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Developments Essays

Decolonization, Development and Social Economy

Over the years, the concept of social economy has gained enormous attention from various scholars. People have continually viewed the social economy from various angles. Social economy has perennially become the centre of discussion for scholars, with theorists developing numerous arguments regarding this vital phenomenon. However, notwithstanding theoretical approaches to this phenomenon, how people perceive ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2466

Social Media and Development

Social media did not exist once upon a time; even when it did, it was not as advanced as it is now. However, the current study indicates that social media has increased significantly (Odgers et al., 2020). Therefore, before the development of social media, how people interacted with one another and passed information from one ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1674
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Characteristics of the Reforms and Developments of China’s State-Owned Enterprises

Introduction Over the past forty years, the reform of state-owned enterprises (SOE) has been a critical component of China’s economic reform agenda. During the centralized planning regime, SOEs were the foundation of China’s economy; their restructuring is the most visible of the transformations in China’s enterprise network that have occurred in concert with other institutional ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2921
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