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Digital Era Essays

Algorithms in Influencer Culture Dynamics

Influencer culture has gained importance in the quickly changing digital age, greatly influenced by the algorithms that power social media sites. These algorithms play a crucial role in the rise and survival of digital celebrities since they are not only passive conduits but also active agents that decide who becomes visible and influential online. Examining ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2462

Dynamics of Nurse Informaticists and Technology Specialists in the Digital Era

As a crucial point connecting health care with IT technologies, nursing informatics changes how professionals act together for the best patient results. In this search, we seek to elucidate the interplay between nurse informaticists and other health experts in their institutions. We will use concrete examples of nurse informaticists fit right in with multidisciplinary units, ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 593
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Navigating the Complex Landscape of Mobile Forensics in the Digital Era

Introduction In this digital era, mobile devices rapidly proliferated, which has led to an increase in their involvement in criminal activities. The sharp increase of mobile phones being involved in cyber-attacks and criminal activities has made the concept of mobile forensics an essential aspect of digital investigations. In the past, only computer forensics existed because ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1523

Contribution of Technology in Higher Education.

In the corporate world, technology has become an integral part of human lives; hence, education is no exception. Integrating modern technology into education has greatly revolutionized the learning process. It has significantly improved the entire learning process and learning experience and improved the accessibility of learners to learning material, thus psychologically preparing students for the ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1567

Transformative Evolution of Google Company in the Digital Era

Introduction Google Company has significantly transformed the digital world since its establishment in 1998. The company was established by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, initially functioning as a search engine to organize global information and facilitate its widespread accessibility and usefulness (Slater, 2023). Nevertheless, it has rapidly transformed into a diverse and complex conglomerate, influencing several ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3179

OP-ED: Workplace Issues That May Be Salient for Future Generations of Working Women

Working women’s journey has witnessed significant gains, but we cannot disregard the hurdles that impede genuine gender equality in the workplace. In this editorial, we look at critical workplace challenges that will significantly impact future generations of women. The core notion of this article highlights that empowering future working women requires a complete approach that ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1413
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