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Education Sector Essays

Will Using and Improving the Cultural Aspect in the Education Sector in Europe Improve the Performance of the Students?

Introduction The idea of culture has gained prominence and relevance in science teaching throughout the last 20 years. The scientific education discourse has portrayed and explored culture in various contexts, including the culture of technology, the culture of higher education science, the customs of scientific classrooms, and the cultures of particular players in the science ... Read More
Pages: 21       Words: 5589

Alcohol, Drug Addiction Threats, and Rehabilitation

Alcohol and substance abuse and its consequences is a problem not only experienced in the United States but also in the entire world. The concept is no longer new to individuals since there have been laws made to regulate the usage and non-governmental societies formed to curb use and addiction. Drug abuse and its consequences ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1351
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Effects of COVID-19 on the Education Sector

The COVID-19 pandemic, which emerged in 2019, has profoundly affected the education system globally. According to a study by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the pandemic disrupted the everyday learning activities of over 1.6 billion students globally (2020). The unprecedented occurrence directly or indirectly affected teachers, students, and all other stakeholders ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1305

A Local Community Approach to Addressing Gender Equality in the Education Sector

Introduction: Gender inequality is a serious structural problem affecting many facets of society, including nursing. It refers to the uneven chances and treatment that people experience depending on their gender, which results in prejudice and disadvantages for certain gender groupings. Gender discrimination in nursing takes many forms and affects both male and female nurses. The ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2632
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