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Diagnostic Test Essays

Diagnostic Test and Rationale

For T.R., who presents with intermittent and bilateral clear nipple discharge that increases with breast manipulation, the appropriate diagnostic test would be a thorough clinical examination and a ductogram or galactogram. To view the ductal system, this imaging research entails injecting contrast dye into the duct, causing the discharge, and getting X-rays or other imaging ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1337

Assessment Tools and Diagnostic Tests in Adults and Children

Advanced practice nurses might use various diagnostic tests and assessment tools when identifying a particular patient’s health condition. Medical practitioners must be aware of multiple factors that impact the reliability and validity of the clinical results produced by the tools and tests. As a result, they must choose the best and most suitable tool or ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1357
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Adult Assessment Tools or Diagnostic Tests

Diagnostic tests are essential for identifying whether a patient has a particular disease or not. An effective diagnostic test should help to improve patient care and reduce healthcare expenditure due to the early detection of the disease and the start of treatment. Globally, healthcare expenditures are rising at a very high rate, and unnecessary diagnostic ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1511
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