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Digital Spaces Essays

Navigating Mental Health Stigma in Digital Spaces

Introduction With the start of the digital age, many new ways exist to meet and communicate. But even in these huge virtual worlds, problems like mental health and shame still exist. As more and more people share their personal stories online, it becomes clear how stigmatized mental health talks are. This piece looks at how ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1430

Social Media’s Impact on Marginalized Communities

Abstract One of the research objectives is to investigate the intricate reciprocity between the involvement of marginalized communities in social media and their prosperity and degree of empowerment. Among the various socioeconomic groups that are represented and are based on race and ethnicity, gender identity, including LGBTQ+ individuals, physical disabilities, and socioeconomically disadvantaged groups. This ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2634
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