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Strategic Risk Management

Within the life sciences industry’s rapidly changing and dynamic landscape, organizations face intricate challenges navigating an ever-evolving terrain provoked by innovation and global complexities as these entities seek product development excellence and market leadership. This discussion focuses on the concerns over supply chain and IP security risks with a specific interest in identifying, evaluating, and mitigating these threats through a holistic approach to offer business continuity during geopolitical instabilities and health crises.

Risk identification

the organization is exposed to a risk of disruption of potential supply chains. Its complex and global supply chain, necessary for sourcing the raw materials critical in manufacturing the products in life science, makes it susceptible to outside aspects. Geopolitical instability is the leading cause that adds to this risk. This instability leads to trade barriers, creating impediments to the regular flow of materials(Fraser & Quail, 2021). Apart from this, political unrest in significant supplier parts causes a threat and disrupts the credence of the supply chain. Moreover, the organization risks supply chain disruption because all pandemics relate to manufacturing facilities that suffer interruptions for exceeding times in delivering fundamental components. A full assessment and strategic planning should be combined to prevent these cases that magnify the total risk of the supply chain by combining the various trade restrictions, political instability, and health crises.

SCR defect

The organization’s Intellectual Property (IP) security concern is one of the main risks. This is because the organization’s major success depends on vital product innovation in life science, and the potential peril that can be generated by safeguarding our intellectual property needs to be improved. The risk of unauthorized use or replicating the idea by competitors is the underlying threat that could considerably dilute our market position and competitive advantage. The primary root cause of this risk is the lack of IP security measures. Moreover, weaknesses in data encryption pose vulnerabilities to proprietary information. Besides, there is a potential risk emanating from employees not needing to be made aware of the importance of IP protection. The further weak point of concern is the need for robust legal safeguards, which could expose our intellectual assets. While dealing with them in a comprehensive manner, any of the said aspects would be mandatory to enforce our position against the imminent threat of compromise of intellectual property.

Risk evaluation

The disruptions in the global supply chains impose a formidable risk whose chances and impact are significantly high. Geopolitical instability is one of the most crucial factors that determines the capability of an organization to acquire necessary materials consistently. Political tensions drastically affect the current flow of necessary materials by building trade barriers and restrictions. Political unrest for supplies in some critical regions further exacerbates the problem that may interfere with the supply chain’s edibility and reliabilities, as observed in historical events(Rehman & Anwar, 2019). the above risks put great significance on health crises’ role in making manufacturing facilities vulnerable while amplifying the probability of pandemics affecting the organization’s supply chain. The most recent COVID-19 pandemic increases the vulnerability of manufacturing facilities to health crises, amplifying the probability by over 30%. This underscores the need for a holistic approach to obviate the myriad risks permeating an organizational supply chain, justified by the geopolitical environment’s intrinsic unpredictability, historical precedents, and recent global events.

The organization faces a moderate probability of intellectual property (IP), represented by various employee awareness and substantial availability of legal protection. Lack of security measures, including absent data encryption and simple exposure, exposes risk to the low level of threats characterized by low severity levels. High impact partly emanates from the organization enormously counting on innovation for success despite the medium likelihood. In addition, the weakness supporting the threat to its market position and competitive advantage is data encryption, which may cause potential peril from unauthorized replication(Fraser & Quail, 2021). All these underline the critical necessity of enhanced IP security analysis to safeguard potential compromise of innovative life science products, thus preserving noticeable for the organization’s competitive edge.

Risk mitigation

Due to these complex challenges posed by geopolitical instabilities, the supply chain’s resilience shall be further entrenched through diversification of sourcing. Identifying substitute suppliers in the different regions aims to reduce dependence on one complex single channel(Jankensgård, 2019). These strategic shifts mitigate the potential adverse impact of trade barriers, political unrest, and health crises to guarantee regular supply availability of elemental raw materials. Embracing a multifaceted approach, the initiative becomes a proactive shield to help mitigate risks and foster adaptability regarding global uncertainties.

In response to the critical reliance on product innovation, extensively invigorating IP security measures is very important. The essence of this strategy comprehends the fortification of robust encryption protocols in this sanctuary within which our invaluable data resides. In connection, proactive strategies involve organizing training schemes meant for employees simultaneously to create a consciousness of the pivotal nature of IP protection(Abeyrathna & Lakshan, 2021). On top of this, proactive investments in legal protection constitute the protective ramparts of our intellectual property and safeguard them against impending dangers. Such a multi-dimensional strategy involving encryption, education, and legal armament would go on to minimize the foreseen risk of unauthorized use or duplication to a great extent and help us maintain our competitive advantage as market leaders.

In conclusion, the complex global supply chain and intellectual property security dictate proactive and comprehensive management. The organization stands in the gap of minimizing the impact of external factors through sourcing diversification and reinforcing supply chains. Simultaneously, protecting IP security by encryption, employee awareness, and legal perspiration will ensure innovative products are well protected to secure the organization’s competitive advantage due to the changing landscape in life science.


Abeyrathna, G., & Lakshan, A. M. I. (2021). Do Enterprise Risk Management Practices Impact on Strategic Performance?-Evidence from an emerging economy. In 6th International Conference on Contemporary Management (ICCM-2021), Faculty of Management Studies & Commerce.

Fraser, J. R., & Quail, R. (2021). Enterprise risk management: Today’s leading research and best practices for tomorrow’s executives (B. & Simkins, Ed.). John Wiley & Sons

Jankensgård, H. (2019). A theory of enterprise risk management. Corporate Governance19(3), 565–579.

Rehman, A. U., & Anwar, M. (2019). The mediating role of enterprise risk management practices between business strategy and SME performance. Small Enterprise Research26(2), 207–227.


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