with accuracy, automaticity, and correct intonation and stress. It is the suitable use of expressions and terminologies to convey meaning. Fluency in reading enables students to understand what they are reading be it reading loudly or silently. The purpose of this paper is ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 635

Literature Review: Rural Education

Hersey and Blanchard’s situational leadership model is one of the most prominent leadership styles globally. Based on Thompson and Glaso (2018), situational leadership is famous in school teacher-training settings and management training programs. This situational leadership style was originally regarded as the life cycle approach. As cited in Graeff (1997), Hersey and Blanchard changed the ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1428

Is It Important To Be a Lifelong Learner?

The corporate world is rapidly changing, with technology closing the geographical divide. Skills that were previously relevant for a certain job may not be enough today, so employees must continuously advance their knowledge. The benefits of lifelong learning are much more than just professional growth. It helps learners to have a global perspective and understand ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 617

Liberal Arts Education

Liberal arts education offers extensive intellectual space to humanity issues. It helps students explore ideas, issues, and methods across humanities, arts, and social sciences. The student might learn to read critically and write well through broad thinking. Liberal arts prepare students to make a living as well. It gives students the freedom to think, communicate, ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 554

Integration of Academics in Health Studies

When I began college, I studied biology and became a doctor. However, I soon realized that I was not passionate about the topic and would be miserable if I pursued a career in that field. I decided to switch to an interdisciplinary major in health and society, which allowed me to explore various topics within ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1004

Historical Background and Development of Kashmir’s Educational Structure

The history of Kashmir’s education system is vibrant. Many texts talk about the fact that travelers from across India, China, and Tibet would travel to Kashmir to learn and engross the literature and philosophies [1]. Many Kashmiri Pandits and Kashmiri Muslims taught these philosophies. Before the outreach of European culture, there were many pathsalas and ... Read More
Pages: 27       Words: 7314

High School vs. College

High school and college are inevitable educational stops. Both invite one to participate in debates and assessments that help them grow and enhance practical, professional, and personal skills. They also build character, which is critical in the future job search. Some people prefer one over the other for personal or social reasons. Classes, responsibilities, and ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 583

Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

The No Child Left Behind Act ensures that all children in the U.S get a free education. However, several individuals claimed the children in some regions were not being treated equally or were not receiving equal chances due to the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB). President Barack Obama signed the NCLB Act on December ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1879
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