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Discussion on Professionalism


The method in which an individual conducts themselves while at work in order to positively represent both themselves and their employer is referred to as professionalism. It comprises standards for conduct that could be regulated in an employee manual, such as adhering to a specific dress requirement, as well as characteristics that are difficult to nail down but are useful to being competent in the profession. One example of a standard for behavior is the adherence to a given clothing code. This research paper is going to talk about the two different kinds of professionalism, which are civilian professionalism and military professionalism. It will illustrate the advantages and characteristics of professionalism in both the civilian and military sectors.


The definition of professionalism extends much beyond the completion of a criteria checklist. Instead, it entails living up to the standards set by the organization and acting as a shining example of what the organization has to offer (Brooks, 2019). A person has professionalism when they have the innate capacity to perform what is required of them and produce great work since they are motivated to do so. The manner in which a worker engages in conversation with other individuals, such as their colleagues, consumers, and superiors, is an important aspect of professionalism. To be competent is to communicate with your coworkers in a way that is respectful, to conduct oneself with honesty, and to be polite. This demonstrates not only that you care about your job and you appreciate your colleagues, which may go a long way toward advancing your career in the future. This is crucial in the workplace since it indicates that you value your colleagues in addition to caring about your career. There are two distinct varieties of professionalism, namely civilian and military professionalism. Both are important in their own ways.

Civilian Professionalism

There is a theory in the fields of political and military science known as civilian professionalism of the National Guard. According to this theory, the final authority for a nation’s rational decision lies not with professional military officers but rather with the civilian political ruling government. The presence of civilian oversight is often cited as an essential component of a functioning liberal democracy. Despite the fact that the subjugation of the armed to political influence is not something that is exclusive to the cultures in which the word is used, academic assessments often take place within the framework of a democracy in which elected people are in charge.

Despite assertions of respect for the ideals of civilian control, the actual amount of control sought or attained by the civilian leadership might vary significantly in reality. This might range from a declaration of broad policy objectives that military commanders are intended to convert into planning processes to the direct selection of particular objectives for attack on the part of ruling politicians. In many circumstances, political elites with little knowledge in military affairs have little option but to depend on the opinion of experienced military leaders schooled in the theory and practice of battle to inform the bounds of policy. In these instances, the military leadership may join the bureaucratic battlefield to argue either for or against the specific course of action, altering the legislation processes and distorting any clear and simple lines of civilian authority.

Military Professionalism

The way in which military professionals engage with one another, their superiors, and the society is what is meant by the term military professionalism (Indeed Editorial Team, 2022). These professionals are able to carry out their responsibilities with discretion, respect, and integrity with the assistance of professionalism. Every branch of the armed forces has its own set of core principles, which are intended to provide clarity to service personnel about the standards of professionalism upheld by that unit. Every member of the armed forces, whether they are on active duty, in the reserves, or in the guard, receives training that molds their personalities and helps them develop certain talents. The development of professionalism within the military aids service personnel in better comprehending the requirements placed upon them by the military. Understanding more about this notion will allow you to improve your awareness of the expectations that come with serving in the military, which in turn can help you determine whether a profession in the armed services is the appropriate choice for today.

Principles of Military and Civilian Professionalism


This guiding philosophy is one that numerous military educators, commanders, active-duty personnel, and veterans inculcate in those who they teach and oversee. A solid working ethics and a devotion to one’s military duty may be developed through the application of discipline. This concept may also assist people in maintaining their objectivity in a range of circumstances, which in turn can assist them in responding rationally to a number of scenarios. A person’s capacity for focus, interpersonal skills, organization, timekeeping, athleticism, interaction, and managing stress may all be improved with the aid of this characteristic.


To communicate with other people and carry out their duties, personnel of the armed forces must be proficient in a wide range of abilities. Throughout basic training and although the military person is learning more about their profession in the military, the military offers a wide variety of courses, which allows the service member to grow a wide range of vital skill sets. Honesty, real concern, technological application abilities, adaptability, and the capacity to work well under pressure are some of the more prevalent talents that people pick up throughout training courses.


Devotion assists personnel of the armed forces in overcoming challenges they face while serving their country, such as lengthy work hours or protracted separations from friends and family. Due to their commitment to assisting one other and the goal at hand, personnel of the armed forces are also better able to build meaningful networks with their colleagues and superiors as a result of this concept. The use of this concept may assist members of the armed forces in the development of other abilities, including communications, the resolution of conflicts, collaboration, responsibility, a willingness to work hard, and an optimistic attitude.


Aspiring military members who show respect for military professionalism, the fundamental beliefs of their respective branches, and the overall objective of the military are more likely to achieve success in both the army and the civilian sector. Maintaining a professional manner and being focused on one’s objective may be made easier for members of an organisation who have made a commitment to honoring their obligations. This approach is helpful in the development of other soft skills that are necessary for professionals, such as honesty, bravery, the ability to handle stress, and interpersonal relationships.


A great number of fundamental values urge personnel of the armed forces to exceed expectations in their interactions with members of the community, in the performance of their professional responsibilities, and in the assistance they provide to others. Individuals who are committed to quality have a better chance of building a positive public image for themselves rather than the services they provide. This fundamental principle helps people develop valuable exchangeable abilities, such as dedication to quality, a commitment to excellence, organizational skills, critical reasoning, organisation, and effective listening.

Importance of Military and Civilian Professionalism

There are many different motivations behind why senior commanders, civilian and military instructors develop a sense of professionalism in prospective and current members of the armed forces. Some of the reasons why it’s necessary for members of the military to uphold these principles. They assist military members in achieving their goals and responsibilities (Indeed Editorial Team, 2021). These beliefs help individuals become more resilient and increase their capacity to triumph over difficult circumstances. When people are in a predicament in which they are unsure of how to behave, military and civilian professionalism may serve as a useful guidance. It helps to present people and their respective fields of service in a favorable light. The following is a list of some of the advantages that come with professionalism in both the military and civilian sectors.

Career Success

The military and civilian professionals are in agreement that one of the most important aspects in your degree of work success is your level of professionalism. This quality has an impact on how you perform in every facet of your profession. The lack of competence may damage you your job, an advancement, and even place you front of the line for termination in the event of a company layoff. The work life may be significantly impacted by another individual’s levels of competence. Without such, a worker will never again be regarded seriously, and there’s a chance they won’t even be regarded for an advancement when the time comes to evaluate candidates for such positions. Since it is an external show of your attitude towards your work and your organisation, professionalism is one of the reasons why it is considered to be so vital. It is an indication of faithfulness, reliability, and responsibility on your part. Ones potential to get work may be affected if potential employers see a lack of competence on their part, which in turn shows that you do not respect them as a prospective employer.


When the organization’s culture places a high value on professionalism, the great majority of the workforce will behave themselves in a manner that is congruent with the expectations of that culture. When there is a professional culture, one not only earns respect for those already in powerful positions, but also for other workers and consumers. As a consequence of this, there are fewer instances of inappropriate personal conversations, as well as fewer conversations that may be seen as being disrespectful. An employee shows a high level of respect for a customer or a business connection when, notwithstanding disrespectful comments given by the other parties, the worker maintains a professionalism all through the engagement. This reflects a great degree of consideration on the employee’s part for the customers or the business partnership.


A company that has maintained its success over the years by maintaining a domineering personality and a proven record will keep enjoying commercial success in the years to come. When it comes to choosing one supplier over another one for a specific requirement, it is likely that the one who has gotten the biggest number of positive comments will be selected. This is because positive comments are more likely to be given to businesses that have a track record of providing quality service. One of the most important contributors to a positive relationship with the brand is the interaction that takes place between the workers of the firm and the most key stakeholders in the business.


In an environment that is competent and focused on business, military will be less likely to resort to confrontations as a method for resolving conflicts and problems. The resolution of differences of opinion in a way befitting the situation should be the consequence of cultivating a culture of respect via professionalism. Employees who operate in professional settings have a stronger inclination to perceive limitations more precisely and to settle any tiny challenges in a way that is both effective and respectful. This is because professional settings encourage employees to behave professionally. Employees are better able to avoid upsetting consumers by maintaining a positive approach, which is beneficial not just while interacting with customers who already have contrasting viewpoints but also with customers who hail from various cultures or come from a variety of different sorts of backgrounds.


If there is an opportunity for an advancement at the military camp and one is eligible for it, they might face strong competition from other persons who are mostly qualified for the position. If there is an opportunity for additional work tasks at the military camp and other workers are not given more tasks, they may expect to encounter competition. They will place themselves in a stronger place if they have demonstrated to your supervisors that they are capable of carrying out their obligations in a professional manner. A greater degree of professionalism is required if one is going to take on more duties and prevail over more challenges.


One of the best ways to judge someone’s level of professionalism is by seeing the extent to which they are approachable to others at their place of employment. If you want to appear more professional and approachable to your colleagues, it is in your best interest to keep your personal issues out of the workplace. When attempting to find solutions to problems, keeping a professional appearance is one method to reduce the amount of unnecessary conflict and tension that may arise.


This article has discussed the meaning of professionalism and has elaborated the two types of professionalism. The paper has discussed the civilian and military types of professionalism. Additionally, it has explained the principle and importance of military and civilian professionalism. According to the article, military and civilian personnel may show professionalism by taking charge of their own career advancements. They should find out whether they can obtain educational opportunities or will pay the expense of attending a trade show that is relevant to their career. It is really critical to be able to interact well with fellow coworkers. Being able to communicate effectively, listen attentively, and critically think are all crucial components of professional conduct. viewpoints clearly.


Brooks, A. (2019). Why Is Professionalism Important? Rasmussen University.

Indeed Editorial Team (2021). Why Professionalism Is Important in Every Aspect of Work. Indeed.

Indeed Editorial Team (2022). What Is Military Professionalism? Indeed.


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