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Digital Evidence Essays

Cyber Forensics Research of Digital Evidence in a Child Pornography Trial

ABSTRACT A shortage of fact validation and the inability or unwillingness to provide detailed research findings all adversely influence the results of online concrete proof judicial cases. Concerns have severe ramifications for convicts facing harsh sentences or imprisonment who expect their defense counsel to be well-versed in the facts. The information being improperly investigated, validated, and ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3447

Physical and Testimonial Evidence

Introduction. Quite a number of departments have not done sufficiently enough on matters digital security. This is due limited budgeting, rapid increase of digital devices and to some extent lack of proper training. Executing digital evidence involves licenses, equipments and personnel costs which is relatively expensive. Financing these efforts can difficult for smaller departments. It ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 646
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