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Economics Essays

Essentials of Statistics for Business and Economics

Statistics plays a key role in the decision making process in all successful businesses. Accuracy in decision making is the word for any entrepreneur that wishes to succeed or is already successful. He/she must know their market and its need for the company’s product and deduce from that the right course of action to take. ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1242

The Current Taxation System in the USA Is Unfair

Introduction The concept of the fair distribution of the tax burden has always been a core issue among policymakers and the public alike. However, in the past few decades, Americans have grown increasingly dissatisfied with the taxation system. Indeed, a majority of Americans currently view the existing tax system as unfair for a good reason. ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1061
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Corporate Sustainability: JPMorgan Chase

Introduction Global warming has been a big issue facing the contemporary world and measures such as a circular economy have been suggested to reduce the impact of waste on the environment. To incentivize companies to adopt this new system, big companies have taken it upon themselves to implement these measures. One such company is the ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3357

The Ronald Coase Theorem

The Coase theorem comes from the idea that firms exist to reduce costs due to transactions because of exchange and production. This thereby creates efficiency, which individuals cannot capture. In his article about the Federal Communications Commission, he states that without transaction expenses, initial property rights arrangements result I outcomes that are effective economically. This ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 567

Research Proposal: The Effectiveness of Monetary Policy Tools Under Fixed Exchange System During Economic Shocks (Case Study of GCC Countries)

Introduction, Background, and Rationale This paper aims to analyze monetary policy tools’ effectiveness under a fixed exchange system during economic shocks. Focusing on the GCC countries, the report illustrates how monetary policy strategies are ineffective under the fixed exchange system since a pegged exchange rate implies a country has no domestic monetary autonomy. In many ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1183

Women’s Economic Participation

In preindustrial Britain, women took on a wide range of jobs that were critical to the economy. The majority of women’s jobs before industrialization were in the home, and they were able to shift jobs more frequently than men. Katrina Honeyman claims that women’s work was much more flexible to meet their families’ requirements[1]. In ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1951

Why Is the Recent Inflation in the United States So High?

Currently, Inflation is the most significant economic problem in the United States. Individuals living in the United States are experiencing high prices at the gas pump, grocery stores, and malls. It is clear that Inflation has settled in, and most economists are projecting that this might continue into early next year. The rapid increase in ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1159

The Relationship Between Inflation and Unemployment

For the longest time, unemployment and inflation have had an inverse relationship. It is well demonstrated in the Phillips curve. When the rate of unemployment decreases, inflation is high, and when the rate of unemployment increases, it reduces the inflation rate. This explanation makes sense because when there is a low unemployment rates, consumers have ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 3003

The FED Economic Take

Even though the FED has resolved to the uplifting of the economic situation in the current times, there are significant illustrations that show that it’s more into the present than the future. The measures adopted by the FED seem to affect the entire socially stratified groups in-country and the continents at large. The most recent ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 609

Technological Advancements and Doughnut Economy

Introduction Industrial Revolution played an essential role in the changing of the business world. Technological advancements keep creating a demand for the growth of many businesses worldwide, helping them adapt and shift to fit in the changing competitive market (Manish, 2015). The current business world revolves around a knowledge-based economy rather than a trade-based. Technology does ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1795

Supply and Demand Essay

In economics, the terms “Supply” and “Demand” are of fundamental importance to the discipline because they are the factors that drive all other related activities of the economy. Argumentatively, although the field is broad and these two are like the pillars that hold together everything else in place, the exchange of goods and services from ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1038

Article Summary: The Real Value of China’s Stock Market

Brief Summary of the Article The summary below is based on the value of the stock market in China as derived from the journal of financial economics 2021. The main question addressed in the abstract is the role of China’s capital allocation play in the stock markets. In most economic giants and investments, stock market ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2507

Research Paper on Effectiveness of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act 2009

Introduction When the Great Recession struck, Congress passed the Recovery Act (commonly known as the Stimulus), a public law designed to help businesses and individuals recover from the economic downturn. As a result of the recession, a substantial number of employment were at risk in the United States. Supplemental funding for employment preservation and creation, ... Read More
Pages: 18       Words: 4825

Unemployment in the COVID-19 Pandemic

The continuous COVID-19 pandemic has caused an unparalleled economic catastrophe not just in the United States but around the world. The significant progress made in household income and poverty reduction over the previous few decades is at risk of being undone due to the higher unemployment rates induced by the COVID 19 pandemic. Many nations’ ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 775

International Entrepreneurship and Economic Development

Abstract This is a literature review consisting of an analysis of previous studies on International Entrepreneurship and Economic Development. International entrepreneurship was initially used to refer to the method in which technical advancements and cultural knowledge enabled new companies to enter previously unexplored overseas markets. It entails creative and inventive operations that span international boundaries ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2201
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