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Dermatitis Essays

Atopic Eczema (Dermatitis in UK Falls Under Same Umbrella)

Introduction Atopic eczema is a lasting inflammatory skin disease associated with dryness and itching, recurrent exacerbations, and other non-cutaneous symptoms (Čepelak, Dodig & Pavić 2019). It’s a pediatric form of atopic dermatitis that can occur in people of any age. Many other atopic conditions, like asthma and also allergic rhinitis, usually develop around the same ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2749

Atopic Eczema (Dermatitis in UK Falls Under Same Umbrella)

Introduction Atopic eczema is a lasting inflammatory skin disease associated with dryness and itching, recurrent exacerbations, and other non-cutaneous symptoms (Čepelak, Dodig & Pavić 2019). It’s a pediatric form of atopic dermatitis that can occur in people of any age. Many other atopic conditions, like asthma and also allergic rhinitis, usually develop around the same ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3468
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